Chapter Forty-Five

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For the next few nights, Carina and Hermione have been dancing around in their dorm, practicing. Both would exchange roles whenever they can, and enjoyed the little practices that Carina insisted on. But that wasn't all the laughs they would get, especially when Theodore told Carina about what happed to Roman during dance practice. They wouldn't let him forget about it. They made sure by reminding him every morning.

"Oi, Black, did you know Roman was asked to the dance?" Theodore grinned mischievously.

Roman groaned and tried to cover his ears.

"Really?! Who's the lucky boy?" Carina joined in the fun.

"Snape – you should have seen how they danced!" Theodore laughed.

"Oh. I'm sure they both enjoyed that – did the whole Beauty and the Beast bit as well," Carina elbowed Roman.

Theodore – who they have informed all of the Muggle movies and other things – laughed at the mention of the animated film (he managed to see an image of the animated film when Roman accidentally brought his sister's storybook in his trunk, "Merlin, no! Maeve's storybook! She won't be able to sleep without it!")

"Alright, I get it, I get it, I danced with Snape, ha. Ha." Roman rolled his eyes. "You're never going to let die down, aren't you?"

"We'll make sure it doesn't," Theodore smirked.

"We'll tell it every day just so you would remember," Carina added.

Though joking around about Roman's untimely dance with Snape was funny and all, reality soon struck them all as they needed to face their own tasks before the Yule Ball. Find a date. To make things interesting between them, Carina, Roman, and Theodore agreed not to ask each other to the Ball, so it would be a good competition between them on who will get a date whether they ask or be asked to. But it seems harder than it looked. And, they weren't the only ones who were having trouble looking for dates, as Harry was also finding the idea of asking a girl to the Ball to be much more terrifying than facing a dragon.

"Who knows, maybe that Hungarian Horntail would gladly go with you to the Ball?" Carina joked while she and Harry were seated together in Transfiguration.

While still thinking about who and how to ask someone to the dance, Roman sighed as he watched a pack of girls walking past them. Theodore, who still has no date, simply sat beside him, reading his books, not even interested in looking for a date or winning their little competition. But Roman wasn't even sure he wanted to go with a girl to the dance. It wasn't that he found them repulsive, it was just, he had someone in mind to ask to the Ball, but was rather getting cold feet about asking that person. And, for the first time, he felt scared. It has bothered him for days now, since the announcement of the Yule Ball, and he couldn't help but think – he didn't really care about what others would think, but he cared about what his friends would think, and especially that person, and McGonagall! He was sure that he wouldn't be able to handle the rejection if McGonagall knew about it.

"Want to try a Beauxbaton?" Theodore nodded in the direction of Beaubatons sitting not far from them by the Black Lake and were smiling towards Roman and him.

"And die out of embarrassment when she says "Non"?" Roman used the proper accent, "No."

"Please, no girl or boy would ever say no to you," Theodore scoffed.

Roman turned to him with a sly smirk.

"You think I'm handsome, Theodore?" He asked, fluttering his lashes at he did.

"Me and my big mouth," Theodore groaned.

"Yes, big indeed," Roman purred.

"ROMAN!" Theodore pushed Roman to the grass.

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