Ch. 17: Telling Sam

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(Sam's point of view)

As Alsès said, I left Carisle's make-shift home hospital room and went to talk to the youngest set of Black twins. I found them playing with their little step sister Killen.

"Ro, Cas, Alsès said that you have her permission to tell me about what you need to tell me." I told them. "Alsès had a vision last night." Rosealita started. "The vision was of a pack slightly more north of us." Casper continued. They kept switching back and forth on every other sentence.

(Like Sam said, they are switching after every other sentence. Continuing with Rosey.)

"They are pure werewolves not Wolfbloods like us... They don't like that the La Push pack is a mixture of crossbreeds and purebreds... They also don't like that Jake imprinted on Renesmee... The Valtori was going to come, but Al went to talk to them; I believe the decision was changed... If some of our pack doesn't go soon they will be here in two weeks from yesterday or today... I would double check with Al on that last part." Casper finished. (I hope that was not too confusing.)

"Okay thanks, I'll go double check with her now." I told them, they nodded their heads in unison agreeing.

When I was given permission by Alsès to open the door she was standing by the window. I double checked with her that what the twins said was true. The only thing she said was, "they are planning to be here two weeks from today, everything else is 100% true. So, who do you think would be good to go with us to talk to this other pack?" She asked me.

"Alsès, your the Alpha so you pick. The only thing I should say is that I think you should only take one other crossbreed with you." I told her. "I'm taking Jay, you, Paul, two of Jarred's younger brothers; Evan and Nathan, and... should Seth come?" Her statement turned into a question.

"Who is staying here Alsès?" I asked her. "Jake, Quil, Jarred and Ethan, Embry, Leah, and my other siblings, for sure." She answered, still questioning if Seth should stay or come with us.

"Who do you want to take over the pack if you don't make it back and Seth does come with us?" I asked her. "Quil!" Was her immediate response. "Okay, than Seth is coming!" I informed her. "Let's go tell the pack!" Alsès exclaimed with a sad tone.

"Can the pack members come outside, that includes Alice, little Regulus, and Killen, as well." I told the pack. "Yes Sam!" They all exclaimed in unison.

When they had all gotten outside Alsès came up to the porch and stood next to me. "Your turn pup!" I told her proudly, she looked at me and smiled. She looked back to her pack.

"In case you have not heard, there is another pack. They are coming to us from slightly up north, 2 weeks from today. They are werewolves not wolfbloods like us. Sam has told me to pick who I am taking with me to go meet this other pack of wolves. With that said my choice of who is going with me is, my big brother Jay, Sam, Paul, Evan, Nathan, and last but not least, Seth. Who will be Alpha while I am away and if Seth and I do not return is, Quil and to help him. I ask Jake and Leah to step up be co-betas for him." As soon as she had finished Jake immediately stepped up and said this.

"You choose a newer wolf to take over for you and Seth! I'm your blood Kitlynn! How do you expect me to help someone who only-" she stopped him. "Regulus Artillius Black! I expect you to be an example to wolves that have come after you! Especially your son! Do I make myself clear uncle!?" Alsès had done something no one else has ever been able to do. "CRISTAL!" Jake gritted through his teeth. She made Jacob see that he is not as tough, and important as he thinks he is.

Ever since Alsès had told Jake that they were coming, he had been saying 'my little Princess is coming home!' at least 20 times a day! So of course if Alsès has something to do with it Jake would be the first one to respond. Man that boy loves his niece!

"You guys ready!?" Alsès asked the other members that were going with us. "Yes Alsès!" We all said in unison. "Jay, I want you on the opposite side of the circle. Everyone else grab hands." She announced. "Little Kit, what are you doing?" Paul asked her. Alsès had her eyes closed, and was looking at the ground. "If you must know Paul, I am looking to see were that other pack is and if there is somewhere near them that I can teleport us to!" She all but yelled.

"Got it! Hold on tight." Alsès told us and like that, we where off!

(Alice's point of view)

I watched Alsès and the pack members that she had chosen stand in a circle. They were gone! It's really... "Different, when it's from an outsider's perspective?" I heard a voice say. I turned around to see, "Edward, please don't do that!" I told my brother, who was also my uncle.

"Alice, please come join us." I heard the mutt named Quil say. "I actually agree with Jacob! Why do we have to listen to a kid!?" I stated. "Sis, Al trust's him!" Zoey reminded me. "I understand that, it's just that Jake and Alister have way more experience. If you ask me, it's the same thing as if Alsès had put Killen in charge." I told Zo.

"That's it! Come on Kills, let's go make a blanket fort in your room." Embry said as he picked up my little step sister and walked off to my old room. "Fill us in later Quil." He called from the stairs. "Will do Embry!" Quil replied.

I still don't like theses mutts! "Alice, I can tell your upset, do you want to tell me what's wrong?" Jake asked, I turned around and hugged him. What, he is my uncle! I do love him, he's just annoying at times. "I just don't understand any of this!" I said crying. Jasper than came over. "Miss, I hope you are not cheating on me." He teased me. "No, Jake is my blood. I could never do that. I just needed the hug." I told my wonderful mate.

An hour later Alsès and the others were back! "So, what happened? Are they still coming?" I asked. I've never been able to see the wolves like Alsès and Henry. Boy I wish he was here! "Well, let me explain what happened." She told us.

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