Before The Storm

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A/N Did I wait over three weeks to update and finally update on my birthday? Yes, yes I did. Anyways, thank you all for your patience, and enjoy the chapter!

"The world isn't split into good people and death eaters"~ Sirius Black

June 23rd, 1997

"Y/N, please talk to me," Spencer said beside me, I had been ignoring the four of them since Draco's birthday. I know I shouldn't have but knowing Draco had to kill Dumbledore in one week was already stressing me out enough.

"Is this about Draco? You know we don't mind you dating him, Neville just hasn't come to terms with it yet, ever since that whole 'baby' event." Spencer continued, we were supposed to be studying which means I would have to talk to him, so his frustration was valid.

I look at him "I's just a difficult week alright?" I replied looking back down at my book before closing it "I can't study right now I'm sorry." I got up, shoving my book into my bag.

"Wait Y/N!" Spencer shoved his things into his bag and grabbed my wrist, I flinched and pulled it back

"What Spencer, I have things to do" I adjusted my bag, sighing at spencer

"You know we aren't mad at you anymore right?" He said, rising from his chair and walking up to me

I looked down at the floor and back at him "yeah...yeah I know Spencer but you have to give me a little alright? I'll see you later."

I waved and turned around, clutching my bag tightly when Spencer yelled from behind me "Will you come to dinner?"

I looked back at him for a second to reply a maybe before turning around...and running straight into Draco

Things don't change, do they?

He grabbed my arm before I hit the floor. I only got to look at him for a second before he walked away. Part of me wished I could've kissed him right there, but the other part of me knew that doing that could ruin Astoria, mine, and Draco's life.

As much as I love Draco, I wouldn't hurt him or Astoria for my gain.


"Y/N" Spencer called over to me as I walked into the Great Hall, I took a deep breath and walked over to the table.

"Hey, guys..." I said quietly as I sat down, Neville looked at me for a second before immediately apologizing for the fight we had.

"It's fine Neville, I should've explained it to you. Thank you for standing up for me though" I smiled at him, taking a roll from the golden plate in front of me

Cho looked between Neville and me before rolling her eyes "That's it? You two didn't talk for weeks and that's all it took. One apology? For fucks sake"

I laughed "It's been a long few weeks, I don't have the time to hold a grudge anymore. Can we get to eating though, I'm starving?"

Everyone agreed and piled foods on their plates, the silence as everyone ate was very one was fully over the month of friendship missed due to the falling out.

Spencer, trying to break the tension coughed quietly "'s the boyfriend Y/N" he said awkwardly.

The four of us looked at him, his eyes widened as he realized what he said "I didn't think that one through."

"Obviously," Neville and I said in unison, I smiled at him, and he returned the smile

June 29th, 1997
I walked into the Slytherin Common room and spotted Blaise immediately. I walked to Blaise, ignoring the rest of the common room staring at me, and reluctantly talked to him

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