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When we got back to Las Vegas Zak took me to his house and when we came in Gracie was waiting for us.  "Hey girl" Zak remarked patting her.  "Zak where are we going to put Iris?"I asked.  Zak took Iris and brought us upstairs.  He opened the room and I almost started to cry. 

Zak had a baby's room all ready for little Iris.  The walls were blue with little lambs jumping over fences some of them had pink hooves which made me chuckle. There was a rocking chair near the window and on the table were two pictures of a baby.  Zak went to look at them.  "Oh my god this is me as a baby"Zak remarked.  "This is me as a baby too where did this come from?"I asked surprised. 

"We thought it would be cute to have baby pictures of Iris's parents in her room".  We turned around and standing at the door were our mothers and Ariel.  "Mom what are you doing here?"I asked.  "Well, I think your grandmother had one more surprise I was in the cafeteria with Ariel after we visit you and this woman asked if she could share the table, so I agreed"my mother stated. 

"She told me that her daughter just had her first child and she just saw her and I told her my son just became a father for the first time and I just saw her we just started talking.  Before we knew it we realized we were talking about you guys".  "When I told Nancy I had left your father she invited me and Ariel to stay with her untill I could get on my feet"my mother remarked. 

"This is too weird"Zak stated.  "Something stinky" Ariel said.  Zak sniffed Iris.  "Wow I think we found the culprit why don't you go downstairs while I change this little girl".  "I'll stay just incase she's needs to be fed",I stated as our mothers went downstairs.  "All right how weird is that?".  "Like your mother said it was probably your grandmother's final wish to us.  Wow I think I may need one of my masks for this diaper" as I chuckled.  After he finished we decided to put her down for a nap.  

When we came down they left a note saying they went to take Gracie and Ariel to the park.  We sat down on the couch and I snuggled up to Zak.  "I honestly thought I was leaving with out you today" Zak stated.  "I wasn't sure until I saw an episode of yours and understood what happened to you.  It was like you were a puppet and this attachment was control you".  "Leann I want you and Iris to stay here with me.  It might be easier for Iris and you"Zak asked.  "Seriously". 

"Yes there's a room next to Iris's room that you can sleep in and we'll both have baby monitors  in our rooms" Zak remarked.  "I think that would be good" as I started to yawn.  Zak picked me up, brought me up to the room and laid me on the bed.  As I slept he gave me a kiss and closed the door softly.

ONE NIGHT STAND WITH ZAK BAGANSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora