Protecting Him.

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A couple of mornings later I got up before everyone, I yawned, and walked into the bathroom. I grabbed makeup to start covering my makeup, knowing the reactions from people if they saw what happened.

The door slammed open and Cho walked in, shutting the door behind her. I cursed to myself knowing I hadn't finished covering the bruise up.

"Cho! How are you? " I faked happiness

"Cut the shit Y/N. What happened in the bathroom. Someone told me they heard you and Malfoy fighting again" she interrupted me

"Just out normal fights, I swear," I said quietly before she pointed to the bruise around my neck where his hand had been

"Then what the hell is that?" she said yelled at me

"It's nothing...I swear" She looked unconvinced so I fessed up "I slapped him, yesterday in the bathroom"

Cho hugged me tightly and looked at me

"Good for you, but that doesn't explain what happened"

"Well, he got mad, the slap was powerful. He shoved me against the wall...and choked me" I mumbled the last

Cho's eyes went from being proud of me to pure fury "I'm sorry he did what?"

"I stopped him! He just has really strong hands." I said quickly

She shook her head and grabbed my hand, dragging me out of the common room and to Professor Flitwick's office

I stopped her "Wait no," I said

She stared at me "what do you mean "no" She crossed her

"I mean, I have it handled. No need to get him expelled, he just got angry."I said, Cho began to respond before a faint voice, that was getting closer, began speaking

"She's a complete and utter wuss. The whole Y/N being tough is all an act" Draco said, clearly talking to his goons

I turned around and saw him, he was looking away but unfortunately Goyle wasn't, he nudged Malfoy. Cho saw as well and we both began walking back to the common room

"Let's talk to Luna, she's the best person to go to when your upset" She smiled and went up to our shared dorm. Our past roommate had left Hogwarts suddenly and after asking, or begging, Flitwick he let Luna move in.

"oh Y/N what's wrong," she said softly, Cho waved as she shut the door behind her. The minute the door closed everything came out. The nightmares, bathroom incident, everything.

She hugged me and whispered "you'll be okay I swear, just breathe. You did the right thing. I am so proud of you Y/N, you are so strong"

I took a few deep breaths sinking into her hug. I tighten around her arms and sighed.

"I love you, Luna," I said

"I love you too Y/N"


A few days later I was sitting in the great hall, studying when I felt a piece of paper thrown at me. I didn't even have to look up to know who sent it. The note turned out to be a, slightly impressive, drawing of me crying with crybaby written all of it

"Oh no here comes the c-c-crybaby!" Malfoy mocked me

I walked to his table "what the fuck is wrong with you"

"Nothing, I'm perfect" he answered nonchalantly

"Was it your dad? Is he who made you such a dick. I just don't know how he fucked up this bad in raising you." I yelled at him and immediately knew I had hit a sensitive spot when his friends around him stopped laughing

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