Ch. 44: 43 Continued; The Quest

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(Author's point of view)

"Well, lets go!" Hazel said. "Cuz would you do the honors?" Nico asked Alsès. "Of course, let me just make a portal, or I can teleport us to Forks. You guys choose." Alsès told them. "Which is safer? Because that has my vote!" Alana stated very aggressively. "You think a 119, almost 120 year old would not know how to be safe? Do you suggest that we fly using my wings, my broom, and my shield that my mother gave me last time I was at camp? Or should I turn into a dragon, which is probably the worst chose? Up to you Alana!" Alsès snapped at the youngest one in the group. "Teleport!" The two Underworld siblings said in unison. "Okay." Alsès nodded to her cousins; well 'cousin' for Hazel.

"We need to stand in a circle and hold hands, so I can teleport us." Alsès told them, and they did as they were told. Alsès nodded her head once, and they were in the woods. "Quil, do you smell that?" said a young mans voice. "It smells like death. And Alsès! And something that just smells weird?" Quil said to the other guy. "Seth, Quil!" Alsès squealed running off to find them. "Alsès, we need to stay together! Come back here!" Nico said as he and the other two ran off after her.

When they found the two guys, they were not alone. There was a big snow white wolf there with them, licking their faces. "Alpha, we missed you too but can you turn back now so we can hug you?" the guy who looked exactly like Jay but with short hair, asked the wolf. "Alsès?" Hazel asked as the wolf sat down and turned into her friend. "Wolves! You guys are Werewolves?!" Alana said backing away from the three pack members. Alana started to run away, then a few more people came out of hiding.

"Alana! Alana! Wait! I can explain!" Alsès said running after the young goddess. "Woah! Aro, it is nice to make your acquaintance again." Alsès said to her old master. "Although my friends and I see what looks like a small army." Aro told her. "Sir, it is not what it looks like. My friends from camp and myself ran into two members of my pack. Nico, Hazel, Alana, and myself are on a quest. We are trying to figure out what one of my visons means. Do you wish for proof?" Alsès asked Aro, offering her hand. "My child, let me see." He said taking Alsès' hand. "I see, we have no need to fear Alsès and her cousins. Although, It is too late to convince some old friends of yours otherwise." Aro told them as some odd number of figures came into everyone's view.

"Boys, when was the last time we faced the other pack?" Alsès asked the other two wolves behind her. "No clue Al." Seth told her. "Okay, lets do this!" Alsès said as a pair of wings, that were the same colours as the elements, appeared out of her back. Nico and Hazel had their hands on their swords ready to fight if needed. Alana was acting like Jane, during Alice's vision from like 5 years ago, when the Voltari wanted to kill Renesmee. Then from the air Alsès saw, "JABBERWOCKY! RUN! NOW!" she warned yelling; grabbing Alana. Alsès tried to fly the child to safety, but Alana started thrash around and Alsès had to drop her and put an invsofield around her instead. Alsès flew back to the group to see that the other vampires were gone.

Quil and Seth changed into wolves, swords were drawn by Nico and Hazel, and Alsès had her star-blade baton at the ready. Alana ran out from the invsofield that Alsès had made her (she is the daughter of war and beauty/love she can do that), she jumped up and grabbed the hilt of Alsès' sword and activated it. Everyone was working together to defeat the Jabberwocky and the other pack of wolves. Alsès went one-on-one with the Jabberwocky using one of the gifts that Hades had given her at birth and learned from her grandfather Billy when he was Rumpelstiltskin. She literally ripped out it's heart and crushed it, killing the Jabberwocky. After Alsès turned to face the others. "We scared the wolves off, for now." Seth told Alsès, giving her a hug. "We only got two of them, the beta and one of lesser importants." Quil said pointing to two bodies, one male and the other female. "Are they... are they dead?" Alsès asked him. Everyone turned to the bodies, they were gone. "Nico, Hazel? Do you feel anything?" Alsès asked trying to figure it out for herself. "Nothing, not dead or alive. How about you Sis?" Nico asked looking at Hazel. "Same, it's the same feeling I get from Alsès. They just exist, in general. Sorry Al." Hazel said looking at her friend.

"BEHINDE YOU!" four voices said in unison to Alsès. "What!?" she said, turning around as she flew up a little ways. "Alana, what are you doing? The enemies are gone. Everyone here is on your side, Kid give me my sword back." Alsès told her. "No, Gaia said you would take me in. Now I have to follow through with her plains. Kill the eldest children of the Big Three. Which would be Hades' grandchildren. And I'm going to start with the leader of their little group. You know what they say, 'down with the Queen' of Narnia that is!" Alana said swinging at Alsès, who was still in the air by the way. Alsès kicked Alana in the chest, yes she kicked a goddess child in the chest. Alana dropped the sword, Alsès landed 5 feet away from her as Seth picked the sword up. "Come on Kid! You think you can kill me? I'm favored by quite a few of the gods, not to mention you can't kill a ghost." Alsès said walking up to the child.

"Alsès, just because you are a Death Eater and part of the Volturi doesn't mean you can just kill a child. You are not Aro or Voldemort! Remember Bree Tanner! You hated Jane for months because she had an innocent 16 year old killed. Your grandparents were going to help her. Help Alana not meet the same Fate now!" Quil called to his Alpha Wolf. "When someone tries to kill me and my family, they do not get away with it!" Alsès called out. The second Alsès reached the young goddess she ripped out Alana's heart and crushed it. "Now, tell me again what Gaia said to do. Oh wait, you can't because your dead." The Alpha of the Quileute pack told the now dead goddess turned Demigod.

Seth walked right up to Alsès with her sword in his right hand, he grabbed her right hand with his left and dragged her almost out of sight. "Alsès, you are pretty brave and clever. What are you guys going to do now?" he asked her. Alsès took out the map and looked at it, "I think Aslan will be able to help us. We need to go to Narnia." Seth handed back the sword, and Alsès put it away. They walked back to the others. "Come on you two, let's go to Narnia to see Aslan." Alsès said showing Nico and Hazel the map.

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