Ch. 15: Valtori Child!

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(Alsès' point of view)

"Did someone get a deer and make stakes out of it!?" I asked smelling the air. "Yes, I thought you would appreciate it. Your grandmother is making stake and eggs for you guys." Carisle replied. "How many eggs, and how do you want them cooked?" Grandma Esme asked Seth and I. "2, scrambled." We said in unison.

"It's creepy enough when the kids do that as sets of twins, I don't want to hear them do it with their partners too!" Jake said looking up from a motorcycle magazine. "You read!?" I asked surprised. "You ride motorcycles and dragon. Not to mention, the main source of communication where you come from is an owl flying from house to house! Of course I read!" Jake replied, a little mad.

"Alsès, any news on your vision?" Jasper asked me. "Not yet, but I have an idea." I told them. "Well, what is it?" Emmett asked. "I go talk to Aro, being a Valtori child I might have some persuasion over him. Not to mention Jane is there she'll back me up!... I hope." I said to my family.

"What about the other pack?" Bella asked. "Easy, send Rosey and Casper to tell Sam, Cas was the one who had that idea last night." I heard Edward say.

"Alsès, Zoey and I will come with you." Jay told me grabbing his twin sister's hand. "I don't think Jarred will like his girlfriend going to the Valtori, even if he didn't imprint on Zo he is way beyond over protective of her!" I told him. "Than, I'll go with you and Jay. If nothing else, I can at least see my little sister again." Alice told us. "Okay, let's go outside so I can teleport us to right out the tower." I said. "I'm coming too." Seth told me. "No! I need you to stay here and lead the pack!" I told him. Seth threw his hands up as if to say 'okay got it!'.

After Jay and I had breakfast, Alice tried to eat a few pieces of my stake as mine was barely cooked. We went outside and I nodded my head and the next thing we knew was we were in Italy, next to the tower.

I saw a Valtori member and called over to him, "Dimitri where is Aro?" I asked him. "Master is in the throne room, why do you wish to see him?" Dimitri asked us. "Aro will be very pleased to see that you have brought your sister Alice with you." He said whispering in my ear. "Leave Alice out of this Dimitri!" Jay told him. "If you must know I can in place of Zoey." Alice admitted to Dimitri.

"Come, we need to talk to Aro now." I told my brother and sister. "Sister, are you sure you smelled your siblings?" I heard Alic say. "Yes brother, I know my young sister's smell; it is the most unique smell ever!" I heard jane say.

"Alsès, I know you are here, and I know you hear me, were are you?" Jane said to me. "Jane!? Jane!" I said as I rounded the corner and hugged her. "Alice!" Jane said shocked. "Surprise little sis!" Alice said almost sheepishly. "Am I chopped liver?" Jay asked. "No, I'm just surprised to see you guys here!" Jane told him giving him a hug.

"Jane, your siblings must be here for a reason. We need to take them to Aro." Alic told her. "Yes, but we also need to make sure that he doesn't try to keep Alice here." Jay said. "Maybe you can come home Jane!" I said a little to excited. "Would grandmother let me come home?" Jane asked, holding onto Alice's arms but looking at me. "With open arms! She misses you a lot Jane!" Alice said, Jane now looking her in the eyes.

We kept silent on the way to the throne room. Alice was scared. Jane and Alic led the way. "Master, brother and I have some people who would like to talk to you." Jane said as we walked in the room. "Aww! Alice, how nice to see you. Though you are not the one who has come to talk to us are you?" Aro said when he saw her. "No, I came in place of one of our sisters." Alice told him.

"Aro, I have seen that you have made a decision about my uncle Regulus imprinting on my adopted cousin Renesmee. I have come to show what will happen if you do not change your mind. May I show you?" I asked holding my hand out. "Yes. You may my child." He replied. "Brother, how do we know that she is telling the truth? We have all seen that she can show us only what she wants to." Caius said in his usual manner.

"Come my child, let me see." Aro said ignoring Caius and taking my hand. "Aww yes, well well well, I see. Alsès has seen that if we are to go to speak with the Cullens all but one, two at the most, will die. Jane, do you believe your sister?" Aro asked looking around the room and landed on my sister. "I have always believed in my sister and I always will believe in my sister!" Jane said looking straight at Caius.

"I believe Alsès, she has always been truthful to me." Marcus said defending me. "Caius, as you can see you are the only one. The others are too scared to go against me. Aro,who was spared for here?" I asked him.

"Jane, will be safe, Alic has a possiblity of being spared." Aro replied scared.

"Jane, your sister has convinced me not to attack for now. If you wish,  you can go home with your siblings and see the rest of your family." Aro said. "But Master, I thought the reason we were here is because we are all orphans!?" Felix said staring at me and Jay. "Felix, you will leave the Valtori child alone! Alsès, please take your siblings and leave." Aro replied.

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