Ch. 37: Okay, Here Goes Nothing

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(Seth's point of view)

"Hey sis, would you mind getting the family and the pack and come over to the Cullen's house?" I asked Leah over the phone. "It has to do with your best friend!" Yes, I did pull that card. "Leah! It's going to be outside! You won't have to be right next to them, but you do have to be nice to them." Why can't my sister just agree to come see me... Oh yeah! "Leah, I'm going to propose to Alsès." I told her. Finally, she agreed to come.

"Jay can you contact everyone, that I don't have contacts for?" I asked him. "Of course dude! Who should I contact first?" He asked. "How about that ghoul from that camp, Annabeth Chase right? Alsès is always talking about her, and when she is not talking about her, she is writing to her." Edward told him. "Yeah, Annabeth at Camp Half-blood! We can do an Iris call if nothing else! Al will love that!" Jay almost jumped out of the car.

"Dude! Wings!" I said through the pile of feathers attached to Jay's back. "It's kind of a veela thing, sorry!" His wings disappeared. Bella and Edward laughed at me literally pulling like five feathers out of my mouth. "Not even funny!" I growled at them after I said that.

"Okay, Jay you are speaking way to much Jargon speak English!" I yelled at him. His eyes changed colour. "Bro, you okay? Your eyes were a golden mahogany now there almost black." This scared me! "Get him out now!" Bella yelled. Edward stopped the car; Bella got out and grabbed Jay; he went wolf wild and ran off. "That's news for me! What just happened?" I asked Edward, he should know more about this than me.

"I don't know, call Potter! Ask him what's going on with his son!" Edward raised his voice to my stepsister. "I'm trying!" She replied in the same way.

I texted Jake, Sam and Quil. 'Jay's on a rampage! Look out. Heading back to the Cullen's now. Edward is having Bella call Harry P. Help me!'

(All texts are separate)

Jake: On the way back now! Was just at Dad's

Sam: Ok, Paul and I are on the way.

Quil: Getting the pack on the way now

Seth (to all): Thanks, don't tell Al!

Seth: Hey Alpha, on the way back now. Jay decided to walk, don't know if he will be there before us or not.

LoLuAlyKaty: actually he is outside, no one is letting him in the house while he is still in wolf form. I need to talk to you when you get back.

Seth: Babe? I need to talk to you too so I don't know how that might go down.

LoLuAlyKaty: Dad's calling talk later.

(Alsès' point of view: on the phone with Harry Potter)

Alsès: Hey Dad, what's up?

Harry: Were is your brother?

Alsès: Aly's in the kitchen... snogging Bunny. Why?

Harry: Jay. Were is Jay?

Alsès: Outside, no one is letting him in the house while he is still in wolf form. What's wrong?

Harry: Your Aunt Bella said that something is wrong with him, I need you and Zoey to check it out.

Alsès: Okay bye Dad. Love you.

Harry: Love you too princess. Bye.

"Zointa Bloominescence!... We need to go take a look at your twin brother, Dad called and told me so." I said as she came into the living room before she could ask anything. "Do you have to do that Al?" She asked. "Yes, yes I do." I said with a smile on my face. I opened the main door and gestured for Blo to go first.

"Hey little bro. How are you feeling?" Zoey asked Jay, shaking with so much fear I was almost sure that Annabeth could probably feel it at Camp. "And there goes my sister!" I said as she scared herself into her wolf form.

"Hey AlyKat, what's up?" A husky voice said. "Jacob, can you please just get off the death trap and help me with these two!?" I said waiting for him to get off both his phone and bike. "Sure, I'm the one who rides a death trap. Brooms are totally much safer." He said coming over to help me.

"I knew that something happened to Jay, but what happened to Bloom!?" He asked. "Scared herself into wolf form. Happens a lot with her. When Mum was pregnant with Lily, James was playing with the Quaffle and hit Mum in the stomach. Short of the long is, she was stuck like this until she heard from Mum that everything was going to be okay." I explained to my uncle.

"Sooo... We fix Jay, we fix Zoey?" He asked. "Usually that's how it works. Fix whatever happened and she's back to normal.

(Seth's point of view)

The second Edward stopped the car I got out and ran to Alsès, and Jake unexpected. "Any idea what happened to my brother!?" She said trying to use magic on him. "We were just talking and he got excited. I had a mouth full of feathers; don't ask! I yelled at him and then his eyes went almost black. So you tell me what happened, not to mention your sister too." I said. "Fix Jay, fix Zoey." Was all she said.

(Author's point of view)

Alsès was doing her best to figure out what was going on with Jay. She almost lost control over her magic; woops spoke to soon! Alsès landed on the ground and rolled backwards. Kristal and Seth Lee ran out of the house followed by there older cousins Regulus and Rosslynn.

"Ross we got to help her, come on!" Regulus said, as he ran over and used his bubble spell. "Unlike you, I don't have magic yet!" Just then like her Uncle Jay and Aunt Zoey, sparks came from her open hands. "A little help please!?" Regulus called to anyone and everyone outside. The Clearwater twins and Jake ran over as Rosslynn tried to kill her fire. The three of them helping Regulus with their water powers, and Jake's magic.

Everyone was at the house now, and for the most part you could only hear different revisions of 'what is going on!?' Casper and Rosie ran to a one-legged Alsès and Seth Lobo helping her up.

"Here you go sis, what is going on out here?" Casper asked handing Alsès her leg. "I don't know." Alsès answered tying her right leg back in it's place.

"Chocolate! I got the chocolate!" Henry yelled running towards Jay and Bloom. "Good job Hen!" Alsès called to her little brother. Henry gave a few pieces of chocolate to each of them, don't worry chocolate is actually good for wolfbloods and werewolves.

"What happened?" Jay and Bloom said in unison. Then everyone just laughed, some of them even doubled over.

Well, that definitely didn't go how Seth planned. I wonder when he will be able to propose to Alsès.

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