When She's With Him.

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Hi! I hope you are all well! I cannot believe we are at 9k reads! My love goes out to all of you. Thank you all.

Neville and Luna never knew the depth of Draco and I's friendship. We had to do a lot just to hide the fact that we cared about each other.

We weren't allowed to hang out in public, in fear that someone could report back to our parents, and it was hard enough to deal with the judgment of our peers without risking the yelling from our parents.

So we resorted to secret places, such as the black lake and the astronomy tower. Where no one could see us and we could just be ourselves.

Draco never had a good relationship with his father, I think people knew this but not the depths. Draco took out the anger his dad gave to him out on others, it wasn't healthy, but it helped him.

Draco's personal favorite spot was the tree he had heckled Harry at in 4th year. Unfortunately, this was a popular area so we often snuck out at night, it risked my school reputation, but he was someone I'd risk it for and he'd do the same for me.


"Draco, if I die, it's on you," I yelled, almost falling over

"Y/N, it's just a tree, I stayed up here for an hour waiting for Potter to show up" He laughed at me as I finally got balanced on the tree

"Well, unlike you don't balance to poke fun at some random kid" I looked down at him, smiling realizing this was the only time I'd be taller than him. He didn't respond, he just stared at me with a dorky half-smile on his face

"Earth to Draco?" I said, he looked back up at me seemingly snapped out of whatever trance he was in. I wish I could know what he was thinking.

"Sorry...got distracted..." He said quietly "but if I remember correctly you constantly picked on me"

I rolled my eyes "Yeah but you were easy to pick on. You big macho man" I laughed and moving to get off the tree

He held out his hand and helped me down. "That tree gives you too much confidence Y/N" He smiled.

He doesn't smile anymore...

"Sounds like we have something in common," I said as I dusted myself off

"I think we have more in common than we know Y/N"


Luna paced around outside "And then Neville tried to feed the nifflers but they didn't eat it!" Luna laughed, I smiled at her

"Are you two official yet? Ever since Abbott and Neville broke up you two have been really close" I smirked, Luna blushed a deep red "You are!" I said in surprise

"No! Neville has no idea I like him, so don't tell him," She said the last part quickly as if I would ever spill that secret

I smiled at her, she had been talking about her and Neville for the last hour, and the more she talked the more I was interested. She was a great storyteller, I guess remembering everything helps with putting together stories.

She sat on the stone bench next to me, looking around and swinging her feet. She flipped a sickle over to me and spoke as I caught it. "Sickle for your thoughts?" She asked

I looked over at her "Did you know that that the average person cries 2.7 times a month? Women cry three times a month while men cry two times. Contrary to popular belief, crying is good for any gender, in fact, crying comes with many benefits such as" I began but Luna cut me off

"Alright spit it out, what wrong. You're rambling, and you are doing that thing with your fingers again.?" I looked down, she was correct, I was subconsciously fidgeting with my fingers. I looked at her, and then at the tree...Draco's tree.

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