Ch. 46: Party Planning

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(Author's point of view)

During the first week of February.

Chiron had called a meeting with most of the counselors and satyrs. "Chiron, why are the 'Al' twins, Kayla Knowles, Zoey and Jay missing?" Connor Stoll asked. "They are busy with some of the other campers except for cabins 6 and 3. They would prefer to not have their surprise being leaked. Besides, this meeting is about them. There birthdays are all within the same week. So I thought it would be nice to celebrate there birthdays with a small party. " The centaur told them. "Yeah I remember Alsès and Alistair telling Nico and me about Ne- the project last night in the big three cabin. Now it makes sense why they stopped talking about it when Percy came in." Jason said hitting his head. "My sister is keeping something from me!?" Annabeth said getting upset. "Yeah! And it's AWESOME! You and Jackson are going to LOVE it!" Clarisse said half excited that she knew something Annabeth didn't, and half defending her/their best friend. "No party?" Tyson asked looking at his older brother Percy. "No Big Guy, this meeting is for the birthday party for Jay, Alister, Zoey, Alsès, and Kayla. There talking about something else." Percy told his brother.

Chiron pounded his fist on the table a few times to get everyone's attention back to him. "Now, Amia and Anaiya what type of things do Alsès and Kayla like? Besides archery and singing and dancing." He asked the two female satyrs. "Alsès likes crafts, sewing mostly. And boys." Anaiya said looking at Amia. "Naiy, they both like boys. Kayla likes to colour her hair, maybe we can try to make them look like sisters since they already act like it." Amia suggested. Chiron made note of what was said by the ghouls. "And what about Zoey and the boys? Henry, they are your sister and brothers. Do you have any ideas of what they might like?" Henry's head shot up from the school work he was working on for History Of Magic. Yes, he is still homeschooling. "What!? Oh, Aly and Jay. They like to make Alsès happy, and going to Narnia. Oh, and fighting. And getting stuff for Alsès. Bloom on the other hand, she went to Magix this morning. " He said turning back to his homework. "Okay, no Zoey. Does anyone know what type of food they like?" Chiron asked everyone. "The main thing I see on Al's plate during dinner is meat, she doesn't eat much else." Frank said with his hand half raised. "Wolves do not eat very many vegetables Frank. What is her favorite type of meat?" Chiron asked the group. "Deer! Or cow." Amia said with excitement. "Okay, pizza it is then." The activities director said writing it down. "How about inviting their families?" Nico asked, as he looked up from helping Henry. "But they can't come past the barrier." Percy said looking at Chiron in confusion. "That is a brilliant idea Nico! Henry, you send word to your grandparents here in America; and I will send word to Mr. Knowles. We will have to call the rest of the Black family somehow." Chiron wrote that down too. "Balloons in their favorite colours! Magenta, green, blue and black." Butch from Iris cabin said. Everyone looked at him in confusion. "What? It's an Iris thing to know everyone's favorite colour." Butch was right, even if he was the only one who had that gift. "Alsès' favorite flower is a pink hibiscus." Katie Gardner said walking in with the whole of cabin 8.

"What I miss little bro?" Thalia asked hugging her full brother Jason. "Just that next week we are having a birthday party for a few campers. If you go just past the playing field you will find Alsès and most of her blood family that are here. Except Henry who is sitting with Nico." Both Henry and Nico looked up and waved when Jason said their names. Thalia walked to the two boys, not caring about what Chiron had to say. "Hey cuz, Bud. You must be The littlest brother of Loom Luna Alsès Kaitlynn Black, aren't you?" She asked. "I'm Henry, and yes. By blood that is, we have three godbrothers in England. The Wizarding community over there has been having a hard time since March (2020, yes I'm still a year behind on the writing). I was able to come before it got to where you couldn't go anywhere. Not that our muggle raised dad cared, but our wizard raised family members had never seen anything like this. Spanish Influenza was less dramatic than whatever's happening now. And yes, like Al and Aly I can read minds. Our adoptive uncle on our biological fathers' side, Edward has the same ability. My mother is Athena. Oh, my father and their father are twin brothers, yes it runs in the family. Did I answer all of your questions? I did? Okay." Henry said obviously reading the mind of the Thalia Grace, who was in awe.

"Henry, do you agree that the party should be themed that?" Chiron asked. Henry turned being pulled back to the conversation about the party. "Huh? What?" He asked looking all over the room. "Hen, Chiron asked if we should have a Narnian Ball for them?" Percy said looking at the Narnian prince. "Prince Henrold, does that sound good?" Chiron asked him again. "I'm sorry, yes that would be perfect. What about Kayla though?" The Prince asked. "She loves that time period!" Amia said, going up on the edges of her hoofs in excitement. "Well it's settled then, a Narnian Ball! The Narnians will be in charge of it and everyone will have to help out, including you Clarisse La Rue." The centaur started. "Now if you would excuse me I need to go speak with Alsès and Nyssa." He said before leaving with the help of Jason followed by Thalia.

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