Ch. 16: Jane!

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(Alsès' point of view)

The same way we went to Italy is how we came back. This time we have Jane with us! Seth came running out of the house, "Alsès! Were you able to- What is she doing here!?" Seth said when he saw Jane. He threw me against a tree, the same tree that Bella accidentally threw him against almost eight years ago to be precise.

"Seth, Jane is my sister... Jane is our sister." I told him very weakly. Jay ran into the house calling, "Carisle! Carisle!". Jane ran to my side, I could see in her eyes that she was going to cause Seth pain. "Jane don't, he and I imprinted on each other, on the second day of his life. You know the most absolute law, Meetca and Daddy made all of us vow to follow it!" I told her still very weak.

Just then; Jay, Esme, and Carisle came outside. I'm almost howling in pain! "My back! Seth threw me against the tree when he saw Jane." I told my grandparents. "Can you walk?" Carisle asked me. "I think so, but it hurts to move my back and my neck." I told him. "You should be almost healed by now though. Why are you not healing?" He asked me.

"My blood is different from a 100% purebred Wolfblood, so I can't heal as fast, Jake doesn't heal as fast as them either. He still heals really fast, but they heal in an instant." I told Carisle. Esme took Jane inside, Alice and Jay pulled Seth to the back of the house and Jake and Emmett ran to where we were.

"What happened to my niece!?" Jake and Emmett said in unison. "Seth threw her against the tree." Carisle told them. I went vesin and howled in even more pain. Members of the pack all came one at a time. Sam was the last one, Billy was with him.

"What happened to my granddaughter!? Who did this!?" My grandfather was mad! "Grandpa, calm down. Seth was only trying to protect me from my sister Jane. He threw me into the tree." I said getting weaker.

(Writer's point of view)

"Jake, I want you to carry her into my office." Carisle told him. "Yes stepfather. What about Seth?" Jake asked, picking up Alsès, taking her into the house. "Alice and Jay are talking to him." Carisle replied. "Doesn't sound like their having any luck Carisle. Do you want me to help them?" Emmett asked. "No, I think Billy might be a better help. You can take him back there though." Carisle told his adopted son.

Emmett rolled Billy to the back of the house. Carisle went inside to his office to help Alsès. The pack members (apart from Seth, Jay and Jake) went inside and waited in the living room and kitchen.

"Blo, do you think Kitlynn will be okay?" Jarred asked Zoey, playing with her hair. "I don't know, I know that she is physically and mentally the strongest creature I've ever met." Zoey/Bloom told Jarred. "Aly, can you see anything with Al?" Bunny asked her mate, and Alsès' twin, Alister.

"Sam, Ro and I have to tell you something.-" Casper started. "But I think we should tell you when we know more on Al first." Rosey finished.

Just then the pictures of Sirius and Balefire woke up. "What happened!?" Balefire asked. "Where is Alsès!?" Sirius continued. Twins! They seem to always have the same mindset!

Little Regulus than came out of his room and heard everyone talking. "Mom? What's going on? Where's dad and Kit?" He asked Renesmee. "Grandpa Carisle is helping Al, your father is in there with them." Renesmee answered her son.

Emmett wheeled Billy inside, followed by Alice and Jay carrying a kicking and (almost) screaming Seth. "Let me go! I need to apologize to Loom!" he growled at them while trying to get away. "No one calls her that unless they mean it. Let Seth go." Billy told Jay and Alice. They let him go, and he was off!

"Carisle let me in! I need to see Loom!" Seth yelled banging on the door. "Let him in Jacob." Carisle told him. Little did he know that Alsès was feeling much better.

(Alsès' point of view)

Jake opened the door, my best friend came running in saying "Loom! I'm so sorry! I love you! Will you ever forgive me!?" Seth was crying. "Seth, I forgave you the second you threw me into the tree... Your very lucky that I can control people, because Jane was going to cause you pain." I told him.

"She doesn't obey wolf laws does she?" Seth asked me. "Meetca and daddy made all of us vow to follow every single rule that could have something to do with our family." I explained to my mate. "My sister now has mixed feelings about our family, our tribe, and our pack. The Valtori messed up how she sees everything except for me." I continued.

Someone was at the door, well two someones. "Alsès, sister, may I please come and introduce myself?" The first one spoke. "Of course Jane, of course." I told her. "Alsès, Rosealita and Casper had said something about telling me something after we knew more about how you were doing." The second one told me. "Sam, tell them that they have my permission to tell you. Although, I would like you to double check with me; you know, make sure that they got it all right." I told him, Sam left to talk to the youngest set of twins.

"I am Jane, I am also a daughter of Sirius Black, I am like Alsès. I am a crossbreed, the main difference is Alsès and I have different mothers and I did not have the gene that let's me turn into a wolf." Jane said, introducing herself. "Seth Clearwater," he said holding his hand out. "Okay, don't shake my hand then... As LoLu has probably told you, she and I imprinted on each other; it's a very long story on how that works; but I had only been alive for two days when Esme brought Alsès to see my family and she and I imprinted on each other. Al is also my very best friend, my sister Leah's as well." Seth told her. They gave each other a friendly smile.

That's how Jane was finally brought home to be a part of the family again! This is the story of my best friend and sister, Jane Daphne Greengrass Black!

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