Love Can't Happen Through Pain

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For this chapter italics will mean Y/N is remembering something or having a flashback! Okay bye!

I spent the rest of the day thinking about what I would smell. When Luna came back after divination, she and I went to herbology. I liked herbology but I couldn't focus, every single thing reminding me of Amortentia, I was snapped out of my thoughts when professor sprout asked me a question.

"Miss L/N, what sprouts in gloomy marshlands, especially if fertilized by Mooncalf dung?"

I stared at her before Neville, who stood next to me, wrote down "Sopophorous" on a piece of paper beside me.

"Sopophorus ma'am," I said quickly and saw Neville look up at me and smile. She nodded "10 points to Ravenclaw"

I was going to take the points but I felt bad and quickly spoke up

"I'm sorry Ms.Sprout but Neville deserves the points he helped me with the answer"


After classes I decided to have a break in the courtyard, I was sitting on a bench listening to people when I heard Draco talking. "I had to, she can't know about it, she'll never look at me the same". I kept my head down and kept listening

"Isn't this worse though, you haven't even talked to her. If you're going to end up doing it without her, you can at least stop talking about her and work with me. That's what He wants anyways. " Pansy responded. I got up and walked out of the courtyard, accidentally running into him, I felt his eyes boring into the back of my head as I walked away quickly.

I don't know what the task he had to do, all I know is that Pansy was right. He's going to do it without me. I also knew that whatever I felt towards him I had to push down deep.

All the butterflies in my stomach had to die, and with that, so would my feelings for him

I left the bathroom, keeping my head down, and went to supper. I played with the food piled on my plate, thinking about him even though I tried desperately not to.

I felt a tear go down my face as I wiped it away quickly, I looked up to see him across the room from me, his face having a sheet of numbness over it.

I looked down, knowing if I looked at him any longer I wouldn't be able to wipe away the tears as I couldn't just wipe away the memories of him.

The way his lips felt against me, or the way he would look at me when I was looking elsewhere, I always noticed that. When he would grab my waist tightly as if he let go I would go as well. The way he smiled when  I drew pictures on his hand. The fire we made together with, the muggle way, and how we spent ten minutes figuring out how matches work.

I suddenly ripped out of the hall, I had to leave before the tears started flowing down my face. I looked around until I found an empty classroom. I went into the barren room, leaning on a desk, tears now going down my face. I wiped them away as quickly as possible, my sleeve becoming soaked, I looked around a realized this was the same room Draco had dragged me into when noticing I was talking to harry.

The wall opposite of me, the one in which he had held me against, or the one that I had hugged the man I loved for the first time in years. I gave up wiping my tears as there was no use, everything reminded me of him. I wiped my hands on my robe before feeling something in my robe pocket.

I pulled it out to see the ring that the only man I will love gave to me. I broke down seeing it, I wanted him so bad and yet I meant absolutely nothing to him.

I put on the ring to see the beautiful blue that was shown had now turned into dark emerald green.

"The turns green when you guys are thinking of each other"

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