Ch. 42: What's Going On!?

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(Alsès' point of view)

"What was that about?" I asked my god-cousins. "No clue. Alsès, have you ever wondered why people here never look at us odd until we talk?" Raven asked me. "What do you mean? I never look up from the ground unless I need to. Erendor has never spoken to me, led alone looked at me unless I looked human. So I just ignore my surroundings most of the time." I told her. "Al, our family does sound like what people did when we were little. Well, at least we do sometimes." Kagay explained his sister's question.

"What's that?" Raven asked pointing to something in the sky. "An owl?" Kagay asked. "Harpy! Run!" I screamed run towards the cabins. "Annabeth! Harpy!" I said, as we ran right past her and into cabin 7: Apollo. "Why is there a flying harpy here?" I asked a camper. "What? Oh, that's Ella. She's dating Tyson, Percy saved her." Kayla Knowles told us.

I haven't known her long but she is very good in battle. Kayla is so good with her bow that she is actually the only one that can even come close to my skill, just last week in Forks I split four arrows in a row. I could have done more but I didn't feel like having to fix any more arrows after the fifth shot.

"What? That thing is scary! Did I hear her talking?" I asked with my back still against the door. "Yup! She does that. Ella is the only one that does." Austin Lake explained to me. "You know, the harpy is the only monster that actually scares me. Now I have to deal with a smart harpy? What's next?" I asked, maybe Aslan. I hate harpies!

"How do you get past the harpies after curfew anyways Al?" Kayla asked me. "I was brought to camp as a satyr/medic thing so I have always been aloud out after curfew." I explained to her. "You hate blood! Or something like that, if you are at the infirmary you are in and out. It's like you go ghost or something." Austin teased, well he meant it as a tease.

"I'm a vegetarian vampire, I'm not allowed to have human blood only animal blood, and I am part ghost so yeah I do that sometimes. I know you meant no harm dude, so don't sweat it." I told him patting his back.

Someone knocked on the door, I could feel it more than I heard it. "Alsès, is everything okay? I'm going to open the door now." Annabeth's voice said, although it could be Tyson; Percy's little cyclops brother and yes I have heard that he can imitate voices now. The door was being pushed on, this being didn't have much strength in them.

Someone spoke my name in Narnian, that was not Tyson! "Rosey!" I said slamming the door open and in my cousins faces. "Oh, I thought you could have been Tyson." I told Annabeth. "But yet, you knew that it was Rosey, speaking in a different language?" Annabeth looked like she had in some pictures I've seen with her and Percy. My sister is giving me the 'Seaweed Brain' look. "I am fluent in Narnian. Rosey said my name, plus the only way you can speak Narnian without ever hearing it before is if you are Narnian.

"Okay?" Annabeth said. "Alsès, let's go! I'm sick of your stupid fear. You are going to face it now!" Kayla said grabbing arm and pulling me out the door. "What the SMURF! What fear are you talking about Kay-" and I again was interrupted! "You will see Alsès Kaitlynn Black! You will see!" Kayla told me dragging me to a group of campers, a few of which were my brothers and little Regulus.

"Hey guys. I have someone here who is terrified of something." Kayla said pointing her head to the opposite side that I was on, which would be the right. Her head pointing to the left. "Oh, well how do you want us to help?" A blonde guy asked her. "We got Al, Jason(given a chose to come back). As only wolves can hold her." Jay told him. "You and Percy can, you know." Regulus told the blonde kid, Percy ran off after him.

My brothers and Regulus grabbed me like I weighed nothing. They knew full well that I could hold all of them if I ended up in the air, or I could turn into a small animal like my patronus the hedgehog. "I did not sign up for this! If it has to do with that smart harpy I want nothing to do with that thing!" I said pulling at my arms, I could have killed the boys on accident if I wasn't careful.

"Looma Lunà Alsènta! The Smart Harpy has a name, and Ella is very nice!" Jay snapped at me. "She is a lot like you sis!" Henry said trying to keep hold of me. "Alsènta stop pulling!" Alister and Regulus said in unison. Finally I gave up.

The second that Jason, Percy, and Kayla got back with Ella I froze and stuttered while screaming 'HARPY!'. I turned into Hedgy the hedgehog, my Patronus is a hedgehog; so is Aly's.

From there I ran as fast as I could. Not to mention I almost tripped about a dozen other campers. One of them being Malcolm from the Athena Cabin. 'Sorry' I told my half-brother through my telepathic powers, well I think that's what it is. He screamed, I laughed with a squeak.

Annabeth picked me up, "sis, what are you doing? Let's get you to mom's cabin." She said taking me into cabin 6. 'Harpies are scary when they talk! Please lock the door.' I told her. "Al, they don't lock. You know that." She replied. A Native American ghoul looked at Annie like 'what in the world! Do you understand it?'. "Piper, this is my sister Alsès, she is kind of like Frank but her abilities are also way different." Annabeth told her.

"That, is a girl? Athena's daughter, like you?" She asked pointing at me and then Annie. "Come on AlyKat, turn back now." I did as Annabeth insisted. "First off, I'm not a 'girl' I'm a ghoul. All of the females in my family are. Second, yes Athena is actually my mother. It's a weird story so don't ask. And before you ask, no I'm not a monster my family members are beasts. It just means good monsters..." I explained my family's history to Annabeth's friend Piper.

"So, you have no real human blood in your blood; you get your human appearance from a ring?" Piper gave me that prove it look that I sometimes get from Clarisse or Nyssa. "Yes. Who's your parent, Aphrodite? You are giving me the same look that I get from Clarisse and Nyssa when I say something that they don't believe or trust in." I think I just proved myself. Her expression changed, she now stared in awe.

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