I don't want to be alone

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Request by @sakina_2029

False is kinda a dick, pushes everyone away, develops monophobia, dies, respawns, and cries.

Tw: slight graphic description, loneliness, and I think thats it?

Song is Dreamy Nights by LilyPichu bc ive been watching too much OTV+friends

False was an asshole.

She knew it, she really did, she promised, but she just didn't know how to change.

She loved her friends, she loved people, but she never knew quite how to talk to them.

She was always to coarse, blunt, never one for ruffles or frills, she ended up stitching a dress that was dull, boring, cheap, ugly.

And she tried to convince herself to like it. Being alone.

Spend hours on her base, alone.

Grind for diamonds and netherite, alone.

Build farms and trading halls, alone.

Alone. Always alone.

Eat alone, sleep alone, repeat.


Enough loneliness to drown in.

She could see herself, gloved fingers reaching out of the inky darkness, begging someone- anyone- to come and wrap their fingers around hers, pull her close and tell her:

'You're okay'.

Someone to tell her:

'Its alright'.

Someone to throw their arms around her, and remind her:

'You are not alone'.

And then she died.

Yeah, she'd admit that wasn't one of her shining moments.

Nasty elytra mishap, broke over Etho's base and hurled her towards the ground, she tried to aim for a honey block, but slammed into some wood instead.


Etho practically had to scrape her guts off the roof to nurse her back to health. Even then, she wouldn't remember anything. Her head had been one of the more affected areas- it was quite a sight, brains mixed with blood and b- I'll stop. But know it wasn't pretty.

False came to eventually, a headache ripping through her skull like a terminal velocity freight train, her tongue scratchy sandpaper in the Sahara desert of her mouth, her eyes feeling like balls of lead sinking into the supple flesh of her newly formed skull.

Ugh. She'd have remember to check her durability before going for a fly.

She floated in and out of consciousness for a few hours, before eventually falling dormant, waking hours later to moonlight pouring through the window.

As she tried to shake her headache, Etho walked through the door, two bottles of pinkish liquid in his hands.

She opened her mouth to speak, but Etho shushed her. "I had to completely build up your throat, it'll be pretty sore, drink these," the masked man fell to his knees besides False's bed, uncorking one of the bottles for her.

The blonde guzzled the liquid greedily, recognizing it as a sort of diluted syrup, perhaps watered down regeneration? In any case, she felt phenomenally better after drinking it, and managed half of a second bottle before her stomach started to protest.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Etho spoke, "you.. um.. crashed into my roof," he chuckled awkwardly, "uh.. you hit your head pretty hard, you probably won't be able to remember things to well.. if.. you want to know anything just.."

What Etho didn't know, however, was that False could remember things, though not, perhaps, the best things.

She remembered harsh words delivering unintended meaning, carefully packaged feelings tucked under spiked walls of steel, pricking anyone who dared get to close.

She remembered hurting people, she remembered loneliness, she remembered how cold she had been, she remembered loneliness,

She remembered loneliness,





can't be alone.

Before False could think it through, she threw her arms around Etho's body, her slim frame bending like wire to morph around his.

The motion caught the older hermit off guard, and he awkwardly moved to hug back as False's chest started to pulse with sobs against him.

"Oh, god, Etho, what have I done?" She croaked, her voice predictably coarse and rough, though raw with emotion- her heart had been firmly planted on her sleeve with just a few words, on display for Etho.

In a moment of weakness, or perhaps realization, False let her walls come down entirely, let herself sob dryly into the comfort of a friend.

"I.. i.. i.." She hiccuped in between words, and could feel her throat cracking like a cheap paint job as she spoke, "i.. don't.. wan.. want to.. be.. alone.."

Etho didn't really know how to respond to that- he was never someone people came to for emotional comfort-

But he needed to say something, so with ever ounce of sincerity he had in him, he replied softly,

"You won't be."

Short and not everything requested, but i got a lot on my plate atm and needed to get something done.

Not much to say here.

-yours, my mental health is rapidly declining

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