Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Percy's letter couldn't have ever been more right. The following morning, the headline of the Daily Prophet (MINISTRY SEEKS EDUCATIONAL REFORM DOLORES UMBRIDGE APPOINTED FIRST-EVER "HIGH INQUISITOR) had woken Carina from her sleepy state, and it seems that Percy has left some crucial parts that he should have mention in his letter to Ron: the new decrees. For the past few days, Umbridge has been putting up new useless decrees – to Carina's view – that held the students with an iron fist. As the days passed decree after decree was put up on the wall before the Great Hall, and every decree had gotten rid of anything fun.

The decree that Carina hated the most was the disbanding of any Weasley products. She knew that Fred and George loved making those products and have been saving to start their own joke-shop, and to have them stop making those their joke-products was like asking them to stop breathing! And, being one of their top customers – since she always bought from the twins – she hated the woman even more.

"I can't believe this, this is madness!" Roman said.

Theodore took the paper from Carina and started to read the article as well. He sighed when he saw Lucius Malfoy's name on the page, then rolled his eyes at the teachers-inspection.

"I can't wait to see McGonagall inspected," Theodore smirked, "That woman would have Umbridge's pink dress turn green."

"And Merlin forbids that woman wear anything but pink," Carina smirked.

"Come on, we better get to Transfiguration, we don't want to be late for Umbridge," Roman said.

"Bloody woman, I hope she gets her arse kicked by McGonagall," Theodore muttered.

"I'm going too – I got Binns's for History of Magic – the last thing I need is for her to give me another night of detention for being late," Carina said bitterly. Theodore turned to her and offered her a small smile. "Now, I'll see you two later, be a good boy, alright?" She patted Roman at the head.

"You do know that you're the actual dog here, right?" Roman took Carina's hand and removed it from his head.

"Yes, but wolves are part of the Canis family, so what's the difference?"

"Wolves are bigger, stronger, and have far sharper teeth than dogs?" Theodore said.

"But I know, for one thing, I'm way stronger than a peregrine falcon," Carina smirked.

"Yes, but the thing is, I can fly above you and peck your eyes out. So, who do you think would win if we all had a brawl?"

Carina and Roman fell silent. There was no question about it, Theodore would win even his Animagus form was smaller than theirs. His ability to read the situation and find a window to attack would bring him to victory.

"Alright, Peregrine, you'll win," Carina sighed and then left to join Harry and the others to their class.

Umbridge never came to their History of Magic class or Potions with Snape. But unluckily for Harry and Carina, Snape had distributed their papers and they both got a big fat 'D'. Of course, Snape mocked them for their grade, and Malfoy added to the mix, but of course, Carina had casted a spell on her dear cousin to shut him up.

"Sweet sound of silence," Carina smiled.

Harry chuckled at the sight of Malfoy trying to speak, but can't. After lunch, Carina went to her next class, Ancient Runes, as usual, she sat on her seat beside Theodore and they both listened to Professor Babbling.

"Did Umbridge inspect your class?" Carina asked whilst she translated more texts on the board.

"No, you?" Theodore said.

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