Ch. 29: September

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On the 5th, Hayley and Piper Malfoy turned 18.

On the 7th, Henry turned 17.

On the 8th, we got a new dog toy for Princess; as her birthday present.

On the 9th, we celebrated Renesmee's 8th birthday.

On the 10th (Renesmee's actual birthday), Jake and Renesmee had their wedding.

On the 13th, we celebrated Bella's birthday.

On the 26th, Louis Weasley turned 19. (Obviously my favorite cousin!)

On the 27th, we celebrated Hermione Malfoy and Blaze Zabini's birthday.

That is all that I can think of. You want me to explain a little about each event right? Okay, I will. Just so you know, everyone was at La Push for like a month and a half.

Hayley and Piper couldn't be more different! Piper, a bookworm and one of Ravenclaw's best students and prefect. Hayley on the other hand is the best quidditch player I have seen in years; besides from myself and Aly of course. The only thing is, being a ghoul she is not allowed on the Slytherin quidditch team. None of the members of the schools competition team thought it was fair for her to be the only one who was not on a house team; despite her excellence!

For the longest time, Draco and I could not figure out how to combine and celebrated the differences of my two little cousins. Well little meaning 101 years younger than me of course. Then I remembered that both of them were on my Hogwarts dance team so we threw them a dance party!

Henry wanted to have his party at the beach. He wanted also wanted to have a swimming race, two flying races one on broomsticks and one with wings, and a volleyball game Qullute style! Henry had a great time and couldn't believe that his own siblings had put all the of it together for him.

My grandmother Snow and my great grandmother Regina took my sister, Princess and myself to a pet store and Princess picked out a moose squeaker toy.

As for Renesmee, Jake got her a motorcycle. Edward and Bella got her a new bicycle. Alice and Jasper payed for more clothes. Emmett and Rosalie got her a necklace set. Our grandparents payed for her dress and the accessories of course. My siblings and I had taught Renesmee how to ride on a broom and we got her one for her birthday.

The wedding went as planned. Not really much to explain except that it was a traditional Qullute wedding. Leah and I were the maids of honor. Jake had my brothers and Seth be his groomsmen.

Bella got a new car from Edward. Alice somehow convinced her to go shopping with her. I made her a necklace out of sea shells and rocks. Bella didn't get much else for her birthday.

Louis didn't want a party. He just wanted to spend some time with us. He had fun at La Push.

Blaze and Hermione didn't want much other than books. We celebrated there birthday at a bookstore. Draco got his wife and god brother all the books they wanted. He even let me get a few. The ones that I got were about the same legends; something I am an 'Avatar'. FYI it's someone who can control the elements like Alistair and I can. We also got teased by Jay and Seth about us being the newest 'Avatars'.

I stayed up all night that night reading my books. The next morning I talked to Jake and Henry about a spell I found that let's someone use inter-time-travel. Hen told me to try it and Jake agreed saying it sounded like a spell he had learned back in school. I had gone outside to do the spell, well spells. You see this spell has two parts, one for finding the right time and place and one for opening a portal. It took me a few tries that ended up as a few days but eventually it worked!

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