A Enemy of My Enemy is a Friend

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Draco's POV

(This is from the last chapter)

I stared at her from the opposing table. She was sitting with the stupid 'golden trio'. Why did she laugh? Why is she touching his arm? Fuck she's choking, she'll get help. Such a disappointment, being a Ravenclaw. She should be in Slytherin. The best house. She's already there a lot, talking to Blaise, or Blay, stupid nickname

"Drayyy earth to dray" Pansy's annoying voice rang out, stopping my thoughts.

I looked at her, I don't think I would ever like her. She is way too....her. "What," I said angrily

She wasn't affected and grabbed my hand "what did you get" she said, in an annoyingly high-pitched voice.

"Butterbeer, obviously" I rolled my eyes as Crabbe and Goyle laughed. I looked back over to see her looking at the ring, it was green. She was talking to Granger, who was writing down notes. Her face lit up, that always happened when she got an idea. Soon they got up and she...pulled harry aside? What the fuck? The minute they left I stopped them.

"Well well, what do we have here? Looney, Blood traitor, Scarface, Irrelevant and Mud-"I said, and suddenly her wand was against my throat. God, she is so hot...what am I saying. Gross. "Don't you ever. Call then that. Especially that m-word. You filthy ferret" She said

Ferret? Fucking ferret. I grabbed her wand and ran off.


(After the fight)

My heart was racing. Was she right? What am I kidding? She was, I hadn't gotten a letter from my father the whole year. Even when I tell him about what I did, he never responds. I...just want to impress him. All I want to hear is "I'm proud Draco." That's all I want.

What the hell was she doing with Potter though. He doesn't get to be around her. What was making her laugh so much? He doesn't get to do that, he does that with weaslbee, that's his girl.

I sat up and went to my desk and quickly wrote 2 letters, I don't know why but I was upset and decided to.



When I woke up, I just kinda laid there. I don't know why I just stared at my poster wall above my bed. I had decorated it a while ago.

It had a picture of Luna and me, from her 2nd year and my 3rd year. She was laughing and I could see the word 'Nargles'

The next photo was of me sleeping on Neville's shoulder, I could see him falling asleep.

The next photo was one of me and Blaise when we were little, he was wearing my glasses and falling over. Draco was in the corner, you could see his dad talking to him, in the background. Draco looked sad. I never noticed that.


I got dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. I put my hair in a messy bun (Y/N who?). I walked down the hall and shivered. It's freezing but I don't want to wear my Ravenclaw sweater, I think I wear it too much. I went into the great hall and was called over by the GT and Luna.

"Y/N! Come here!" Ron called, I smiled and walked over, sitting my Luna.

We talked for a while, about kind of everything. To be honest, I had a little anger against Harry and Hermione because they both had said something bad about Luna Or Neville, though I'm over it now. I laughed at a joke Ron said, choking again on my pumpkin juice.

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