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At the hotel I couldn't help but think about what Zak said when a knock came to the door.  I got up and Aaron was there.  "Aaron I thought you were with Zak?".  "We got kicked out but he wanted to make sure you guys were all right"he replied.  "Shh Iris is out can we talk in the hall".  "Sure you thinking about Zak and his near death experience". 

"I know that you guys are paranormal investigators but it just strange that it took Iris to bring Zak back to the living"I stated.  "Before you and Zak made Iris we all thought Zak would never have kids he'd be a bachelor for life but maybe the love of  being a father to Iris was enough to tell his own father that he needs to stay on earth"Aaron thought. 

"Iris even said dada to Zak I guess she's daddy's little girl"I replied.  Then I felt a coldness coming from my room as Iris started to cry.  We went in and saw Iris crying in her crib as Aaron and I could feel the cold around her.  It's all right Iris mommy's here".  As I picked her up Aaron turned and saw Iris's back.  "Oh my god Leann take the clothes off of Iris". 

I did as Aaron took something out of his pocket.  When he put Iris on her stomach I nearly fainted when I saw three scratches on her back.  He put it on his hand than rubbed it on her back which calmed her down a little.  I was speechless as Aaron picked up Iris.  "There we go sweetie you'll be safe and sound".  When I saw Aaron's eyes he looked angry.  "Here take Iris just keep her calm and she starts crying again and those scratches get red put some of this holy water on her back" he remarked. 

I nodded as Aaron left.  He went over to Billy's room and pound on the door.  "What's going on?".  "That entity just scratched Iris" Aaron stated.  "Oh my god is she all right?".  "I put some holy water on it that I got when she was baptized I think we need to douse that house with holy water" Aaron said.  "Go get Jay" and they left.  At the hospital Zak was sleeping when I walked n with Iris. 

"Leann what are you doing here?"Zak asked softly.  "Iris got scratched and I got scared so Aaron and the guys went to cleanse the house I thought I'd keep her close to one of her protectors" I replied.  "Let me see".  "I took a picture of it"I stated and showed Zak.  Zak was speechless.  "Aaron gave me some holy water to put on the scratches if they start to get red again".  Then Iris woke up and started to fuss a little.  "Come here sweetie" as I took her out of the carriage. 

I looked at her back and the marks were disappearing which made Zak and I sigh.  "Let me see her". I gave her to Zak and she settled down enough that she fell asleep in Zak's arm.  Then Zak saw I was started to doze off myself.  "Go sleep in that chair over there and I'll put Iris in the carriage" Zak suggested.  He got up softly and put Iris in the carriage then saw I fell asleep.  He pulled the carriage next to him and got into bed.  I swear Iris no body alive or dead will hurt you ever again.  Zak closed his eyes and fell asleep. 

When Zak was released from the hospital the producer told Zak to take some time off which Zak understood.  At the airport Zak was waiting for the plane while I was changing Iris.  He looked up and saw the crew coming over. He gave them all hugs.  "Thanks for being there for me and Iris" Zak remarked.  "Come on man we're Iris's protectors we're going to protect her and you" Aaron replied.  "I see you guys are coming home with us" I said with Iris in the carriage.

"Well Ghost Adventures isn't the same without Zak so when Zak comes back we're coming back" Billy stated.  The look on Zak's face I knew something was up.  "Guys I may not come back" Zak said.  "What do you mean?".  "I'm leaving Ghost Adventures"he replied.  "Did you get brain damage when you left your body".  "Look I nearly died and my baby daughter was scratched I don't think I can do it anymore" he said as tears fell down his face.  "Zak before you make any decision think about it.  If you leave we should just mark your final episode the series finale" Billy stated.  Zak said nothing and walked off.

ONE NIGHT STAND WITH ZAK BAGANSOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz