Ch. 60: Grandma Esme's Secret

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(Esme's point of view)

It's been about an hour and a half since my beautiful granddaughter got engaged. I'm extremely happy for Alsès and Seth. "Alsès, my dear? Would you mind if we go somewhere else and talk about what I wanted to talk about earlier?" I asked Alsès who is standing right beside a sitting Seth, she has her arms wrapped around his neck, hands clasped in front of his chest. They both look up from their twins, who are playing with the remote control car they got their dad. "Of course Grandmama." She said releasing her mate after kissing his hair. "I love you." Seth said as we started to walk away. "I love you too Love!" Alsès called back from the door. These kids will never let England go, will they? "So, where are we going?" Al asked after the door was closed. "Well, do you think anyone is at the school?" Alsès is going to be an amazing Headmistress of t The Magical Boarding School and University for Demigods and Wesen (VES-sən). All of the buildings and subjects are ready for students, she just has to finish highering the teachers. It has been a lot of work. That's why Sam has kind of stepped up in her place, not that it was mostly just the name of Alpha that was given to Al anyway.

Then we where on the High School floor of the main school building, in what will soon be known as the Headmistress's office. "Alsès, this is one of the most beautiful rooms I've ever seen!" I compliment the room. "Why thank you, Alice did it. She knows that although magenta is my favorite colour, I don't want my office to look like Dolores Umbridge's old office at Hogwarts, right?" Of course her eldest sister would do this. "I mean, I would have made my office reflect what and who I am. Not something so, human." Alsès picked up the blazer that her sister made her from the deck and looked at it, almost disgusted with all the shades of pink, purple, and magenta around the room, and on the handkerchief in the breast pocket of her new Headmistress blazer. "Did you explain that although magenta is your favorite colour, you are over it at the same time?" I asked taking the blazer and hanging on the hat tree by the door. "Of course not! She is my sister! It would literally be like ripping Jasper's heart out and crushing it right in front of her! I can't tell her. When she showed me all I said was, 'thanks, I love it!' I do like it, it's just not my speed anymore. To be honest, it never was." Alsès said sitting down in her chair. "I want to give you some practice as a Headmistress, okay?" She nodded extremely fast, smiling, and I stepped out of the room.

I knocked on Al's office door like one of her furniture teachers would. "Come in." How professional my granddaughter sounds! "Yes, Headmistress... What are you going to go by my dear?" I asked not knowing if she had even thought about it. "Headmistress Loom, I think." She answered. "Or Headmistress Alsès?" Now my granddaughter was confused. "Okay, let the students and teachers decide then." I smiled at her. "Okay, well Mrs. Cullen, please take a seat." She laughed lightly. "Grandmother, you had wished to speak with me?" Professional once again. "Yes. Have I ever explained my heritage to you?" I asked, looking at the pink family tree on the wall behind her. She turned around to face it as well. "No, but some how Alice knew exactly what to pant on the walls." The tree spreads throughout the whole room, unlike the tree these children had grown up with in Number 12, the background of this one was a deep purple instead of a dark green or black. "Do you mind finding my branch?" I asked, finding it myself on the wall. Al stood up and walked over. "Sarah-Esme Anne Platt-Black/Cullen. Above to the left says Hades, and an unknown pureblood wizard-veela hybrid male. On the right side it says Isadora Vega, vampyr-Demigod hybrid? Is that kind of like Renesmee? Does anyone else know about this?" She asked me. "No, your sister and I went and got paint and Billy spelled it so you can see what the people are, what kind of wesen they are I mean. And before you ask, yes your grandfather still has his magic." I explained. "And, you are not the only person who can see it. Anyone who already knew, myself, and your grandfathers, my children. Yes, your father knew." I continued.

"But who is 'Isadora Vega'?" Alsès asked me as she sat back down. "Aro is her grandfather. The only grandfather she has. Isadora is the only daughter of Cyrus Vega, Aro's only child. Aro was a born vampire, like most of our family. There are three different kinds of vampyrs. The most recent kind is the one that Carlisle and his children are-" of course she picked that up. "His children? You always claim them as yours too. Do you mean because like Carlisle, they were bitten not born?" Yes, she caught on to quick. "Yes. The second kind of vampyr is were if they only consume animal blood, they can freely walk in the sun. Although, if they drink human blood are unable to walk in the sun, and they will burn. And the first kind, if they do not have either God's blessing or a 'daylight' ring typically lapis lazuli is what the witchs use to make the jewelry they will automatically burn with just one drop of sunlight." I was supposed to teach them this a long time ago. I just hope 100+ years isn't to late. "What kind is Aro? And the gaurd, your family?" Alsès is almost frantic with her questions. "All three kinds exist right now, they can all exist together. Aro, is the second kind of vampyr. That is why you almost never see him out of the castle, although he was bitten by one of Carlisle's kind, that is why he has red eyes. The gaurd is the same kind as Carlisle. My mother, and grandfather are the second kind of vampyr. You and your full blooded siblings, that does include Henry and Millard, are all three kinds of vampyrs. Any other questions dear?" I finish covering everything I can think of.

She looks at me, eyes blank. "Only one. Why now?" Alsès asked. "The twelve of you have been through so much during the past 100+ years. Carlisle, Billy, our kids, and myself, we just couldn't tell you kids about it. I'm sorry Lo." She gets back up, and walks back to the tree. "Who is Elizabeth Amore Platt? Is this your sister? How come this almost sounds familiar?" Alsès didn't look at me, but I could sell tears streaming down her face. "Aunt Amore? Do you remember hearing Draco or Aunt Cissa talking about her? Narcissa's mother?" I explained with my own questions. "Oh. She is your half sister, mother is different. And she is two years older than you." I just smiled at my granddaughter. "Perfect. Now, I think our mates are going to come looking for us if we don't get going now." I told her. She just nodded and turned and walked out the door. "Of course. Loom Luna Alsès, you my dear have gotten good at controlling all of your abilities." I smiled just before speeding off to see my mate, and my children and grandchildren.

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