Ch. 45: The Quest; In Narnia

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(Author's point of view)

Alsès, Nico, and Hazel said goodbye to Seth and Quil before walking over to the Jabberwocky, dragging Alana's lifeless body with them. Once they reached the dead Jabberwocky Alsès threw the child on top, setting the bodies on fire giving them no chance of coming back. "Why? She was a child. At camp she was nice and sweet. What happened to make her hate the Blacks?" Hazel said crying into Nico's chest. "It'll be okay Sis." Nico told her patting her back. "She betrayed the gods. I had known since she stepped on Half Blood Hill." Alsès told her cousins. "Luna, your a Christian. Why do you care about the Greek and Roman gods?" Nico asked Alsès. "Just because I do not worship them doesn't mean I don't except there existence. Aslan has always told us we need to learn about other cultures and religions, specifically ones that we are born into if we are not full Narnian. I was brought to camp because of my healing powers and my extraordinary powers over the elements. I was chosen to be not just a camper but also a 'satyr'. That's why I care about them. I don't like most of them, but I respect and care about all of them. Now let's go to Narnia." Alsès explained to Nico.

The three of them stood in a circle again as Alsès was asking for Aslan's permission to enter Narnia. Within a few moments they were standing by a river. "River Rush!" Alsès squealed with excitement. "River Rush, or The Great River, is the main inland water source of Narnia. It also leads to the other three countries that touch Narnia, although Rush it's self only goes from the Eastern Seaboard to Telmar. Come on I see Caspian Castle, we can probably find my cousins Caspian XI and Ruwle, outside." Alsès told them. As they hiked to the castle, they were talking about the history of Narnia and how it came about. "Alsès, how are Ruwle and Caspian your cousins again?" Hazel asked her. "There mother, my distant aunt, is Susan Pevensey: The Gentle; High Queen of Narnia. She was the first High Queen of Narnia, and I am the second one." Alsès answered in her Narnian dialect, which had been happening since they had arrived in Narnia.

Once they reached just outside the castle wall, Alsès opened the gates. "ALSÈS!" Ruwle called out. "MY LOVE!" Caspian XI called just after his twin brother. After hearing that, Hades' two children gave each other a questioning look like 'what?', Alsès just rolled her eyes at what Caspian had said and ran to Ruwle. "Ruwle! How have you been, oh King of Gryffindor?" Alsès said as she picked him up, she is very strong so it happens. "Good, how about you Al?" He asked once he was put down. "My Love, do you not give a kiss to your most noble knight?" Caspian XI asked his cousin. "Oh yes, I have definitely forgotten about that." Alsès told him walking over to him. Caspian XI puckered his lips, closing his eyes. Alsès did the most unladylike thing ever. She turned to face her other cousins, put one finger to her lips to say 'shhh', turned back around and slapped Prince Caspian XI in the face. "Owww! What was that for Alsès!?" He asked her. "To make it quite clear that I would much rather be a NUN then marry my COUSIN!" Alsès told him. Someone ran down the stairs and opened up the door, "what in Narnia is going on- Alsès, my niece what are you doing here?" Queen Susan Pevensey said. "Aunt Susan, my cousins and I are on our way to find Aslan, we are in need of his help." Alsès explained to her aunt. "Well, Aslan does tend to go towards Cair Paravel more often than not when he is here. Go towards home and you may just catch him." Susan had told the young Narnian Queen.

The Death children left the court yard of Caspian Castle. "Great going cuz! Now we have to walk all the way to your castle, couldn't you have asked for a few horses?" Nico asked Alsès. "Maybe I can be of assistance." A bird man said coming out from behind a tree. "Tash! The god of Archenland! RUN! ACTUALLY, JUMP!" Alsès yelled. All three of them jumped into the Rush, Alsès tried to control the wind to get them across but instead they landed in the water. "If you can't control the air like Jason, maybe you can control the water like Percy and have the water currents take us there." Hazel suggested. "I would, but the Rush is going towards my uncle's castle not mine. Hold on, I've got an idea." Alsès told her cousins. "What, I can't understand you two with your accents and the currents both." Nico said in his normal American dialect of English. "My wings, I have four different sets. My dragon wings are the only waterproof wings I have." Alsès shrugged her shoulders back letting out her lathery dragon wings. "Hold on tight!" Alsès told them.

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