Ch. 40: Come Again?

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(Alsès' point of view)

I followed Chiron the centaur out of the big three cabin. "Alsès, may I see your glove?" He asked me. "What glov- oh, my specialist glove shield. Okay." I looked at the fingerless glove on my left hand, a fashion statement from the Isle Of The Lost that I had adopted. I closed my hand to activate my shield. "Black, it looks like Stygian Iron like Nico di Angelo's sword. Only descendants of Hades can have Stygian Iron weapons. Alsès, do you know your family history?" He asked me. "I thought so, but now I don't know anymore." I said waiting for a tear to fall down my face.

"Alsès, my sweet beast. You receiving this shield, Hades has claimed you." Chiron told me, I looked up to meet his face. "But how? I know that my father is Sirius Black, son of William Black, grandson of Ephraim Black." I told him. "Hades is not your father yes, but your grandmother Esme is his daughter and your great grandfather Ephraim is his son. My dear, you are a grandchild of Hades. Now how about your mother's side?" Chiron asked, I hate talking about Emma! "My mother is supposed to be Emma Swan-Jones, although I wouldn't mind if Athena was actually my mother." I admit, almost gritting my teeth.

"Alsès, have you heard the story of Heracles?" He asked me. "Of course Chiron. Zeus disguised himself a the hero's earthly father. His mother's husband." I responded to the centaur. "That was kind of like what happened with you and most of your siblings. Athena had disguised herself as both your step mother and your mother. The only ones that are not children of Athena are Rosey and Casper." Chiron told me, I stood there emotionless trying to understand that out of my father's kids only two of them were truly my half siblings.

"So what I'm hearing is that, Rosey, Casper and Regulus are staying in the big three cabin, Killan is staying in Athena, and the rest of us have the choice of switching between the two cabins or something like that?" I asked Chiron. "Excatly Alsès." He told me.

"On to other matters, that snake around your shoulders. Is that the same one that Will Solace has been carrying around since March?" Chiron asked me. "First off Bascila is not a snake, she is an English Basilisk witch is different from the Greek and Roman Basilisk. She has no poison except for her stare. At her age right now she can only petrify people or make them fall asleep if they are to look at her reflection. When she is a full grown adult Basilisk she then can kill, but I'll figure something out before she can kill anyone." I insured our activities director.

"Alsès, I am going to need you to be the head of the big three cabin and help Annabeth with the Athena cabin." Chiron told me. "Come again!? You want me to watch a bunch of crazy teens and Percy Jackson! If you just want me to babysit the teens or Percy Jackson that's fine with me, but both!? I've heard the stories about him. Both Annie and Clarisse have told me most if not all of the stories of that boy, including Tartarus." I all but yelled at him. The cabins became empty, not to mention my family's tour group had stopped in there tracks, Clarisse stepped in front of them with her spear out.

"Chiron! What's wrong?" A Chinese kid ran over to us from the Ares cabin. "Nothing Frank, I was just talking to our newest cabin head. In fact you are working with her. This is Alsès Black granddaughter of Hades and daughter of Athena." Chiron told Frank. "Oh, are you sure she's not a banshee? She sure can be confused for one." This kid is a child of who? Ares, what an insult to the god of war! Who am I kidding. I'm a Christian this stuff is supposed to be mythology, but then again so is my family. I guess that's why everyone in my very complex family is a Christian.

"Sorry, I just found out that when I was clamed about 9.5 years ago I was actually clamed by my mother and that Hades is my grandfather twice. About the banshee comment, I am many things including a Christian but a banshee is not one of them." I told him, finding my amethyst ring back in it's place on my finger. "I'll show you. FYI I'm a veela so if you start to find me, well you know, just turn around." I said taking my ring off again. 

"I'm dating Hazel. I'm dating Hazel..." he kept repeating in his head. "Dude, some vampires can read minds." I told him. "Alsès! Put your ring back on." Will called running to me from my second cabin.

"Who is that?... Child of who?... head of the big three cabin?..." a lot of people were staring at me. "Alsès", Will grabbed my hand in that brotherly way he did every time something like this happened when we were around each other. "Calm down, let's go somewhere else for you to cool off." He said pulling me away from Chiron and frank.

"Alsès, don't worry about your ring. Feel free to take it off." Chiron said holding my shoulder, trying to avoid Bascila.

"Let's go find Amia." Will offered as we walked towards the canoe lake. "I don't think she wants to be around a monster like me." I said as a tear fell down my cheek. Will turned to face me "Don't you dare ever say that again Loom Luna Alsès Kaitlynn Black! You are not a monster. Monsters are mean and evil. You might be a Death Eater, and you have done some things that are not good but you are not a monster. You are a beast, you choose your own path you are good and amazing and one of my best friends. And I love you for always excepting me even when you don't agree with it." He pulled me into a hug.

"Okay, let's go see Amia. I haven't seen her since I dropped off Bascila, even when I did see her it was for two seconds." I said calming down, and petting my Basilisk.

Alsès Black: A Mixed Up Story! (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now