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A few weeks went by and Zak had put together an investigation but since Zak didn't want me alone and our mothers were watching Iris Zak brought me to the museum but I sat in The monitoring room where I'd be safe.  As Zak brought me down two people were setting up some stuff. "Bill, I'd like to meet my wife Leann" Zak remarked as we shook hands. "So when are the babies coming?".  "Not for another three weeks"I replied as I sat down.  "She's going to stay in here with you guys all right". 

"We'll keep a good eye on her" Matt replied.  "We'll call you if the kids want to come early" Bill added.  "Which I'm hoping doesn't happen".  Zak gave me a kiss and left.  Upstairs people started to come in one by one but when Lady Snake arrived both of the kids jumped. "Settle down in there".  "Don't worry Leann she gives me the chills too" Bill remarked as I smiled. 

"Zak told me about Bloody Mary I think she likes flirting with Zak"I stated.  "She's going to be really upset when she sees that wedding ring on Zak".  I chuckled.  Outside Zak was with a lady named Patti.  "Before we go in I'm getting the feeling of babies like there's two children here at your museum but they're not entities" which sent chills up Zak's spine. 

"Patti you just gave me the chills they are babies in here but they haven't come yet they're still inside my wife" Zak remarked.  "I smell a flower Iris I think " as Zak put his hand on his heart chuckling.  "Patti you're freaking me out because that's my daughter's name" Zak replied.  As I watched this I snickered.  "I have to meet this woman" I muttered.  "Zak I'd like to meet her" Patti replied as my eyes almost popped out.  "Aaron can you bring Leann out for me" Zak asked through a talkie. 

In the room I was watching Father Sabastian when Aaron came in.  "Zak would like you to come outside".  I got up and Aaron brought me outside.  "Here you go Zak".  I gave Zak a kiss as he hugged me.  "Patti this is Leann".  "It's nice to meet you Zak has said nothing but nice words about you"I stated.  "Zak do you mind if I do something with your wife".  "No" so we sat at a table as Zak taped. 

"Now let me see both of you met by accident I taste liquor and whip cream," as we blushed. "But the love you have has been the building block for this marriage.  The name Iris is special to you because she was named after someone that helped keep Iris with her parents when someone wanted to give her to someone else" she remarked . 

"She was named after my grandmother funny thing is my water broke right after her funeral and Iris let everyone know she was born that day" I replied. "Your twin there's a secret you two are holding on to which I won't say but becareful those two babies will come early so be on your guard" Patti stated.  "We will Patti" I replied.  "Zak there's no shame on having a child named after you" as Zak's jaw hit the floor while I blushed. 

"Patti sometime you know how to catch me off guard" Zak said.  After Zak got everyone ready I went back to monitoring room.  As the night went by my back started to hurt in the chair so I sat on the floor against the wall.  When Zak came down he saw me on the floor.  "You all right?".  "I was uncomfortable but being on the floor-wow".  "What?".  "I don't know it feels like the kids are fighting in there"I stated as Zak smiled.  

"Zak Sabastian just collapse" came from the walkie talkie.  As Zak took care of Sabastian that sensation started to get worse.  Zak went to see how Patti was.  "Zak those babies are coming and you may need me".  "What do you mean?" Zak asked nervously.  "Zak!!!"Bill called out through the walkie.  "What Bill?". "It's your wife she's in labor and I think one of them is coming!".

"Are you sure?"Zak inquired.  "My water broke" I called out.  "I'm a midwife Zak take me to her".  Patti and Zak went to the room as Bill was helping me.  "I think Pa-oh god"I remarked. "Call an ambulance!" Zak said.  "THE BABY'S COMING!" I yelled.  Bill and Matt left the room as Aaron, Billy, and Dakota came down.  "What's going on?" Billy asked.  "The twins well one of them are coming" Bill replied.  Inside Zak held my hand while Patti help as I pushed. 

Then crying filled the room.  "It's a boy" as she wiped the baby off.  "Oh my god he has my father's eyes"Zak remarked as tears fell down his face.  "Welcome to the world Vincent-Oh god I think Annabelle is coming" I replied.  The door open as the paramedics came in.  "Leann stop the cord is around the baby's neck" Patti stated.  Zak got nervous as the paramedics cut the cord but the baby wasn't cry.  Come on Annabelle Zak muttered.  Then the baby started to cry.  "You have another daughter Zak" Patti replied.  Zak gave me a kiss as the paramedics took over.  "Thanks Patti you are life savor" Zak said. 

I tugged on Zak's pants and whispered in his ear and he agreed.  "Patti will you be the twin's godmother since you brought them into this world?" Zak asked.  "I'd be honored Zak".  Zak brought Patti out as Billy took her out.  "So Jack and Alex are here".  "I think it's Vincent and Annabelle Aaron" Dakota replied.  "Wait minute how did you know?" Zak inquired.  "I was talking to Leann and she told me but told me to keep it quiet" he replied with a smile. We came out as the guys looked at the babies.  "They're adorable".  "I'm going with Leann Aaron finish up here and make sure Jay gets a cleansing" Zak remarked.  "You've got it" and we left.

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