Ch. 7: Sister Sister!

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[ Olivia- Rosy {118}; Sierra- Alice {123}; Gracie- Alsès {119}; Madison- Zoey {120}; Jonathan- Jay {120} and Seth {23}]

(Alsès' point of view)

"Alice, Ro, Zo, I have something to show you!" I showed my older sisters that are here, the video of the song Sister Sister. "Jay, Seth, can you guys help us with something..." Rosey asked almost batting her eye lashes. "Sure!" the boys said in unison. First I showed my sisters Who's who. We started dancing after that, everyone came into the living room when they heard the video playing.

"Wow! You ghouls got some pretty sick moves!... Here you go Al, I recorded it for the channel." Alister told me. "Thanks Aly!" I replied. "So, who is the best dancer?" I asked our family. "Alsès!" they said in unison. "Well I've taken dance lessons my whole life! So of course it would be me!" I replied to everyone in the house. "Loca, I like it when you guys get to sing and dance together." Seth is right.  We are better as a team than we are a part. "I guess I have to agree with Seth." I told the family. "Yeah!" Seth said as he jumped up and down a few times.

I love how he is a little kid at heart! I just wish Leah was here, she would have laughed. "Leah!" Seth said as he ran to the door. "Hey, I was wondering, maybe Al, Bella and I could do Birds of a Feather by The Chicken Girls?" Leah asked, Bella and I walked over to her and said, "YES!" the three of us had always been best friends. "I love seeing that dance! Takes me back to when we were younger before Bella and Alsès both moved away." As Jake said that tons of memories flooded my head so I showed the family what I was seeing. I like being part bionic, I can project what I'm thinking to whoever's with me at that moment.

"You guys were so cute when you were little!" Alice said. "She looks just like me! Who is that?" Renesmee asked. "I think that's Alsès." Jake started. "No, Alsès has always been tanner than Bella, that's Bella." Seth said matter a factly. "I'm only a quarter Native American though, I'm not that tan!" I said to whoever was listening to me, they were all laughing so loud.

"I'm out!" I was getting really mad now. "Seth, go talk to her." I heard my mind reading uncle say as I went up to my room, well it was Alice's but she gave it to me, Killen and Alister. I went in and laid face down on mine and Killen's bed. I heard the door creak open. "What do you want Seth!?" What I said was muffled because I still had my head face down. "Babe, I'm sorry for laughing at you. We only laughed because both of you are pale but Bella has always been paler than you." he clarified.

"1: did you just call me babe? 2: I'm not mad about what was being said. I'm mad that you guys were laughing because I'm a pale Native American!" That was the only thing I could respond with. "I love you Loca." He replied almost crying it seemed like. "I love you too Omega!" I told him as I rolled onto my right side to face Seth. He moved closer to me and gave me a hug and then he laid down beside me and we just talked for I believe an hour or two.

"Hey lovebirds, Esme said that lunch is ready." Leah told us that with a smile that both of us saw straight though. "What did Esme make?" I asked, I don't always call them grandma and Grandpa Carisle and Grandpa Billy. "Pizza." Leah answered. With that we went back down stairs. "Serina's here, she has a letter for the Black children." Esme told us pointing to the owl perched on the back of a chair with the pizza cutter. "Do you know who sent it?" I asked. "It said Weasley I believe, so either your grandparents or one of your uncles or a cousin." Grandma Esme answered.

"Oh Alsès, when you are done eating I want you to clean up where Princess and Snuggles have there things, and clean up around the yard." Esme stated. "Okay grandma!" I replied to her. "I'm going to read the letter now... It's from Grandma Molly and Grandpa Arthur! They said that mum and dad are going to send my bow and bow scraper so I can finish it!" I almost squealed with happiness.

"Your making a bow? What type of bow?" Jake asked. "Long bow, it's going to have dragons carved into the handle. Hey Alice, when my bow gets here can we go to a store and get a string for it?" I stated. "Of course Al, are the dogs going to come with us?" she asked as she looked at Seth and Jake sitting on either side of me.

"Not as long as Al knows what she is looking for-" Jacob started, "and you protect her." Seth finished. "Just trust her!" Rosalie said almost growling at them. "Can you not fight!? I'm always in the middle! I'm both wolf and vampire! I can't pick a side! I'm not aloud to anyway! So just stop!" I told all of them.

"Can't we just get along for the sake of the crossbreeds!? 1: We will scare Killen and she will have nightmares! 2: Alsès will decide that all of them should just go back to England! And I CAN NOT lose her again!" I heard Seth say as he followed me out of the house and into the woods and we went to our spot.

I started to sing a song I had heard one day, I don't remember where or when I heard it but it went like this... "Are you, are you, come to the tree..." Seth pulled out a half made piece of Quileute jewelry as I was singing. "I like hearing you sing, that song in particular is my favorite. You make it sound creepier than it is." He's right, I don't do that on purpose it just happens. "You know, Killen was murmuring it on the plane, and she had me sing it when she was going to bed the first night we were here." I admitted to my mate.

"Can I see your wrist? I just need to measure this so I know how much bigger I need to make it." Seth told me with a smile on his lips. "You know, you and Jay look exactly a like, it's kind of creepy. The only difference is you have short hair and he has long hair." I told him. "Your right. I never really made that connection before." Seth laughed, so I back slapped him on his right arm just below his pack marking.

"That hurt!" He complained while laughing. "Good because I can do much worse!" I said while I tackled him. I got him on his back and was tickling him when Zoey and Leah came out of the woods. "Alsès, get off my brother. Carisle wants to talk to you two." Leah told me. "Okay!" Seth and I said in unison.

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