What Are We

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The rest of the summer was uneventful. I didn't do much but all I could think about was Draco. I wasn't sure if it was a one-time thing or if we were something. I knew deep down that I wanted us to be something but we couldn't. It wasn't healthy, we fought constantly and he wasn't who I thought of as my perfect man. He needed someone who could be his. I could not do that, I want to be there for him but I could not.

I try so hard to believe he was changed. I wanted to think that no matter what everyone told me he was a good guy. What was I saying? I like him,  I really do, he is truly amazing. He fits with me, he challenges me and his kiss felt like home.

A week before school started mom and I went to Diagon Alley. She handed me floo powder and I said "Diagon Alley!". I waited for her to arrive and suddenly she was behind me. We walked into Flourish and Botts, I had taken herbology, defense of the dark arts, transfiguration, and care of the magical creature. I gave myself a free period to do homework or just nap. I saw Draco and immediately was flushed. He looked over at me and I quickly distracted myself by looking at books. I felt someone's breath against my neck and a shiver ran down my neck.

"Meet me in the alleyway by three broomsticks," a cold voice said and the breath quickly disappeared. I looked over at my mom and I saw my mom distracted.  I walked quickly to three broomsticks.

"Y/N!" a sweet voice said. I turned around and saw Neville. He ran up to me, I smiled impatiently, knowing Draco is going to be mad since I'm late.

"Guess what! I got a new plant!" He showed me some random plants. We talked for about 10 minutes before his gran called him over. I waved and she waved back. I hurried to the alleyway and saw Draco standing there, the minute he saw me his eyes lit up.

He smiled for a second before sneering "what took you so long" He asked

"I was talking to Neville," I said and unfortunately his sneer got deeper. He walked up to me and pulled me closer by the waist. I went to kiss him but he dodged it.

I gasped "You did not," I said. He smirked "Oh I did, you stood me up to hang out with another boy?" he held me tighter

"I was just late Draco" I rolled my eyes. He glared at me before grabbing my face and kissing me. I smiled against the kiss and he pushed me against a wall.

I winced slightly at the pain and he pulled back "Shit, are you okay" he said. I laughed "Yes I am," I said and started kissing him again.

I pulled away after a second "Draco... I have to go. My mom is probably worried". He pouted, I rolled my eyes and I kissed him again. He smiled and kissed back before I stopped and slid under his arm that was place on either side of my head.

"I'll see you at school," I said and began walking away

"But...you'll find out eventually. Goodbye Y/N" I turned around and waved goodbye. I didn't notice him sadly looking at the ground. If I could go back to that day, I would've done everything so differently.


Finally, September 4th arrived, I excitedly came to platform 9 3/4. I looked around before going through the barrier. I climbed onto the express and walked around until I found a compartment. I saw Luna, Neville, I smiled and sat next to Neville. I yawned and grabbed a muggle book out of my bag, reading it while listening to their mumbled voices.

I got up to go to the bathroom, I walked past the Slytherin rooms and saw pansy on Draco's lap, he stroked her hair while talking. I stared at them for a second, I saw him look up and I walked to the bathroom. I slammed the door shut and sat on the closed toilet, I put my head in my hands and took deep breaths. I heard a knock at the door but I ignored it, I stared blankly at the floor, thought running through my mind.

Why is she there? Why is he touching her like that? Does he actually love me? Am I just a pair of lips to him?

Suddenly the door opened and in walked...Pansy. "Draco told me all about what happened this summer, and you should know he doesn't like you at all. He was bored without me"

I was taken aback. I was so nice to her and she treats me like this? Why do I never get the love I give. Why do people always treat me like-

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a searing pain against my cheek. She had slapped me, I looked at her with tears in my eyes, "why.." I said quietly

"Stay. Away. From. Him. You cannot handle who he is, you aren't enough for him, you don't know what-" She looked behind her and I saw him behind her. He didn't say anything, she just walked away with him.

"I defend you all the time," I said but he just stopped walking, pansy walked ahead of him "I constantly defend you, you know that. You can't defend me this one time?" I shakily finished

He didn't turn around but I had already walked closer to him "You don't understand" He said, with the cold voice I hadn't heard in months.

I shoved past him before turning around and looking at the cold gray eyes that were clouded with sadness, "Oh I understand just well" I said and looked down

"I..really liked you Draco. It kills me to know you never felt the same. I was just a rebound wasn't I?" he didn't respond. "yeah thought so" I glared at him before throwing the ring down at his feet and stomping on it. "that's how it feels. that's what you did to me"

I stormed away, not looking back to the face that was now masked with numbness. If I had looked back, I would've seen him pick up the ring, repair it, and sit back down in his compartment. I would've seen him staring numbly in front of him, but alas I didn't.

I stormed back into the compartment before slamming the compartment door shut, glass going everywhere. I repaired it before falling to the ground as my legs could no longer hold myself and the pain.

I saw Luna get up and sit next to me, she held me tightly as I cried, I felt a body sit next to me and rub my back. I tried to breathe as they held me "It isn't fair" I sobbed out. I knew Neville didn't know what happened but somehow, I knew Luna did.  Neville didn't speak but kept rubbing my back luna, on the other hand, began speaking

"I know Y/N...but my mum always said things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end. If not always in the ways we expect"I shook my head. We came back together already, we already had our chances and we kept messing them up.

"Just...try to keep an open mind," She said, I looked up and sniffled, "but not to open, you know, the wackspurts!"

Neville smiled slowly, along with Luna. Soon we all were laughing, the joke wasn't that funny but that didn't matter. What mattered was us.

Word Count: 1298

A/N : Hi everyone! I hope you are having a good day! I would like to thank you all for the 1.9k reads. You guys mean the absolute world to me. Writing is something I'm passionate about and you guys are so amazing and sweet. You guys all deserve everything. Wishing you love <3 1-3 more chapters will be released today.

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