Ch. 20: Alsès the Alpha

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"Who do we have here?" Evan (the second eldest Cameron boy) asked. "Pack, this is Jana. She is a born Wolfblood, and is now half vampire. My uncle Garret found her in the woods. She will be kind of joining our pack.

I will be training her and teaching her on how to do thing the way Sam and Jake have taught me and my siblings. I expect you all to play nice. With that being said, Jana is an Alpha by birth right. Jana does have the ability to imprint on someone. Any questions?" I asked them.

"Yeah, one. Al, how do you expect to teach her when you want to kill her?" Jake asked me. "It's the same thing as you having to get along with Paul because of aunt Rachel. How hard can it be?" I practically skipped into the kitchen.

"Alsès? What do you mean about 'Paul' and the other guy who asked you the question?" Jana asked me as she came into the kitchen. "Easy, my uncles don't get along very well but the main thing they have in common is my aunt Rachel. Jake is the youngest of his siblings, and Paul is married to aunt Rachel, who is the second oldest of Jake's siblings." I explained.

"Do you really hate me and want to kill me?" She asked. "Yes." I told her. "Why? I have never done anything to you?" Jana asked. "You let two pups tell a Scottish human ghoul who they are, who we are! That is not something that can be forgiven easily!" I explained loudly.

Bella ran into the kitchen. "Ghouls! What on earth is going on in here!?" She asked referring to my raised voice a moment ago. "Alsès just explained her opinion of me a little to loudly is all. I'm going to go find mum and dad." Jana said as she left the kitchen.

"Al, I know that you all have had a very long day, how about you and Seth go to your room and go to sleep. Maybe Sam and Jake can help you with Jana in the morning." Bella said ushering me out of the kitchen.

"Good night to those who sleep." Bella said to the whole pack. "Good night." The whole pack said in unison. I started to walk up the stairs and Seth ran up right after me.

"Tired?" Seth asked me. "Bella is making me!" I told him. "Well, you have had a long day." He reasoned. "You sound like my aunt... It's creepy! I'm okay with you being friends with Edward but I'm not okay with you acting like Bella." I finished as we reached our room.

Seth opened the door and after I stepped in he closed it. "Want to have some fun?" Seth whispered in my ear. "We have to be careful or Jake will make us elope if I get pregnant, you know that." I told him. "Okay than we will be careful." He continued. "I have to work with Jana tomorrow." I told him. "Fine, I'll be careful not to hurt you." Seth was trying to get me to say 'fine' or 'yes'.

"I'm going to bed. I don't care what you do, just be careful." I finished the discussion and put on my night gown. I laid down and Seth did the same. I fell asleep.

The next thing I knew I was not feeling well at all! I went to the bathroom attached to our room, I felt like I was going to be sick. "Son, you might want to go check on my daughter. I'll go see if my stepfather is in the living room." I heard daddy say to Seth.

"Al, where are you?" Seth called. "Bathroom. Why?" I returned. "Sirius is getting Carisle for you." He replied. "Why? I'm fine." I told him. Then I did get sick, that never happens! "Your father thinks you are pregnant." Seth stated. "I am!... I never get sick and I just did." I told him.

"Alsès, Seth are you still in the bathroom?" Carisle asked. "Yes, she's pregnant." Seth replied as I got sick again. "What makes you atomicly think that she's pregnant?" Carisle asked. "I never get sick... And I did... Twice." I told him in between getting sick. "How am I supposed to work with Jana today!?" I said getting upset.  "You work with her verbally and I can work with her physically." Seth explained.

When we got down stairs we saw her. "Jana, this is how I'm going to work with you until further notice. I will be working with you verbally, and Seth will be working with you physically." I told her. "Okay." She replied.

We went outside and I had told Jana to stand by one end of the house and Seth to stand on the other end. "Alsès, why are you not doing this with me?" Jana asked me. "Um... complexions.... Seth do the tousle over. Then go in that one cartwheel." I told them. "Al, do you mean the one on the good foot but you use your far hand?" Seth asked me. "Yes Omega, that one." I replied to him.

"Okay, Seth I'm sorry if I hurt you." Jana told him. "We more so have to worry about you getting hurt." Seth laughed. "On your count seth!" I told them as Jarred walked out of the house.

"Hey, I thought you were going to be doing all of this not Seth." He laughed at me. "Um, well, sit down and I'll tell you... I'm pregnant!" I whispered existed after he sat down. Then it hit me! Because of the imprint, Jarred is going to take my daughter away from me in a few years. "Al, I may not be able to read your mind, but I know how to read your face. I will wait for you to give me the okay. Got it?" Jarred told me. I shook my head.

"Seth, be careful we don't want uncle Garret yelling at us because something happened to his daughter." I  told him as they continued to do the tousle over. Jana ran up to us and asked, "well, what's next Alpha?"

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