Chapter Seventy-Four

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Being an Animagus, Transfiguration was nothing but simple for Carina. The art of transforming anything objects into animals or animal to objects was basically elementary to her. And the new lectures that involved transfiguring themselves just added to the fun. McGonagall had the sixth-year Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs sit before a mirror to transfigure themselves, it was a handy skill for those aspiring to be an Auror, but for those like Carina, it was just an opportune skill to transfigure Malfoy's face into an ogre. Morgan on the other hand had no problem with transfiguring his appearance given that he was a metamorphagus, which meant he had the ability to transform his appearance at will – well, some times at will since there were still days when he would turn into a girl, and the times where his hair color changed based on his emotions.

She decided to transfigure her hair to give it a different color. She remembered once seeing Tonks change her hair color to purple and thought of doing it herself since it was her favorite color. She laughed when she saw how she looked. After that, she decided to play along but transforming halfway to her Animagus form and had a dog's nose, ears, and tail. She turned to Harry, Hermione, and Morgan and mimicked a dog by pulling out her tongue and panting. Harry laughed which caused him to turn his eyebrow yellow, whilst Hermione laughed lightly and pinched Carina to stop, and Morgan patted Carina's head to play along.

After Carina changed back to her normal face, Ron transfigured a mustache that had Hermione laughing – heartily. But Ron thought differently and had mocked Hermione by imitating her whenever she would raise her hand to answer a question, making Lavender and Parvati laugh. Hermione, who was at the verge of tears, got up and left the classroom to use the bathroom. Carina and Morgan tried to stop her but she ignored them and left. Carina turned to Ron, and glared at him. She was sure that he saw him whimper in her gaze. She and Morgan then gathered their things and walked out of the classroom to seek Hermione, but as she passed Ron, she cast a spell at him that turned his hair green, and that caused Lavender to scream in shock of the color of his hair.

Carina and Morgan walked to the bathroom where they saw Hermione enter. Morgan has transformed himself into a girl and hid his trousers in his robes to not raise suspicion as to why he was entering the girl's bathroom. When inside, they could hear Hermione's sobs and mutterings about Ron. Carina sighed, she never expected Hermione to cry over a boy – over Ron. She always believed that Hermione was this headstrong girl that would never cry for a boy, but she was wrong. Knowing that Hermione won't let them in, Carina had a plan on getting them inside. She dropped her bag and kicked it in the cubicle.

"Go away!" Hermione sobbed.

Carina ignored Hermione's stubbornness, she transformed to her Animagus form and crawled under the space into the cubicle. Once inside, Carina – the black dog – sat before Hermione, her head bobbing to the side, and her eyes big. Carina nudged Hermione's hand with her nose and nestled her furry head on Hermione's knees.

"Oh, Carina," Hermione whispered.

Morgan knocked on the cubicle. Carina quickly opened the door with a simple nudge on the lock and lets their friend inside.

"I know it's awkward to have a guy inside, but..." Morgan began.

Hermione smiled and held out her hand to Morgan. Morgan took it and entered as well. He closed the cubicle door after him and then sat on the floor before Hermione, just side the black dog.

"This brings back old memories," Morgan said.

Hermione chuckled, "Who knew that this was the same bathroom that we all spent our day, and faced a troll."

Hermione patted Carina's head, and then scratched the back of her ear. Carina started to move her leg when Hermione did so and then let out her tongue and wagged her tail – acting like a real dog. Hermione and Morgan giggles. Hermione then wrapped her arms around Carina and lets Carina nuzzle her head on her shoulder. Morgan reached to Hermione and held her hand.

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