New Friends And New Memories

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5.7k reads, I can't believe it. I've loved watching this story grow and I hope that you have liked the story. Thank you for the support and I'm excited to give you more chapters in the future! The songs that I put above my chapters are songs I think add to the storyline of chapter by the way!

For the first week of 1997, I studied my arse off for the N.E.W.T and my apparition test that was coming up. I had been in apparition for a while but I never got a hang of it, and the last time I had apparated, it was awful. That was until Spencer came into my life.

I was lucky that I became friends with Spencer because he is extremely smart, smarter than even Hermione, but he told the teachers to not tell anyone as he didn't want attention. We stayed in the library for hours,  I had disbanded the study group, for the time being, now he was my main studying partner.


I stormed down the hall, holding my book so hard that my knuckles were turning white, I apologized to the portrait as I answered the riddle quite rudely. The portrait opened and I threw the book down on the table, I sat down on the couch and put my head in my hands.

"What's wrong," Someone said, in my fright, I turned around and held a wand out to the person behind me. I realized it was Spencer and I put my wand down, apologizing profusely, he immediately quieted it down.

"It's late so we must be quiet, and don't apologize, I forgot how easily you got scared." 'He smiled, he asked before sitting down next to me and looking over at me

"I'm sorry, I am just frustrated..." I said quietly, putting my elbows on my knees and setting my head in my hands.

He patted my back awkwardly before speaking up "I don't want to make you uncomfortable and you don't have to answer if you don't want to but what happened?" I looked up at him before sighing

"You have to promise not to tell anyone what I told you okay?" I said, he nodded and I continued, "I went out to read the book you gave me, but since it's a book you could read I could only read for thirty minutes" Spencer chuckled, I wanted to smile but I was so angry I couldn't

"Okay...I don't see what happened to make you mad, seems like an amazing night to me!" I smiled slightly at his joy he gestured for me to continue "So after I stopped reading I looked up at the constellations but then I heard a voice behind me"

Spencer gasped and faced me, sitting crossed legged and he leaned forward on his palm "Continue! I want to know who the voice was!" He said

"It was Malfoy so I ignored him, then he spoke again this time getting closer to me. I told him to leave but then he refused, next thing I know he was holding my chin and like caressing my cheek?" I said, now realizing how much sexual tension Malfoy and I had "Yadda Yadda Yadda, he caressed my bottom lip, and then-"

"He what," Spencer said confused and surprised "I'm not sure I'm liking where this is going..."

I rolled my eyes but smiled "No, it's not what you think. See I asked him if he had a dark mark like Blaise said." Spencer's eyes widened but kept quiet "But he just walked away, I stopped him. we fought and then before I knew it we were kissing. I don't know for how long but his hands were on my cheek and I subconsciously moved his left hand down..."

Spencer cut in "and there it was, the dark mark...." He said and I nodded "Well? You beat that twig right?"

My eyes widen "Okay well for one, no place to call him a twig but I did yell at him....and threaten him..." I looked down

Spencer coughed and I looked back up, he smiled softly "Y/N, I haven't known you for long but I have seen your fights between him, and're really strong. Don't get me wrong, super inconvenient with the fights all the time but you somehow put up with him. Y/N, I see you with your friends and you are so much more than that. I hope that you know that, and that I get to know you better. You are truly amazing, even without your sassy comebacks every day."

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