Defending A Malfoy

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Sometimes when we are in our own head, and thinking too much, our brains will shut down.  Sometimes when I was doing school this would happen. I eventually figured out around it and used coping mechanisms but when it came to Draco, all of that was forgotten. In fact, it seemed whenever I was around him, all logic and caring were thrown out the window

"What do you mean, when I got it, it said when I was happy it would turn green," I said confused, it made sense whenever I won an argument with Draco or when I saw Blaise on Christmas it would turn green.

"L/N. I will not disclose any more information to you. Now, I have grade essay's and unless you want to help me fail half these students, I ask for you to leave." his deep voice said. I got up quickly and went to walk out.

"Oh and Miss L/N, remember not to tell anyone about what I have told you. Full confidence or I will take 100 points." I nodded and walked out. When I walked out I saw Draco sitting on a bench by his common room. I looked down at my ring. Green. It was green. I stared while walking past, or at least I tried to walk past, but my conscience stopped me. I sighed and turned to him.

"What's wrong," I said as Draco's head snapped up, when he realized it was me, he looked back down again. "Nothing," he mumbled and twiddled his thumbs

I reluctantly sat next to him, it was as if someone or something had made me sit there. I sat for a while and quickly spat out "I'm not going to leave until you tell me what happened" I said, surprised by my own words.

He looked up at me "I can't go back in there, Blaise is fuming, he found out what I did." he said quickly

"Why am I doing this" I groaned. "God I hate being a good person" I got up and walked into the Slytherin common room

"Blaise?" I said as he got up quickly, I saw his fist unclench when he realized it was me. "Blaise, I know you care about me, I can defend myself. Seriously, I don't need people defending me. He fixed the ring. Just....don't do anything to him okay Blay?"

Blaise thought before eventually nodding. I smiled and hugged him. I walked out and by the bench. "There, go to your expensive private room," I said and went to walk past him, only to be stopped again. "

He scratched the back of his head awkwardly and got up. "Just so you know, I never wanted to win Y/N, it's much more bittersweet than you think". He let go of me and walked into his common room. I stood there, I'm not sure for how long.


I could feel myself falling. When Jordan did what he did, it felt as if I was looking at myself from someone else's point of view, but sometimes it felt as though I was drowning. I could not let myself fall again.

Eventually, the school resumed. It was now in 1996. I still did Draco's homework, mailing it to him now and then. I'm not sure why, but I felt obligated to. Classes resumed and everything was normal, or at least I thought.

Draco continued to be mean to everyone, but when it came to me, he was quiet. He never stood up for me when pug face was mean to me, which was not abnormal, but usually, he would add.

As I finished his last essay for charms, I was in the owlery, about to mail it when Draco came in, he stared at me for a little. I shoved the letter to his chest and walked away. I believed he was sending a letter to his father, knowing he would never get one in return.


Days passed and soon it was valentine's day. I never expected anything for the occasion. However, when a pink letter came down with a package I stared at it for a while before opening it up. Inside the package there was a snake ring, it was metal. I wasn't a huge fan of snakes, but I assumed it was from Blaise. The letter, however, was from my mom. Arthur Weasley was attacked. He almost died over winter break. The order needed her to stay for longer. I was scared. What if my mom was injured? She could've died.

I put the letter back in its envelope and grabbed the ring, it was a little too big for my finger, when I looked in the package there was a small chain. I attached to ring through the necklace and walked over to Neville.

"Nevi? Can you put this on?" I said handing him the necklace. He nodded and put it on, he always was so giving. I hugged him, we talked about vacation and he checked my ring, it was blue.

When I walked to the Ravenclaw table I passed by the Slytherins. "Hey Mango? Where'd you get the necklace?" Blaise asked and patted the seat next to him.

"You didn't give it to me?" I said, now immediately confused. He shook his head "no.. I didn't. Maybe another secret admirer?" he smiled.

"maybe..." I said and got up. Luna and I worked on the mystery but none of the answers made sense. We eventually gave up.


Walking to charms, I was pulled away by Malfoy. He looked more normal, with no eye bags. He pulled me into the broom closet, pushing me against the wall, his breathing got deeper. I could easily escape, but I wanted to know his deal.

"Come back. I don't recognize you anymore. It wasn't supposed to be like this. It wasn't. You were supposed to fight back." He punched the wall behind me "You were supposed to be you. Where are you" he said

I stared at him "You did this to me. You never knew where to draw the line. You never stopped, I had to do something. Take your anger and sadness for the rejection you keep facing and find someone else to bully. Just...not me okay?"

He shook his head "no no no. I will not let go of that easily." he gripped my wrist. Now, this is the point where I stopped caring. I ripped my wrist away from his grip and shoved him away.

"This is what you wanted? You want me to fight back, I will" I shoved him into the opposing wall. "You won't win easily this time."

He smiled an actual genuine smile. He mumbled something but I couldn't decipher what he said. He left the room.


After classes ended, luna came in. I told her everything, I was upset, tears were filling my eyes. My emotions were everywhere. I wasn't sure what to feel. During the chaos of my emotions, I looked down at the ring


Word Count 1185

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