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At the hospital while the kids and I were being looked at Zak went outside to catch his breath.  He couldn't believe what had gone on at his museum so bad but having me go into a fast labor with twins really was the surprise of the night.  As he came in a nurse came running over.  "Mr. Bagans there's been a complication with your wife they're rushing her up to surgery".  "What happened?" he asked.  "She started to bleed heavily and blood pressure started to fall so they took her up to surgery" she remarked. 

Zak could feel his heart slamming against his chest as the nurse took him to waiting room.  As he waited Zak kept saying: DON'T TAKE HER TAKE ME INSTEAD as tears fell down his face.  Zak felt a hand on his shoulder and saw his father.  "Dad," he whispered as he sat next to Zak.  "Please dad don't take her take me instead".  "I'm not taking either of you.  Your children need their parents.  I'm so surprise you're a married man and a father" he stated.  

"If you told me years ago I'd be a father and married I'd say you're insane"Zak replied wiping his face.  "I met Iris Leann's grandmother she's a pistol with your grandmother" as Zak laughed.  "Are you surprise we named one of the kids after you" Zak asked.  "I'm honored that Leann and you did that".  "She told me when she went into labor early she saw her grandmother, my grandmother, and you with your hands over the babies saying something" he said. 

"We couldn't let those children come that early but I think the spirits at your museum might of made them come this time"his father stated.  "I wish you could of met her dad even thou we both did something stupid that ended up with something positive coming out of it" Zak replied.  "I need to go but Zak you and Leann belong together" Zak's father's disappear.  "Zak" a voice said.  Zak looked up and saw Aaron.  "Aaron how did you know?". "After everything was done Jay's girlfriend who's a nurse here called him.  She told him what was going on so I volunteer to come while Jay and Billy are telling the grandmothers.  How is she?".  The doctor walked in as Zak and Aaron stood.  "How is she?" Zak asked fearing the worse.  

"She's all right but the babies she had tonight we'll be her last".  "Thanks doc when can I see her?".  "In a little bit" and the doctor left as Zak gave Aaron a hug.  When I woke up I saw my mother.  "Mom where's Zak?"I asked.  "He's with his mother.  Leann there's something you should know and Zak thought it might be better to hear it from me"she replied.  "What mom?".  "Because there was so much uncontrolled bleeding the doctor had choice but to perform a hysterotomy".  "I-I-I can't have anymore children" as tears fell down my face.  My mother hugged me as I cried.  At the nursery as everyone was enjoying the surprises Zak walked off but his mother followed him.  "Zak where are you going?" she asked. 

"I feel like Leann is going to blame me for this but I couldn't let her die"Zak remarked falling to the floor.  "Zak you made the right decision to let her mother tell her and she'll understand there was one choice save her life or become a single father and knowing you Zak you would give up Ghost Adventures to be a father to your children than having someone else raise them" his mother stated looking into her son's eyes.  "I just feel so much guilt maybe if I didn't bring Leann to the museum than the babies wouldn't of come" Zak stated.  

"Zakary don't do that to yourself it's nobody's fault those babies came early just like their father I honestly thought you were going to born in the hospital's parking lot but once I got into that hospital they rolled me right to the ER and five second later you came out screaming" as Zak chuckled.  "Now why don't you get up before Aaron takes Annabelle and Billy takes Vincent". 

When they got back I was in a wheelchair holding the twins as Aaron took some pictures. "Why don't we get a picture of the parents with the kids?" Nancy suggested.  Zak went over and took Vincent.  He stood next to me as Aaron took it than Iris wanted to be in the picture so Zak sat on the floor with Vincent while Iris sat next to her brother.  After the pictures were taking Zak looked at the picture when he saw something in some of the pictures. 

"I know that look Zak you noticed something paranormal" Billy remarked.  "There's an orb behind Leann in this picture, and look I can make out a figure of someone while I'm holding Vincent" Zak suggested.  As Zak showed the picture to his mother Iris saw it.  "Grandpa" she said pointing to the shadow.  Zak's jaw dropped.  "Iris is that grandpa behind daddy?"I asked.  "Yup he says I have dad's eyes" she stated as Zak and I looked at each other in shock.

ONE NIGHT STAND WITH ZAK BAGANSWhere stories live. Discover now