Ch. 33: I Can See...

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(Sokka's point of view)

Alsès put the purple liquid into a special jug on a leather belt and walked over to Toph. "Do you trust me?" She asked. Toph let go of me and walked towards her. "May I see your hand?" Toph put her hand out for Alsès. She held the jug to Toph's hand and the jug shrunk to just smaller than Toph's hand.

"This jug is magical, I synced it to your mind. So if you need it just lay your hand against it, and it will grow. After you are done with it it will shrink." Alsès explained to her. "Is this to help me see?" Toph asked. "Yes, these are eye drops. They will help you see with your feet as if you could see with your eyes." Alsès explained further.

"Cool! Sokka, can you please help me?" Toph asked me. She handed me the jug and I put one drop in each eye for her. "Sokka, is that you?" She asked me. "Yes it's me." I told her. She was amazed at how well she could see with the potion. I just smiled and laughed a little bit.

She started to cry, but I saw biggest smile ever on my Blind Bandit's lips. She jumped in to my arms and kissed me! "I love you Meathead!" Toph told me. Alsès just laughed. "I love you too Melon Lord." I said just before I gave her a soft kiss. Then I noticed that Alsès was gone.

We went back to the house when I heard people talking. "So it only works for like an hour or so at a time?" "Thats right, there is no way to make something like that permanent." "You are going to make sure that she knows this right?" "Of course, I'm not the kind of witch that does something that only works a certain way and doesn't tell people about it. By the way, just because I'm a pureblood that doesn't mean I am against muggles and muggleborns." "What does that mean?" "Muggle: non-magic, muggleborn: non-magic family."

We went in after that. "Hey guys!" Aang said, waving viciously at us. "Hey." Toph said holding on to my arm. "We have something to tell you..." I started, I was hoping Katara would ask about it.

"So what is it brother?" Katara asked. "We are together now." Toph said slowly. Like word for word slowly. "I'm glad you two have finally come to your senses!" Katara said hugging me. "Congrats!" Zuko said slapping my shoulder.

"Guess what!" Toph said looking at them. "What?" They all asked. "I can see! Like you guys can!" Toph exclaimed. "No way! Al's potion works!?" Aang asked. "Of course it does!" Alsès said almost gritting her teeth.

"For your information my sister is better than most of the teachers at Hogwarts at leat, lead alone all of the students when it comes to ANYTHING magic." Henry said coming in with Carlisle. "Yes I would even say my granddaughter here is half the time better than me when it comes to healing, unless she is healing herself." Carlisle added. "Thank you, I appreciate the compliment. Although I hate compliments." Alsès replied.

(Katara's point of view)

"Alsès, would it be possible to get a copy of the receipt for Toph's potion?" I asked her. Sokka looked at me like 'what!?'. "Oh that potion!" It clicked in his head. "Of course! I just have to use magic to translate it as I copy it for you." Alsès replied as she headed back out the door.

"Were are we going?" I asked. "To the potions house. It's just a shed that is just the right temp for all the potion ingredients we keep here. My grandparents, and my two younger siblings before Henry, built it just before we came." Alsès explained. "That's cool. So did Henry come with you?" I asked her.

"No, he came with the rest of the family for our great grandfather's funeral and my Cheif coronation. Hen is a student of Hogwarts school of Whichcraft and Wizardry in Europe, but this year something happened in the Wizarding World just after we left in March. So they decided that they would do things the muggle way this year." Alsès explained.

We were outside of the potions house for a few minutes before Alsès unlocked it. "Woah! This is amazing!" My jaw dropped. "If you think this is amazing, then you should see Professor Slughorn's inventory. We usually only make healing potions and whatever Henry has to make for school." She told.

"So what is your favorite potion to make?" I asked looking around the shed, it looks like it wouldn't hold this much from the outside. "Oh... I don't have one. I always got the highest marks in all of my subjects but I didn't really like potions that much, of course I liked mess with Alister and my friends. But potions was very easy for me, especially since I have always been able to do magic without a wand. My favorite class was actually Defence Against the Dark Arts, or defensive spells." Was her answer.

"So, what is it like to go to school? I've never gone to school so I wouldn't really know." I asked her. "Well my father and I had to keep my gender a secret from my stepmother or I would have been sent to a different school, away from my brothers and friends. That was the first year. Other than that it was mostly good. Although, my father died during the fourth year I was there. His cousin Bellatrix shot a spell at Harry, my godfather. Daddy shoved dad out of the way, not only did daddy get hit he also fell into the Vale. That's the main way my father died. My dad, Harry is still alive. He went back to England with my mum, Ginny and god-siblings after Henry decided to stay with us for school this year." Alsès told me. Almost crying for some of it.

"I can see how you feel about that. I lost my mother when I was like five. Sokka told me that my face is the only one he sees when he tries to pictures our mother." I told her giving her a hug.

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