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At the office Zak was trying to keep his eyes open when Aaron came in.  "You look exhausted Zak".  "Iris is in her terrible two phase and the doctor wants Leann to take it easy so I'm trying to help but I can only do so much"  Zak remarked rubbing his eyes.  "Were you really going to name one of the kids Grace considering that's Iris's middle name?" Aaron asked. 

"After thinking about it we decided if the sonogram was read wrong and a girl does come we're going to name her Annabelle Nancy".  "So you may name your daughter after a possessed doll?" Aaron stated.  "No after the grandmothers Annabelle is Leann's mother's middle name and her middle name would of been my mother's first you dummy" Zak replied.  Billy comes running over out of breath.  "Why so out of breath you just run The Boston Marathon?" Aaron asked.

"Zak your mother called Leann's been rushed to the hospital preterm labor" Billy replied.  Zak grabbed his keys and ran out like a bullet.  When Zak came in his mother was outside.  "Is she all right did they stop it". "They're trying Zak" his mother said.  "Did her water break?" Zak asked as his hands were trembling. "No she just started to feel tightness in her stomach so she went to her doctor and he told her she was in preterm labor.  They rushed her by ambulance here now it's a waiting game" she replied. 

They went in and sat down.  As time passed Zak paced as everyone came to support him.  Zak went out as the guys followed.  "You allright?".  "I'm terrifited that those kids are going to born way too early" as tears fell down his face.  "Zak don't think that until you need to" Aaron stated.  "Those kids are being watched by their great grandmothers and their grandfather" Jay stated.  "And Leann will do anything she can to keep those kid in her than have them born" Billy added. 

"Thanks guys" and they went inside as the doctor came in.  Zak held his mother's hand as everyone circled them.  "How is she?" Zak asked.  "We gave her medication to stop the contraction and the contractions stopped".  Zak had to sit down before his legs gave out.  "Are the babies all right?" Nancy asked.  "Yes both of them are all right but until those kids are born I want Leann on strict bed rest".  "May I see my wife?" Zak asked.  "Follow me Zak" and Zak went with the doctor.

In the room I was just looking outside when Zak walked in.  Zak sat on the side of the bed and hugged me as tears fell down both of our face.  "Oh thank god"Zak remarked.  "I was so scared Zak I honestly thought these babies were going to be born today but-".  "But what" Zak inquired as he wiped the tears from my cheek. 

"I saw my grandmother, with your grandmother and a man.  They put their hands over my stomach than the pain stopped they all smiled at me and disappeared as the nurse came in to check me"I remarked. Zak took out his phone and showed me a picture.  "Is this the man you saw?".  I looked at it and nodded my head. Zak got up and looked outside as tears fell down his face.  He turned to me.  "That was my father he died six weeks before we met" replied.  "Zak you're holding back something I can tell"I said.  

"The day we made Iris my ex didn't care how I was feeling she wanted me to go back to work.  I figured out she was gold digger so I broke up with her.  The real reason I got drunk that night was that I missed my father so much that drinking numbed the pain I was feeling"Zak remarked wiping the tears from his face. "Zak what was your father's name?"I asked.  "Vincent". 

"Instead of Jack how about to honor your father we name the first baby Vincent,".  Zak smiled when I put my hand on my belly.  "I think one of them like it come here"I stated.  He walked over as I put his hand on my belly.  "Say your father's name again".  "Vincent" and one of the babies kicked which made us chuckle.  "The doctor says you're going to be on bed rest untill it's time for Vincent and Alex to come"Zak stated. 

"Zak they did another ultrasound and they noticed something".  "Wait a minute you mean we got three coming" Zak said going pale.  "No they read it wrong it's a girl we have Vincent and Annabelle coming" as Zak sat down.  "I almost lost it there.  I have an idea we'll keep this between us not even Aaron will know about this" Zak suggested.  "And the name change too" I added as we smiled.

ONE NIGHT STAND WITH ZAK BAGANSWhere stories live. Discover now