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A couple of days passed and Zak had to go back which he didn't want to and I could tell.  "You don't want to leave me".  He nodded.  "These past couple days have been good that we sat on the bed and just talked but I just don't know if you're ready to be alone" as a tear fell down his face.  I wiped it away. "Zak I have our mothers and Iris so I won't be alone and if need be we can talk on the phone or on the computer all right".  Zak smiled as he kissed me.  The door bell rang.  "That must be my ride".  He went to the door and standing there was his mother with Iris.  "My sweet little flower" Zak stated picking her up. 

 "Dada" giving him a kiss.  "You ready to go Zak?".  "Yeah here you go" giving me Iris.  Zak grabbed his bag and went to the car.  As he turned back he saw us waving good-bye.  As she drove Zak his mother saw Zak playing with his wedding ring. "Something on your mind?".  "I just didn't want to leave after what happen"Zak remarked.  "Than why did you tell Aaron you'd be right back".  "It wasn't me the show couldn't postpone anymore investigation because of me" he stated.   "I'm sorry Zak". 

"It's not your fault but do me a favor mom keep an eye on Leann and Iris for me" Zak asked.  "I've been doing that since Iris came into this world Zak".  At the hotel the guys were talking as Zak came in.  They all gave Zak a hug.  "You all right?" Aaron asked.  "Honestly it still stings but when Leann is up to it we're going to try again" Zak stated wiping a tear from his face.  "Come on I'll show you the next lockdown".  Back in Las Vegas I was swimming with Iris as Gracie came in and pushed Iris around in her swimmy which made me laugh.

I even made a video and sent it to Zak to make him happy.  A knock came to the door so I got Iris out and wrapped her up in a towel. I opened the door to see a young guy standing there.  "You must be Leann and this must be Iris Zak can't stop talking about her".  "You must be Dakota Zak said you were going to stop by please come in".  He came in as Iris held out her hand.  

"Hug" she stated.  Dakota took her as she smiled at him.  "She's beautiful Leann those pictures Zak has of her don't do her justice".  "I may have to get Zak more memory on his phone if that keeps up here's the information you wanted" I remarked.  "Well I have to go Iris but I have to give you back to mommy" Dakota stated.  "It's nice to meet you Dakota".  "Can I say something Leann?".  "What's that?" I asked.  "Zak has a hard time opening his heart to women and when he does they would rip it out but you have that power to let Zak open his heart to you and being a father was something that we never thought we'd see with Zak so please don't break Zak's heart I don't think he can take it" he replied. 

"Believe me Dakota I've seen parts of Zak that would make a woman run.  When I married Zak I gave him my heart and I wouldn't crush his" Leann stated.  Dakota smiled and left.  At the hotel Zak was getting ready when his phone beeped.  He picked it up and saw it was a video.  He watched it as he smiled at us.  "Wave to daddy Iris," which she did.  "Be good and don't bring home any attachments please".  Zak laughed as he turned off his phone.  A knock came to the door and Billy came in.  "You ready?".  "Let me get something" he remarked and put on the rosaries I gave him.  

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