Chapter Seventy-Nine

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After the wedding, Carina and the others decided to stay at the Burrow to discuss the plan to transport Harry from the Dursleys to the Burrow. Within those days, Roman, Hermione, and Morgan and Cedric, and as well as a new face Jason Alston, Roman's cousin. A young man in his mid-twenties who was working at India as a researcher for magical creatures. He was very much like Roman in terms of built, but was taller, and leaner, he had a few scars (the one that stretches from his brow to his cheek was the most eye-catching one) and had long, curly, black hair. While waiting for the word of their departure, Carina and the others decided to stay Ron's room to ease their nerves. Especially those part of the transport mission.

"Why can't I go with you?" Maisie asked.

"We talked about this," Carina began. "You're not of age, and you're safe here. I promise Aunt Charity that I'll look after you, and this is me doing that."

"And I promised her that I would look after you," Maisie argued. "How can I do that if you're so far away?"

"You don't have to worry; I've got Dad with me."

"Is it safe, though, for you to be flying with Sirius?" Hermione spoke. "Death Eaters would most likely target you both considering they expect Harry to be with him."

"Like Dad said, it would be best if I was with him – he doesn't have to worry so much unlike if I were to fly with anyone else, at least with him he's reassured that I'm safe," Carina replied.

While they talked, Roman's eyes went to Carina's finger. The absence of the ring had him frowning. Taking out his wand, he whispered a spell, "Accio Nott Family Ring" and the ring shot out of Carina's bag and to his hand. The sudden actions surprised everyone in the room, especially Carina who was looking at him with begging eyes.

Morgan got up and grabbed Roman, "Don't. Not here."

Roman nodded.

"Come with me," Roman got up.

Roman took Carina outside of Ron's room and to Fred and George's old one. He closed the door after them and then faced her.

"I'm not wearing it," Carina said.

"It doesn't matter whether you want to or not, you're are wearing this ring," Roman held it out to her.

"I don't want his protection."

"It will ease your father's worries."

"Nothing can stop the Killing Curse – so what's the point in wearing it?!"

"The Dark Lord won't let them kill Harry Potter – he wants to have the pleasure in doing it himself – but that won't stop them from putting serious damage," Roman argued. "Listen to me, I know that you're still angry but this isn't the time for pride, Carina, this is about survival."

"You just sound like him," Carina turned away from him. Annoyed.

"Well, someone has to – you have to admit, Theodore is the most frank person there is, and right now one of us has to be that, so we can stop ourselves from making stupid decisions based on our emotions!" Roman grabbed Carina and had her look at his arm. He pulled up his sleeve revealing the arm ring Theodore gave him. "Theodore gave me and Morgan the same kind of protection, it work at Siege at Hogwarts, and it will work now."

"Have you forgotten that Bellatrix Lestrange used the Cruciatus Curse on you then?!"

"Aye, but only because I gave mine to Maisie, to protect her. But now, I'm borrowing it for the night because I know when I need it," Roman took Carina's hand. "This isn't the time to hold grudges against someone who is trying to keep you safe... if you really want to be a member of the Order, start acting like a damn adult."

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