The Party That Changed Everything

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5.3k reads!!! Thank you all so much!!  This story is more tailored towards the books so if the timeline feels off that's why! The song above is what inspired this chapter!

After everything that happened with Pansy and Cho, to say I was nervous for the party was an understatement, but I still firmly believe that people should like me and associate me with who I am and not with the boy I used to know.

Cho came in a little bit after I had got the letter from Malfoy. I didn't look nor talk to her, to be honest her last apology sucked. To sum it up she said was "Well...was I wrong? I mean didn't you just make friends with another guy? Um well, I guess I'm sorry for being rude" She said to which I just grabbed the book I had on my bed and left with Luna.

"Y/N, can we talk," She said, but I ignored her and grabbed the quibbler, unfortunately, Luna had just appeared back in the dorm after her hangout with Neville. "Y/N, don't avoid this. You know it won't work." Luna piped in

I groaned and set The Quibbler down "You're lucky I love you, Luna..." Luna smiled patiently before I finally said something to Cho "So, what did you want to say?"

"I'm sorry, I know it was hard to let him go and I was wrong to assume you were into Neville, and  Spencer seems really nice, I know you don't like him like that, the look isn't there," She said and I nodded

The look was something Luna had said before. When I was with...him... she said I would get this look on my face. I never saw it, but my friends did.

"It's fine Cho, just...I hate people saying that...I've only dated two people and-"

"Y/N" Luna said and I stopped myself, smiling awkwardly at Cho before I grabbed The Quibbler. I yawned and rubbed my eyes.

Before I knew it, everyone was under their covers and falling asleep. I was still slightly upset at Cho but I didn't want to hold the grudge for too long.

At least she apologized, I can't say that for everyone.


I woke up the next morning before Luna and finally got my revenge on the evil early bird I call my best friend. I threw a pillow at her. Unfortunately, I forgot that unlike me, she actually can fight back in the mornings. I dodged a pillow which led to another one hitting me in the head.

"That hurt!" I groaned and handed her pillows back, Romilda and Cho were going home for Christmas so they were up way earlier than us and already on the train.

Since it was Christmas, we didn't have any classes so Luna and I ran downstairs to grab presents. I handed Luna hers, a new pair of weird glasses, to which she laughed. She had gotten me a book on wackspurts as "They were always around me"  or so she said.

I got a few presents from Mom, but none from Dad as usual. I stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas again, since the rest of the family went to the Manor for some reason. I hadn't gotten anyone else presents besides Luna and Neville as they were the only ones who weren't either complete arseholes or I hadn't just met.

Surprisingly, Narcissa had gotten a Christmas gift for me, which turned out to just be sweets. Not using our brains, Luna and I filled up on them instead of eating breakfast. I laid back on the floor and groaned "Not a good idea to eat sweets this early in the morning"

Luna just smiled and got up, quickly pulling me up. I held my stomach in pain but Luna dragged me to the Room of Requirement. When we got there the door didn't appear, I looked at luna and she returned the stare.

"Is someone else in there? I have your dresses in there!" She exclaimed and slid down the wall, I sat down next to her, I laid my head on her shoulder.

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