Anger Comes Out in Curious Ways

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Hello, the author here! I hope you are all having a fantastic day/night (it's 3:10 am here when I released this) also 2,000 READS OH MY GOD. I AM SO HAPPY WORDS CANNOT EXPLAIN IT!! I am so thankful for all of you who have shown this story so much, love. I love reading all your comments because they are so funny. Okay, I'm talking a lot! Enjoy the chapter!

I never knew what love was, I knew the idea but not what it feels like. I always went to the people who I thought deserved and no matter how much they hurt me I went back. The weird thing about love though, is that you don't know really what it is. Some people never experience it, I was sure that I was one of those people for so long until I met Draco. I don't know if I am or was in love all I know is that the void that I had was gone.

I couldn't stop thinking about this as we headed to the great hall. I sat down next to Luna, I just kind of stared at nothing. I felt such numbness that I hadn't felt with him. I was ripped out of my thoughts when Dumbledore clinked his fork against his glass. We all looked up and listened.

I didn't really listen, I never do until I heard that Slughorn was the potions professor, I looked at Luna and back at Dumbledore. "Does that mean..." I said quietly but my question was answered, Snape was the defense of the dark arts teacher.

We all started whispering but Dumbledore quieted us, we all went silent. He said a few more things but I didn't listen. As soon as the speech ended Luna piled food on my plate and nudged me with her elbow. "Eat," she said and I took a bite. I looked up to see Draco looking down at his food, he looked really...numb. I knew how he felt, it was how I felt when Lee broke up with me, except this time

I was his Lee.


Eventually, the feast ended and we all got up, I saw him snap out of whatever he was thinking, noticing everyone around him suddenly. I wondered what he was thinking about probably nothing big.

As we walked out I looked over at Harry who's face was all bloody, I took a deep breath and walked up to him, noticing Hermonie and Ron looking tense. "Harry, what happened are you okay?"

He looked at me and glared slightly "Nothing happened, you'd defend him anyways" He said and started walking away. I realized immediately what he meant. I pulled him back, which he was clearly surprised about, "What. Did. He. Do" I said angrily, I didn't care when he hurt me but he had no right to hurt harry after everything he's been through.

He told me everything that happened on the train, Draco mocking his mother's death, stomping on his face, and leaving him there. I clenched my fist so hard that I had fingernail marks on my palms. I apologized profusely and walked away. I saw Malfoy in the hall and before I could stop myself I yelled to him"

"Oi! Malfoy, what is wrong with you?" I said and saw some people turn around but not him, he ignored me "Oh you can't respond? You seem to never be able to shut that mouth when you bully everyone else here!" I said louder

He stopped walking and said in an oddly calm "Y/N shut it" He said and went to keep walking. I laughed angrily "No." he turned around

"What did you just say?" Draco looked at me, I saw a crowd of students discreetly listen to us "I said no. You are a bully Malfoy. You are nothing but a cruel and sadistic bully. You don't care what anyone else feels. You are selfish" I sneered at him

He stared at me for a second, then sighed, and walked away. The last thing I heard when before he walked too far away is "I wish it didn't have to be like this,". I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around "Detention Miss L/N" the person behind me, who turned out to be Snape, said and walked away.

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