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At the house the guys had shown up to see how Zak was.  When they came in the babies were crying.  "Jay Billy check the twins I'll see where Zak and Leann are".  Aaron goes into the bed room to find Zak in bed asleep.  "ZAKARY!!"he yelled making Zak fall out of bed.  "Why did you do that?" he asked.  "Your babies are crying and where's Leann?" as Zak got up. 

"In the hospital she developed an infection and the grandmothers are helping out by taking Iris for a few hours while I try to deal with two colicky babies.  I haven't gotten a full night sleep in three days"Zak remarked.  "Why didn't you call us we would of helped you" Aaron remarked.  "I was embarrassed to but I think in hindsight I should of" rubbing his eyes.  "Why don't you go take a shower and change your clothes you got spit up all over yourself".  Aaron left the room as the guys were finishing changing the kids.

"It's all right"Billy replied picking up Vincent.  "There we go" as Jay picked up Annabelle.  "Guys Zak needs our help.  Leann is still in the hospital and these kids have colic" Aaron stated.  "Poor Zak he's probably wishing for a possession than this" Billy remarked.  "Why don't you two take them out for a walk" Aaron suggested.  "Good idea maybe a walk may do them some good".  When Zak came out of the shower he didn't hear the kids so he went downstairs and saw Aaron coming back in. "You may need another washing machine with all the baby clothes I just put in" Aaron stated. 

"What did you do with my kids?"Zak asked.  "Relax Jay and Billy took them for a walk".  "Aaron thanks for helping out I was about to lose my mind" Zak replied.  "No problem I don't think I wanted to call child welfare on you".  "I want to tell you that when everything is settled with the twins we're going to get married in a real ceremony" Zak stated.  "Is Billy still your best man?".  "Of course but I want you and Jay in the wedding too"Zak replied. "Good now why don't you go catch up on some sleep while it's quiet".  "Thanks again for the help Aaron" Zak remarked.  "What are friends for and I'm planning the bachelor party"Aaron called out.

ONE NIGHT STAND WITH ZAK BAGANSWhere stories live. Discover now