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A few months went by and Zak was packing when I called him.  He walked down and I told him to sit on the floor across from me.  He did and Iris started to walk to her father.  Zak's mouth was on the floor when she got close Zak picked her up.  "What a nice gift to have before I leave" as he smothered her with kisses.  Iris laughed as she put her tiny hands on Zak's glasses which made me laugh. 

I picked up Zak's phone and took a picture of them and made it Zak's new background which made him smile.  When the guys got to the house they were investigating Zak could feel a lot of negative energy just by standing there.  "You all right Zak?"Aaron asked.  "Yeah let's go in".  As they walked in Zak kept having visions of me holding Iris with a scared look on me.  ZAK HELP!!! I yelled.  "Zak you all right?".  "Yeah can I have the spirit box" Zak asked.
Aaron gave it to him and Zak turned it on.  Before Zak could ask a question it said IRIS.  "Is that your name?".  DIE it replied.  Zak's heart started to pound inside him.  "What do you want?".  YOUR DAUGHTER it replied.  Zak shut it off as he put his hand on his heart as that same imagine ran through his head.  Zak went outside as Aaron found Zak leaning against the car on the ground.  "You all right?". 

"I-I-can't stop seeing Leann holding Iris close with a scared look on her than her calling me to help over and over again now that entity wants my child to die I-I-I" Zak replied as Aaron saw Zak's heart rate.  "Zak your heart rate is a hundred fifty you need to calm down before you have a heart attack" Aaron remarked. Zak tried to calm down but the thought kept playing in his mind and his heart rate went up to a hundred fifty-two so Aaron called me. 

I was getting Iris ready for bed when I saw Aaron was calling.  "Aaron is something wrong with Zak" I asked.  "There's an entity that told Zak that it wants Iris dead than Zak started to have visions of you holding Iris with a scared look on your face and yelling Zak for help".  "Let me talk to him," I stated.  He gave Zak the phone.  "Zak listen to me I'm all right and so is Iris you need to calm yourself and don't let that entity play games with you.  You're stronger than that". "It just scared me" Zak said.  "Zak do you want me and Iris to come down there just so you know we're safe"I inquired. 

"Please" he replied as tears fell down his face.  "I'll get on the first flight out just keep calm".  He gave the phone back to Aaron as Jay and Billy came out.  They knew looking at Zak he wasn't ready for the investigation and didn't blame him one bit.

ONE NIGHT STAND WITH ZAK BAGANSWhere stories live. Discover now