Ch. 36: That's It!

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As Seth was running down the stairs I could tell that he was trying to mentally get a hold of Edward. Then he was kissing my forehead and out the door. "Bye!" I called from the door way. "Love you!" He replied running with Jay, down the path to Edward and Bella's house.

(Seth's point of view)

"We're here." I said as I huffed catching my breath. I know, wolves shouldn't have to catch there breath but, I am not Alsès or any of her siblings. Before we could knock Bella opened the door. "Have you boys come to see my husband?" Bella asked as if she already knew about everything.

"Yes Bella, can Seth and I come in now?" Jay asked. "Of course." She responded letting us in. "Good morning boys." Edward greeted us, as we walked into the living room. "Hey Edward, would you be able to help me pick out a ring that would be perfect for Alsès?" I asked him.

"Of course, but what is my nephew doing here if you are asking for my help?" He asked like he couldn't read minds. "I'm the only biological big brother she has! Not to mention, I know that ghoul better than most people do." Jay said defending himself.

"Alright, alright, let's go before you wolves tare me apart over this." Edward laughed as the three of us walked back to the front door. Well the only door leading to outside. "You coming Bella?" I asked, she sped over to us. "I thought you would never ask." She said grabbing a useless leather jacket and her purse.

(Alsès' point of view)

I think I'm going to write a letter to my friend Annabeth Chase. I do wonder how all of my friends at camp are. Yeah I'm going to write a letter to them.

Dear Annie,
I thought it would be good to write to my 'sister', 'cousins' and saydir friends at CHB. How are you, Grover and Amia? Jay, Alister and I are in Forks. Kagay and Raven are in Halloween Town. I was hoping to get away from the tribe around Christmas time and come see you guys, and meet Percy and Tyson. I can't wait to see Luke again. How is he since, well you know? I hope you can write back.

With much love,
Alsès Black

"Alsès, the gaang is looking for you." Killen said coming into my room. "Okay, I'll be done in a second." I said turning around in my chair scaring my littlest sister. "What's this? Who is Annie?" She asked. "You mean Annabeth? She's a friend in my cabin at Camp Half-blood. I started going there through school." I explained to her. "Oh." She replied.

(Serina the owl's point of view)

"Serina, can you please take this to Camp Half-blood? Thank you." I left with the letter in my beak.

I flew all the way to camp. Alsès didn't tell me who to give it to. Probably didn't know if they would be here or not. Annabeth! "Hi Serina, oh a letter. It's to me too! Come I'll be real quick with the response, okay?" She told me, like I have a choice to leave without a response for my Master.

"Okay I'm done. Here's an owl treat for you. Please take this back to Alsès for me." Annabeth said handing me the letter. I flew off again and before I knew it I was back in Al's room. "Oh, thank you Ser. Your such an amazing owl." Alsès praised me by rubbing my head as I sat on her shoulder.

(Alsès' point of view)

Dear Alsès,
All of us are doing as good as we can. I think we should come visit you in Forks, in December. Maybe we can all go to Narnia, it's been awhile since we have been there together. Do you think Aslan would be okay with it? Don't worry about Luke, he is doing much better. He was moved to Hara's cabin so he won't try to fight any one. Percy and Tyson would enjoy meeting you, I just know it! I can't wait to hear from you again soon, love you too sis.

Love, Annabeth

I read the letter from Annabeth. "What were you saying Aang? I kind of got distracted." I asked him. "Do you know how to get us home?" He asked repeating what he just said. "Of course I do! I'm a witch, Ravenclaw no less!" I told him, kind of being a little to proud of myself.

"Okay, we want to see what it's like around here so we can build Cranefish Town." Aang said becoming overly excited. "You guys will do fine with that city. How about I just send you home?" I asked, more so looking for Zuko and Katara's help.

"Yes, Aang I think it is time to get back. I have some important Fire Lord business that I have to take care of." Zuko reminded him. "Not to mention, you are the Avatar for our time." Katara justified. "Fine." Aang said, we went outside and I opened the portal for them to go home, "bye!" we all said in unison before I closed the portal.

(Seth's point of view)

"Seth, is this the type of store you had in mind?" Edward asked. "Actually this is the store that I was thinking about! How did you- Edward, you are not supposed to just read minds like that!" I scolded him from the back seat.

We went inside, immediately I saw the perfect rings for Alsès. Both represent her perfectly!

This will be her engagement ring

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This will be her engagement ring.

This one (with a blue diamond instead) will be the wedding ring

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This one (with a blue diamond instead) will be the wedding ring.

"I would like these two please." I told the clerk. "Well, you must have one fine young lady if you are getting theses." She said ringing them up and handing me the bag. "What's her name?" She asked. "Her name is Loom Luna Alsès Kaitlynn BLACK. My little sister, Chief of the Quileute Tribe of La Push reservation. Ring any bells?" Jay explained, almost yelling.

"Prince Cordial Jay of Narnia. Yes, yes, High Queen Alsès. Most definitely is a wonderful mate for you young Wolfblood. I hope my Queen agrees to marry you. Good day your Highness, good day to you three." Her attitude towards us changed immediately when Jay spoke to her, had to be a Narnian-Quileute or something like that.

"Well that happened." I said when we got into the car. Edward laughed like it was funny. "What just happened?... Jay, how did you do that?" Bella asked him. "What? She's a Telmarine from Narnia. In fact, she is Henry's servant. Henry is Prince and Commander of the army in Narnia." Jay explained more, Edward just laughed like he was joking. "Oh, you were serious." Edward stated. The rest of the ride was silent.

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