Ch. 57: Wolfing Out Part 2

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(Alsès' point of view)

After 5 minutes of walking we made it back to 13, just in time to see Sam, Seth, and Paul go into the cabin. "SETH!" I screamed running after my mate. Most absolute law is no wolf can hurt another wolf's imprint! "Al, I'll be fine." He looked right at me, smiling and then turned back around. Quil ran up into the cabin and pushed Seth out of 13. "SETH!" I ran as he fell down the stairs. Jacob ran right in and pulled our friend out while Jay took his place. "Quil Atera! You know that an imprinted mate can NOT be touched! Seth is my niece's imprinted mate!" Jacob exclaimed and almost punched Quil! I was crouched down by Seth, our sisters came over as I stood up screaming! For the first time in years every single person saw the Pure White Wolf of La Push Washington! "WHOA! What is that!?" Someone called out. I jumped on top of my uncle, almost crushing him, but it served him right.

"Loom Luna Alsès Kaitlyn Black-Cullen! Get off of my son now!" My grandfather yelled as he rolled up to check on my brother. I growled at Jacob and Quil and walked over to Billy and laid down at his feet. I'm not scared of many people, but I definitely know who is in charge, even if I am Alpha of the pack and Chief of the tribe. "I do not care what my son was doing, I don't even care if he was going to kill Seth! You do NOT attack your uncle! He is the only one you have left!" Technically, I have many more uncles then just Jacob, Grandfather. But I see were you are coming from. Of course I didn't want him to know how much of a smart aleck I can be. Plus, if you are talking about the Black family I only have Jacob and Paul MARRIED my aunt Rachel and Uncle Daniel is married to Aunt Rebecca Emmeline. Grandpa Billy kissed my head and petted my snow white fur, before rolling over to the ramp for cabin 13. "How's my grand-son doing?" He asked after opening the door and being interrupted by a small pure black wolf. Now I don't remember if I told you what colour his fur was, I don't know if I even said if he had activated his gene. Casper jumped out of the cabin and he and I romped around for a few minutes before he bowed officially recognizing me as his Alpha.

(Puck's point of view; at the time of the meeting)

"The pagans are coming the pagans are coming!" Almost all of us were screaming. "Pan and Cerseis are coming after us! We need to move now!" Zelda Spellman said. "Robin hurry up!" Theo yelled. "I'm coming Theo!" I replied. I do my best to go more of a human pace now. "PUCK!?" A voice called out. "If it's my Sparrowman friend, come to my voice! We can help you!" Someone became visible out of the blue and ran over to me. "Alsès Black! Were do we need to go!?" I asked still hugging her. "This way!" She said leting go and then ushering us towards the area that she had come from. It was an entrance, she had to of switched our sight around. You know making us able to see this camp, and the pagans not see us. "Who are they?" Alsès asked at the same time as Sabrina, after we got past the entrance. "It doesn't matter now, children you need to go back and make sure Casper is okay and the others are not killing each other." A centaur told the Black childern and their friends as he put a hand on Al's right shoulder. You see, soon after entering the camp I hadn't let go of my old friend. "Yes Chiron." They had all returned.

"I'm sorry, but what is this place? And were did my cigarette go?" Zelda asked. "I am Chiron. And this is Camp Half-blood. A camp for Greek Demigods. But, Alsès has helped this place become a half way camp. Somking and drinking is illegal here. Wait, did I hear someone say that Pan was after you!? He faded a few years ago! Some of my campers were there when it happened." The centaur explained and at the end he gave an almost godly laugh. "As far as the Pagans go, I should have listened to Alsès and stayed in the Moores!" I mumbled to myself. "What was that man?" Harvey asked. "Nothing, it doesn't matter now." I answered. Theo looked at me, I learned over and kissed the top of his head. I don't mind that he used to be Susie. All of us heard more yelling. "SETH!" I knew that it was Alsès. She called the name again. "Quil Atera! You know that an imprinted mate can NOT be touched! Seth is my niece's imprinted mate!" I could barely make out that one. "WHOA! What is that!?" Nick called. "Alsès Black! You are still beautiful!" I whispered to myself. Remember when I said that I knew love once, before meeting Theo? It was back in Pixie Hollow. I loved Alsès, but she always would ruffle my hair and say 'I love you too mate, come on bro!' At first I thought she felt the same but then found out from her brothers 'mate' was another name for friend.

Chiron ushered us towards buildings that look like cabins, Alsès was playing with a pure black wolf that was like half her size. "Hey Rose, is that a wild wolf?" I asked Rosalita Black. "PUCK!" She got up from a guy who looks like Jay but with shorter hair, and gave me a hug. "No, that is Casper, my twin brother, also a fast flying fairy." I was trying to figure out what was going on. "His wolf gene activated this morning." Rosey clarified. "Ohhh. Okay." That makes more sense on why they are playing. "Does Al wolf out much?" I asked. "No, this is actually the first time I've seen her wolf out like she did. Leah Clearwater, Alsès is my sister in law. And the guy on the ground is my only brother Seth, Al and him imprinted on each other. They have a set of twins and an adopted daughter." Leah held her hand out for me to shake it."Robin Tomas Goodfellow. Hobgoblin and former fairy." I said shaking Leah's hand. "Dust Keeper, right?" She asked. "YUP" Rosey answered. "I thought you would all be about the same size. How is Casy that small!?" I asked Rosalita, I am shocked but his size. "Actually, Casper is the normal size. He is the same size as his mate." Leah explained. "Casy doesn't have a mate. He hasn't been able to imprint yet." Rosey looked at her sister.

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