Chapter Three

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THE TRAIN ARRIVED at Hogsmeade at nightfall, by that time Carina and Roman have changed into their robes and were following the other First Years out the train. Upon stepping out of the train, the cold night air caused Carina and Roman to shiver and stick close together for warmth. It seems that their time at the train has already created a bond between the two.

"C'mon, follow me – any more firs' years?" Mind yer step, now! Firs' years follow me!"

Carina and Roman's eyes widened at the sight of the large man with an equally large beard, that the first thing that came out of their lips at the sight of him was, "Big."
The first years followed after the giant man – who they overheard was Hagrid – down to a steep, narrow path. It was a dark path, which made Carina and Roman grin mischievously and thought of scaring the others by poking at their backs, causing a couple of first-years to yelp, and Carina was sure she got Ron as well. But their antics were put to a halt when the narrow path opened to the edge of the Black Lake and at the other side from where they stood perched a castle with firelit windows, many towers, and was just magical, even for witches and wizards.

"No more'n four to a boat!" Hagrid called out as he pointed to the fleet.

"Come on!" Carina grinned as she grabbed Roman by the wrist and dragged him to one of the boats. They were joined later by two other boys, who Carina had a hard time seeing their faces under the dim light.

"Everyone in?" Hagrid called out from his own boat. "Alrigh' then – FORWARD!"

Carina jumped at the loud call which almost caused her to fall overboard, luckily one of the boys caught her by her robes and pulled her back. She said her thanks to him but the boy simply shrugged and looked ahead. Beside her, Roman was laughing at her almost untimely swim.
The boats brought them to a curtain of ivy which led them to a dark tunnel until they reached the underground harbor and were able to get off.

They walked up a flight of stairs and stopped before a large oak door. Hagrid asked once again if everyone was present, once he was satisfied with the sight of the group he turned to the door and knocked his giant fist three times. The door swung open at once, and a tall, black-haired witch in emerald-robes stood before the group of first years. Carina swore she saw Roman jumping the moment the witch appeared and can't help but look at him with a raised brow, she even exchanged glances with the black-haired boy who saved her from falling and shrugged.

"The firs' years, Professor McGonagall," Hagrid gestured to the lot.

"Thank you, Hagrid. I will take it from here."

Professor McGonagall led the first years to an empty hall, standing once again before a large door leading to their fates.

"Welcome to Hogwarts." Professor McGonagall began. "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly. But before you take your seats at the Great Hall you will be sorted to your Houses..."

As the woman continued on with her speech, Carina had to hold down Roman wouldn't stop jumping. What was going on with him, she thought. Even when Professor McGonagall sent them a stern look, he did not seem fazed by it – it actually just broadened his grin.

"Maybe we shouldn't have eaten all of those sweets on the train," Carina muttered.

"What are you, his mother?" The boy with black hair let out a scoff. "Well, since you are taking the role, I suggest you stop him from jumping, the last thing he needs is getting detention on the first day."

"For what? Being excited?"

"How about obnoxious." The boy suggested.

"You can't blame him for being excited – everyone is!"

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