16.The Flashback🔞

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Shaina: Mew let him go and don't try to stop this or else I won't talk to you...

Mew: I love him mom and I can't let him go...Mr. Kanawut don't you dare to touch my husband ...I guess you forgot that for revenge if I can make you bankrupt, so imagine Mr. Akil Kanawut what I can do to take my husband back...Mew is so angry that his eyes become red ....

Shaina: Mew stop this nonsense, you guys are living this lie for a long time, now I am so done with you both...stop playing with gulf's life and let him go...

Akil: Mew suppasit I can accept any loss in business but when it comes to my son I can fight with the whole world ...and you are nobody in front of this world...

Gulf: dad please don't do this ...mom don't say anything to Mew he is not telling a lie I love him...

Akil: Gives a tight slap to gulf, stop lying and I am not listening to anything, you are coming with me and that's final...

Mew: Mew grabs Akil's collar, how dare to slap him ...he is my husband and I won't allow you to destroy my life again ... won't let you take one more important person from my life...

Shaina: Mew stop it, why you have become like this let him go, son, please....

Mew is angry but also he is so scared to lose gulf, he felt like losing the battle against Akil's ...he remembers his old-time when Mew was a kid and he lost his father to the same person and now again the same person is taking his love....Mew's mixed feeling of different emotion is making him react in a very different way...he started shouting his lungs out he holds gulf's hand and moves him to his back to protect him from Akil ...now Mew is between Akil and Gulf and both are shouting ....

Shaina: comes forward and slap Mew, enough Mew now I order you let him go or else I will leave you...choose your revenge or your mom...Mew tried to say something but he saw his mom is searching for something to hold...she is not feeling well...

Gulf: Mew, mom ....mom are you okay...

Mew: Mom, what happened...mama I am sorry

Akil holds gulf's hand and motioned him to leave...

Mew looked to gulf and gulf said not now new, please take care of mom....and it's not time to fight...gulf is concerned for mom but he knew that Akil will not let him take care of her and now it's not the time for any dramas...

Mew took mom to the hospital ..after some time doctor came to Mew ...Mew I already told you ...your mom has suffered a lot any loud voice and tension or any environment where people are fighting is not idle for her health...she can't take all this Mew...doctor informed him that now she is fine but need some rest and don't do anything to make her upset...

Gulf called Mew to ask about his mom's health....

Gulf: Mew baby, how is mom now.. what the doctor said?

Mew: He told everything that doctor said and started crying Why gulf...why your dad always takes my happiness always take away the person I love ...why no one is believing us ....Mew cried hard ...I can't see mom like this and my heartache being so far from you....

Gulf: Cried, I am sorry, baby I promise that to compensate for what my dad has done to you ...I will always be yours...you can do anything to me...

Mew: No baby I love you I can't even think of doing any harm to you...punishing you for what your dad has done is nothing but punishing myself ...I love you baby ....please come back to me I can't live without you....I have no one with me...

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