Ch. 24: The History We Share (Part 1)

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(The Black family history.)

We were in La Push at a tribal meeting siting in front of the bonfire. "Mummy, Uncle Jacob, can you and the pack members tell us a story?" Kristal asked excitedly. Seth-Lee nodded his head in agreement.

"Okay, Jake do you want to tell them about Grandpa Billy and you and your siblings?" I asked. "Sure!... So the family how it is now, started with my grandfather Ephraim Black. Your great great grandfather. He was just about to become chief, but our grandfather was not like many other people of the tribe. Ephraim Black was born to a Quileute Wolfblood and a Quileute vampire/witch.

The Wolfblood was a squib as we call it in the wizarding world. It means that the person was born into a wizarding family but does not have magic themselves. This Wolfblood was from the most nobel and ancient house of Black. The witch comes from another ancient pureblood Quileute family, the family's name is Cromwell. It is a wizarding name, but it is Quileute as well.

Ephraim Black met this witch from a neighboring tribe, she was the daughter of the other chief. As it is custom, this other small tribe joined ours when they were married. Ephraim and Krisarah had to sons, Abraham Jacob and William Rumplestiltskin." Jake started.

"Is that where my name comes from, Krisarah?" Kristal asked. "No, your hair is snow white. Snow looks like tiny little cristals in the sun. Although, how some of the names in our family is spelled comes from the Narnian language, where we never use a C or a CH for the beginning of names. I believe the wizarding world is the same way. Right Jake?" I said as I looked over to him.

"Narnia, I don't remember. Although I think you are correct about the wizarding world. Okay back to what I was saying before Miss Kristal interrupted me.

For my uncle Abraham, I know nothing about him. I think my father had said that the tribe made a song about his death though." Jacob continued before I interrupted with singing that song about a hanging tree.

"Are you, are you Coming to the tree
They strung up a man They say who murdered three Strange things did happen here No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight In the hanging tree

Are you, are you Coming to the tree
Where dead man called out For his love to flee Strange things did happen here No stranger would it be If we met at midnight In the hanging tree

Are you, are you Coming to the tree Where I told you to run So we'd both be free Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be If we met at midnight In the hanging tree

Are you, are you Coming to the tree
Wear a necklace of hope Side by side with me Strange things did happen here No stranger would it be If we met at midnight In the hanging tree

Are you, are you Coming to the tree
Where I told you to run So we'd both be free Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be If we met at midnight In the hanging tree" everyone was silent until...

"How do you know that song!?" Jake asked almost angrily. "It's just a song. Isn't it?" I said confused with his tone. "Alsès, that is the song about your great uncle Abraham Jacob Black!" Paul said with shock. "Oh, well I guess that's how I heard it." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Mum, what does that song mean?" Seth-Lee asked. "Sorry to sound rude, but you should not have even heard it. Matter of fact, your mother should have not ever of heard it!" Jake was holding his temper but I could tell it was running short. I then remembered that Alice, Jane, and Jasper were with us, as both Jane and Alice are Quileute they are aloud to come. With Jasper being Alice's mate, he is aloud to come as well. 'Jasper, please calm Jake down!' I thought to Jasper. 'Sure thing Al!' He replied.

"Although I don't know for sure where I heard it, I thought it was in England or somewhere over there around the time I started at Hogwarts." I told them. "Back to the story children." Grandpa Billy told us. "Yes, of course father. What I have heard about my uncle is actually summed up by the song that your mother had just sang about three minutes ago." Jacob looked at his dad to continue the story.

"My brother had fallen for this ghoul back on Cairnholm, her name was Emma Bloom I believe. He was hung with the belief that he had murdered three of the children who we had lived with on that island. He had told the ghoul to come back to America with me.

The song is actually false, on the point that HE never murdered anyone. A type of monster did. Abe and I did have a power. The power that my brother had and that I have, I believe was passed to Sirius' children. We can see the monsters. Different from what people would call the pack and my grandchildren. But that story is for a different day. Kitlynn, you can speak Parseltongue correct?" My grandfather told us. Along with asking if I could speak to snakes.

"Of course, I have been able to do that since I was born. Although I am terrified of snakes. Why does that matter?" I said to my Grandpa Billy. "Well, the other... I'll just talk to you later Kitten." Grandpa told me. "Okay Grandpa." Was my response.

"After my brother had passed. I had fallen in love with a ghoul that I had gone to school with; yes Jacob your mother had gone to school on the reservation. Her name was Sarah Esme Anne Platt. She was half witch, a quarter Vela and a quarter vampire. Before any of you ask, yes she is who is known as Esme Cullen. She did get into a crash. Carisle found her almost dead in the hospital and I had told him to do what he had to.

I had lost my wife and the mother of my 5 children. The only thing that I can say is good that came from it is that she is not truly dead and that Jake and his two sisters still have her." My grandfather was almost crying, Jasper actually went to comfort him. Alice smiled and her and Jane got up and went to give him a hug. I love my family!

"Before my grandmother became a Cullen, my grandparents had aunt Rebecca, aunt Rachel, your grandfather/my father, uncle Balefire, and uncle Jacob. My father passed away when my godfather was in his fifth year at Hogwarts. Balefire passed away a few years ago trying to save some of our family." I said continuing the story.

"I don't think Alsès has heard about this, but there is a prophecy about your mother and her becoming Alpha of our pack. It said 'the second born female of the second mating of the oldest black son after two daughters of the Quileute tribe of La Push will become Alpha when she is seen as ready to take on the responsibility'." Sam told us, I looked straight at him.

"Is that why Jay and Blo said for me to be Alpha? Is that why I'm going to be chief when great grandfather Ephraim passes away?" I asked my grandfather Billy. "Alsès... your great grandfather has passed away, last night in fact. We will have the funeral tomorrow and you'll become Chief a week after that, if that's okay with you?" Billy asked as if he could see all the emotion I have ever had in that one moment.

"Of course, Ephraim would like to see me become chief." I said shaking. My grandfather Billy, has been acting chief for the last two or three years now, I never knew that my great grandfather was this close to passing away. "Hey, Loca; your going to be an amazing chief! Okay?" Seth was hugging me, I could feel his warmth, definitely not as warm as Jake but compared to the other wolves Seth was pretty warm! "Yeah! I'll be fine. I have my family, ALL of my family." I said as I looked around the fire. My eyes landed on my best friend who was also my wolf sister.

"The rest of our family history is pretty much known by now, right Grandpa Billy?" I asked him. "Yes my young Kitten. Your children should know all or most at least of our family's history by now. If not we can explain it at a later date. Now, how about you go Sam?" He asked. "Of course Billy." Sam responded.

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