Ch. 59: 24 Candles For Seth.

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(Alsès' point of view)

Well, after I came back out of the water I decided to lay off the magic for a bit. It's been a few hours since that incident. My friends and siblings are helping me decorate the lobby of the inn. My uncles Edward and Jacob were put in charge of keeping Seth busy. Our three kids are wrapping up the few gifts that we could barely hide from him. The rest of my family is either trying to find Casper and Leah or making food. "Alsès." My grandmother called me from the kitchen. "Yes." I said as I landed in the kitchen after using my vamp speed. "Alsès, after the surprise party for Seth; I need to talk to you. Okay?" Esme's loving eyes always held a smile, even if my grandmother was very upset or heart broken. Which is all I could tell from the rest of her body language, as Bella is shelding her from me. "Of course Grandmama. After the party I am all yours." I said going up on my toes to kiss her cheek. In return, Grandma kissed my hair. Speaking of, right now; it's blue. Yes, it happened on it's own. "Nice hair Al!" Quil said as walked past me, ruffling my hair. "If I could choose the colour of my hair, it would be Malfoy blonde not blue like Teddy's!" I said following my Beta.

"It's cute, I like it. You should keep it like that!" Embry said after he turned towards the kitchen doorway, that Quil and I had just walked through. "Nope! Once I get my powers back under control my hair will either be almost white or maybe purple. But just because Ravenclaw is blue, does not mean that I want to match my house colours." I stomped my foot, making a hole in the floor. "Um, hey Nico! Clean up on aisle ten." Quil called over to the one in the room who could fix my accidental mess, as my two brothers were looking for my third brother and Killen would probably just make it worse. "You know, I'm just going to see if my broom will work. If I can't use my Firebolt, then I'll just whatever wings want to work." I told them as I walked over to the door grabbing said broom, and going outside. "Up!" I tell my broom, and to my surprise it actually works. So I sit on my broom with both legs on the left side of the handle. I know that if I'm on the ground I could demolish everything. So I just ride my broom low to the ground and very slow. Soon I find the guys. who two of which are not Edward, and I'm blocking my mate right now anyways because of the party.

"Hey Al, why are you on your broom and not walking or using your wings?" Seth tries to kiss my cheek. But I quickly hide behind Edward, who can read my mind. "Your magic still on the frits?" Jake looked at my hair. Edward just looks at his stepbrother shaking his head. "Your hair looks nice." Jacob is always honest with me. But I still don't want to say anything. "She knows that you actually mean it, Jake. Al just doesn't feel like talking, she's messed up a lot since earlier today and she doesn't want to mess up anything else. Alsès is just... scared, you know." Edward explained, looking at me to make sure that my face matched what he said. "Alsès, please talk to me at least. Today is my birthday and all you said this morning was 'good morning', well I guess that's not only thing you said, but still. Are you okay?" Seth asked walking around his two best friends and tried to lay a hand on mine. Immediately I flew higher than any of them could reach without even being on tip toes. They knew not to jump up at me, so about 4 feet above them was fine. "I'm fine guys, really I am. I just more or less want to be by myself right now." I explained and flew higher. I made sure to be out of sight before I used the back door of the Inn's kitchen to see how the decor was coming along.

After I made sure that I could get around by just using my dust wings I went into the lobby. "Hi Al." My little brother said as he and Leah walked down the steps with Henry behind them. I was very surprised to see Puck and his friends helping as well. All of them seemed to be nice. Jughead actually spent time with my family. "Alsès, I'm sorry for not believing you, and my sister. JB and my dad had just told me before the Pagans had invaded on Greendale and Riverdale. Robin even explained that a fairy's magic can start to fade and mess up when people stop believing in them. And when they share blood with them, it's way worse. Sabrina said that, that is more than likely what happened to you. I'm very sorry. And I believe you." After Jughead had finished, I can't exactly explain what happened, but my magic was back to normal! So, I looked behind me and, my wings shifted from dust to silk. Then my silk wings changed from the plain colour blocks of red, green, teal, sky blue, and purple: my Enchantix fairy form, to patterns of red and orange flames, green leaves, teal waves, sky blue kristals, and purple swirls! "I'm a Believix fairy? I'm a Believix fairy!" IA had everyone's attention now! They all were clapping, cat-calling, and congratulating me. Alice and Bloom ran up to me and hugged me. "I'm so proud of you Al/Alsès!" They said at the exact same time. I just smiled. Sky, my god brother- he's visiting us again, took my hand and walked with me outside.

"Try them out for real Sis! Maybe go get the boys, the party is ready." He told me.
I did as my favorite brother suggested and went and got my uncles and Seth. "Your wings!" They said in unison. I just blushed. "Grandma, Carlisle and Grandpa want to see you guys. It seems super important!" Because it is. My uncles look at me gleaming. I have never been able to truly lie, so I just say part of the truth. Same goes for all Narnians, born Narnians that is. If someone is a Narnian but was not born in Narnia then, that is a completely different story. Anyways, "Hey Seth, about you open the door?" I asked as I landed on the ground, shrugging my wings away. "Okay?" He was confused about why he was opening the door to the Wolf House Inn. "SURPRISE!" Everyone announced after Seth turned the lights back on. My grandmother and Seth's mother, Sue, brought out a pretty amazing cake. It was just a sheet cake but they had drawn a super realistic picture of Seth's wolf head on it. And to the right side, it read 'Happy 24th Birthday Seth!'; and opposite the writing it just had two candles, a 2 and a 4. We sung 'Happy Birthday' to him, after we finished singing I got up on my tip toes and kissed the wolf mark on his right shoulder and then his right cheek. "Alsès? I know that today is my birthday but, this is the one present that I could ever ask from you. I've already talked with everyone in the family, sooo..." Seth pulled a box out of front right pocket and got down on one knee! After he opened the box, "OH MY GHOUL! YES!" Seth took my magic ring off my ring finger and put it on my right index finger and slid a beautiful ring with an A on it onto my left ring finger.

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