Ch. 51: Let us Explain, and Argue

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(Alsès' point of view, same day as the last one)

"Here we are." Jay said as we stopped. "Welcome to Camp Half-blood everyone, you will be safe here. The gods have until camp fire to claim you, if they don't claim you by then you will stay in cabin 11 until they do. I would assume that most of you are legacies and not demigods, so it may take a bit longer to be claimed." I said trying to answer all of their questions. "Hey, first you save me, and now you have some time travelers with you. Who do you not accept?" Fred asked after running, at human speed, to meet us. "Well Freddy, let's just say that I don't even think Alice saw them coming. I think an old friend of mine decided to send them just moments before they got here." I explained to him. 'Fred, that is such a handsome name.' I heard from Diana's mind just before she giggled. "Did you say something Diana?" I asked the giggling child. "No Ma'am." She told me real quickly. "How old are they?" Fred asked looking at them. "I'm 19, Jerry is 18, Diana, Anne, and Cole are 17, and Minnie May is 9." Gilbert said, having to think about Jerry and Minnie May's age. "Why are you pink? And why do you have the ears and tail of a wolf?" I was asked. "My ring isn't working for some reason." I am very confused.

Fred got over it quickly, "Okay, Chiron and Carlisle need to talk to you." He took my hand in his. "Freddy, I love you too but as my little brother." I told him, he laughed hysterically. "Oh, that was what you meant it as. Woops!" I started laughing. "Come on, they want to talk to them too." We walked to the camp fire pit. "I see, you are definitely going to have teach a few classes your self Miss Black." Chiron said as he saw the new campers. "This is Chiron the camp's director, and I am Carlisle my family and I will be helping my granddaughter here with the Inn in New Greece." My step grandfather informed them. "Grandpa Carlisle is also very good at mending people." I informed them as I hugged him. "Speaking of classes, when Mal, Carlos, Evie, and myself first moved off of the Isle we had to take Remedial Goodness the whole first year. Mal always got A's, Evie got B's, and Carlos and I would tie on our grades. Boy I miss him! I can't believe that he drove his bike off the bridge." Jay explained remembering the good times with our friends. He was smiling until he brought up the accident with his best friend. "It's okay, he is okay. The next day I saw him, he told me that he was fine and that he died just before he fell. His foster brother Zanial, the son of Zoey the youngest dalmatian, Carlos tried to talk to him but it didn't work. I've been the only one that has been able to see any of the ghosts that we know." I explained to my big brother while hugging him. "Remedial Goodness? Al, you could have a 21st Century 101 class!" Annabeth said lighting up as bright as Apollo's sun chariot. "Now that is not a bad idea Annabeth. The first class the students can sign up for will be 21st Century 101. Alsès, what other classes are you going to have?" Chiron asked looking over to me and my crying brother.

I stopped comforting my brother to pay attention to Chiron. He repeated what he had just said. "Well, I am going to ask for a list of all the classes for each year at the different schools that my siblings and I have been to. I will have to come up with a modified version of the curriculums though. I know that Headmistress Professor McGonagall is more then willing to-. Sorry, I didn't mean to ramble. The short answer is, I don't exactly know yet." I like to ramble a lot! "Hey guys! What's going on? Also, Nico and Jason are fighting again and Will is in the infirmary for running into a tree while helping us chase after Omga." Bunny said while walking over with Alister. Chiron and Carlisle ran off in the directions of the two events. "The Thunder Drum." My twin cleared up. Just then behind Bunny I saw her twin brother Glacier Phoenix Evermoon. He's dead. "What do you want!?" I yelled picking up a stone and threw it at the ghost. "Whoa! What was that for Sis?" Bunny asked dodging it. "Your stupid brother!" I told her, I was about to just teleport back to my cabin. "Glacier? He's DEAD! You know exactly what happened. That mark became permanent because of it!" Oh yes, my dark mark. Not my choice, it was Lucius and Bellatrix who had us all do it really.

"Come on everyone, I'll take you to meet the other campers. We will leave you four to have your discussion about your family." Annabeth told us while pointing at us. "No Chickadee, I am in charge of them. I will come with you, besides you and I are co heads of Mother's cabin." I told her as I jogged to catch up to them. "You know, for a- person like you I would not expect to really see you that slow." My blonde haired, gray eyed sister remarked. "How fast can you go?" The littlest one asked. I looked at her, giving Minnie May Barry a bright closed lipped smile. "So fast that you might only see a blure!" The others laughed. Annabeth, being the only one who knew that it was true, defended me with a giggle. "Do you think that she asked to look like this? My sister is the strongest person that has existed in at least the last 120 years! Not to mention that as far as her pack goes, she is the fastest member. Only to be rivaled by her twin brother Alister and her uncle Regulus. She is one of the smartest people I have ever met, and she was in the house of Ravenclaw when she went to Hogwarts. There for, you should know that she speaks the truth." Her tone ended in an almost upset manner when she finished talking.

"Little sister, it's okay. I don't mind. It's breakfast time, I can tell you that Percy is almost at the bell. It's his turn to ring it." I told her just before the bell rang. "How do you do that!?" Annabeth asked me while shaking her head. "He has a very loud mental voice." Was my response. "What!?" Cole asked as he caught our stride. We stopped walking, just short of the dining pavilion. "Short of the long is, I can get into others heads and know whats going on with them. Creepy and cool, I know." I explained to the boy. "Alsès, hey! Is there a spell to make the bell easier to ring?" Percy asked out of breath. "I'll do some research, but I don't think so. Maybe a spell so it can just ring itself." I told him shrugging. "What is that!?" Annabeth asked when the bell rang once again. "Chiron! Chiron what's going on!? Why is the bell- HOLLOW! EVERYONE RUN!" I called to the whole camp. Everyone ran in different directions and all ended up in The Big House. My brothers and I tackled the monster to the ground, and put a Hollow muzzle on it so it could not open it's mouth and eat our eyes. I walked on to the monster's chest and ripped out the heart and crushed it. The boys tour the monster from limb to limb, carried the pieces to the fire pit, and I set it on fire. I just had to make a fireball and gently threw it at the pile.

"The bell." Henry told me. "Go on brother. Yes, you can use your speed." I told him with a smile and a kiss on his cheek. "Do you think anyone had a heart attack from that?" Jay asked. "Killen and Ro, probably." Aly answered.  "They would be the only other people who could see it." We laughed at our sisters. "Alsès, who rang the bell?" Casper asked me. "I don't know. It had to be one of them." I looked right at my little brother. "Is the scary thing gone?" A voice called. "Estelle?" I called to the child. "No more bad things?" She said coming out from behind a tree. "Estelle!? What are you doing here!? You know you have to stay with Percy, Annabeth, Tyson, or Nico when you are at Camp. Did you ring the bell?" I was definitely not happy with this kid. "Yes, I  was with Will and Nico waiting for Percy and then I saw a huge black thing coming down the hill." She told us. "Paul's family must have been Hollow Hunters! There used to be tone across the Americas, and now they are almost extinct or have no training. Did you see were he came in at?" I asked Estelle. "This way." She took my hand, making me follow her. "Thalia's Tree. There must be a crack in the barrier or something. Go get Annabeth, Chiron, and Raven, for me please." I told the young peculiar child. "Okay!" And she skipped off to get them...

Alsès Black: A Mixed Up Story! (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now