31. Tom, Jerry and Kao

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Mew and Gulf are waiting for Techno in the evening...

Gulf: You sure you don't have any issue with my friend....

Mew: Gulf I heard about techno from your dad and he said he is a nice boy...I don't have any problems with your friends... if they don't try to turn you into a party holic brat who just thinks about himself...

Gulf: You are mean... Hey, he is here...

Techno came and hug gulf ...hello brother....this is for you ...gave a champagne bottle to gulf..

Gulf: hello No.... I am happy that you came and thank you for the Champagne....come to have a seat...

No: where is your beautiful hot Wife....remember you used to say I will marry the most beautiful and hot girl...they both laughed...

Mew: Hello Techno...I am Mew Suppasit....

No: Oh Hello sir, I know you .. today only I joined your company...nice to meet you..but what are you doing here?

Mew: I am that Hot and beautiful wife which you just mentioned...

No: Sorry, I didn't get you Mr. Suppasit...

Mew: Let me introduce myself better...hi I am Mew suppasit and hot beautiful wife of Mr. Gulf Mew Suppasit....

No: What? Looked at gulf how? Why? I mean sorry is it true...but you were not ga...
I am sorry...

Mew: It's okay to take the time to process it...

Gulf: A long story I will tell you later... Let me introduce you to our child Kao... Hey, baby come to daddy...

No: You have a baby also.... I thought I am away for some time but I guess it's more than sometimes...hello Kao..come to your uncle aww he us cute...

They all talked for a long time and had dinner together....Mew liked techno as he is not like his other friends...he is sweet cute considerate and very innocent...

After that day Techno has become a regular member of the house.... now gulf is changing with time ...he is concentrating more on his work, home and in touch with only one friend techno... whenever he needs time from work he hangs out with techno instead of going to pub..but....the fight of Tom and Jerry still continue...

In these small fights, love is growing ...
... Slowly ...the days are changing into months and now Kao has turned 9 months....Gulf doesn't let kao sleep in a crib or any other place...

Mew and gulf both crave each other's touch but Mew has a condition... he asked gulf to say "I love you" then only I will touch you but gulf is not ready to say it... as he still blames Mew for everything..and not ready to forget why he married to Mew this time...

One day Mew came home and asked his helper for gulf...as gulf didn't come to the office today without telling Mew...

Helper: Sir, he is in his room....

Mew: okay Thank you...he us going to Kao room to check but interrupted by a helper...

Helper: Sir, Gulf sir is upset and he didn't eat anything since morning... his friends came today and they fought with them ..after that he has locked himself in the room...and asked not to disturb and take care of Kao...

Mew: What? Why didn't you inform me earlier..he rushed to his room...he took a duplicate key with him to open the door..baby ..baby...gulf...where are you...Mew is scared coz he is not able to find gulf...but he heard a sobbing voice ..he tried to concentrate and opened the closet door....

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