The Lies of Lee Jordan

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I stormed out of the great hall heading straight for the third-floor bathroom, no one ever went in there. The minute I got into one of the stalls I burst into tears, I felt sick to my stomach.

"What did I do?" I said shakily

"At least you aren't dead," a voice said above me

I looked up and gasped "MYRTLE?" I yelled "why are you-" She started bawling immediately as I said her name

"y-y-you hate me, everyone hates poor. stupid. MYRTLE" she ran into the u-bend, splashing water all over me

I ran out of the stall, slamming it

"FUCK THIS SHIT" I yelled. Kicking the sink, my foot immediately getting heart hurt. In retrospect, probably shouldn't kick a stone sink.

"UGHH" I yelled and held my foot. "Y/N?" A voice said behind me. I turned around to see Jordan, I put my foot down, pun not intended, and glared at him

"Leave," I muttered

"Let me explain-"

"Jordan, I said leave. I don't want to hear your worthless explanation."

"No," he said and came closer to me

"Lee, I won't say it again". I backed away from him

"Not until you forgive me" He began

"She said to leave, Jordan," a cold voice said from the bathroom entrance

Lee turned around and laughed "Malfoy? This has nothing to do with you, it's between me and her. Also you two hate each other"

"I don't hate anyone, but if you don't leave that might change" he walked closer and grabbed him "and you don't want to see what I'd do to you"

He released him and Lee walked away. "I'm sorry Y/N. It just...nevermind " he mumbled and walked away

I looked at Malfoy before turning back around to the mirror, I could see him standing behind me.

"I can defend my self Malfoy," I said, still looking at him from the mirror

"But you didn't, he got to you so easily just like" he grabbed my hand and it stopped shaking "Umbridge."

I didn't pull my hand away "why are you being so nice to me" I stared at him "is this some type of trick-"

"1) not a trick 2) just common decency and 3) the only person who is allowed to hurt you is me." he interrupted putting his finger on my mouth "speak"

I laughed "You don't control when i" he raised his eyebrow and before I even realized I had shut my mouth "that proves nothing, I'm upset. Anyways, I defend myself perfectly well."

He remained quiet for a second then spoke "I know you. You 'defend'" he held up air quotes " by shutting every emotion, other than anger, out." he said

" do that t-" he quieted me with his eyes again "that's how I know you do it"

"Stop controlling when I speak. " I looked down to see his hand holding mine

I pulled my hand away, a little reluctantly "First Lee is an ass and now I'll have to go to Madam Pomfrey's, you might've given me an infection" I faked annoyance

" shut up" he laughed lightly. His was like music to my ear- no. His laugh was annoying and I hated it. I felt nothing towards him, I was just upset.

I'd never feel anything other than hatred towards him.


When I got back to my dorm I sat down for one second before bursting in

"I tried to stop him but..ugh just come downstairs," Cho said

I walked and saw Jordan at the bottom of the stares "Oh hell no" I went to walk away and he ran to me.

"Please, let me explain.."

I rolled my eyes "fine but um...Cho stays" I said quickly

He looked at Cho who ran away quickly. I'm friends with an actual child." I rubbed my eyes "well? explain yourself." I said, I did come off bitchy but I don't care, he hurt my heart, not broke, hurt.

"Okay listen...I stopped liking you a little bit ago. You just aren't as interesting as I thought you were, even as much as you talk you somehow bore me. "

"Oh sorry I wasn't good enough for perfect little Lee," I said sarcastically "if you have problems with someone you talk about it not just go and date some other girl...oh and for that reason" I slapped him, I shook my hand in slight pain "Now, get the fuck out of the common room"

Jordan began to speak but I cut him off "I said go, Lee. You shouldn't have even come in the first place" I turned around and headed up to my dorm, slamming the door and punching a pillow for a little before laying down.

"that was healthy," Luna said from her bed

"AH! Where did you come from" I yelled

"I kind of just appear"

Draco's POV

I watched her leave before turning around"What is happening. I never defend her. What is wrong with me?" I said looking into the bathroom mirror. I stared at myself for a second, trying to figure out who I was becoming before I heard voices by the bathroom.

"You can't go see her, she's mad. You heard what she did to Malfoy" My whole body tensed up at the mention of my name "You messed up Lee, what you did was low. " I recognized the voices as the Weasley Twins.

"I have to, let me at least try to fix this" I walked out and kept my head down as I passed them, as I did I felt the overwhelming need to say something to them.

But I didn't.


I walked by the Ravenclaw common rooms, doing my prefect rounds. As I walked by I heard a loud slap come from behind the portrait and I knew it had come from her. I've had one of those slaps, had a hand mark on my cheek for 2 hours. Lee walked out a couple of seconds later, obviously pissed

"20 points from Gryffindor for being in another dorm. Go to your common room"

"Oh fuck off Malfoy"

Before I could stop myself I pushed him against the wall "Do you think it's cool to be an ass to her? Do you think it was okay to treat her like that" I suddenly said without thinking

"I don't know okay! I didn't want to be around her anymore" he said

I felt fury rising but I didn't know why. "Just leave her alone okay, or I'll make you. Got it?"

He nodded and turned around straight into the twins." Honestly, you got what you deserved" they said walking away with him.

"How peculiar," an airy voice said behind me. I turned around to see Luna

"What's peculiar?" I said confused

" For the last five years I thought you two thoroughly disliked each other but it seems as though you love each other" she smiled

"I don't even like her nor do I love her! I hate her! She's um...ugly and...annoying?" I said

"Okay then. whatever you say is true" she said sweetly

"How do you do it?" I questioned her

"Do what?" she said nicely

"You're so nice no matter what people say to you"

"Well," she smiled " Not having wackspurts helps and..if you're happy with yourself, you don't have to be mean." she smiled and walked back in.

I stood there for a while then walked back to my private room. Was she right? No. Nothing is wrong with me. besides the fact that I couldn't stop thinking about Y/N.

Word Count: 1262

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