Ch. 22: That Was FAST!

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It's been two days since we found out that I was pregnant. I'm half surprised that I already look nine months pregnant. Grandpa Carisle did say that he didn't know how long it would last, but I didn't expect it to be this quick. For the past few days I've had Seth and Jarred hovering over me like I'm a... I don't even know! I love them but oh my ghoul!

"Seth!" I screamed in pain. "Carisle!" I screamed. "Right here Al!" Seth said as he and Jarred ran into the living room. "Alsès, I'm going to need you to stay calm!" Carisle said as he walked into the room. Seth picked me up and carried me to the office. As I looked back Jarred was SCARED! Luckily Jake was there to calm him down.

An hour later the twins were born and in mine and Seth's arms. "What should we name them?" I asked Seth as Carisle left the room. "Let's name this little princess Kristal, and our little man... I don't know, you choose." Seth told me. "How about, Seth-Lee Harold Balefire Clearwater? And Kristal Leah Susan Clearwater?" I asked him. He kissed my forehead and said, "perfect! I love it! Perfect combination of our families! Susan is the name of my mother and one of your aunts, Lee and Leah is from my sister, Harold is my father and if it's shortened to Harry it also represents your godfather, and Balefire is your uncle." I didn't think of any of that, I just picked names that I liked! "Well, Kristal has christal white hair, so Kristal; and she has darker skin so Leah and Susan. For Seth-Lee, he looks exactly like you and Leah, except he is as pale as I am!" I finished with a laugh. "Can I come in?" Jarred asked. "Of course you can! Don't you want to meet your mate?" I told him as he came in.

"She is as beautiful as can be! Wait, she has white hair!" Jarred said a bit shocked. "Her name is Kristal, and it's spelled K-r-i-s-t-a-l. Seth is holding her little brother Seth-Lee, he looks just like Seth and Leah except he's as pale as I am." I explained. "Hey, where's my great niece and great nephew?" Jake asked as he came in. "This is Seth-Lee Harold Balefire Clearwater, and Jarred is holding Kristal Leah Susan Clearwater." Seth replied handing Jake our son.

Jake looked over to see Jarred as happy as can be. To be honest, Seth and I followed his eyes. "I was right Al, he did imprint on her. Although, I think she imprint on him too." Jake said very happy but also remembering that the exact same thing happened with Seth and me.

"Alsès, I'm going to keep my promise to you. I will not ever touch her in a romantic way until you give me your permission." Jarred told me. "I will protect them with my life! I'll help you and Seth teach them how to be wolves when they come of age." Jarred said out loud so Seth and Jake could hear him. "You love both of the twins, don't you?" I asked him. "Well, if I protect one, I have to protect them both. But yes, they are just like the two of you!" He said as happy as can be.

Bella, Edward, Renesmee, and Little Regulus came into the room. "There beautiful! So what are there names?" Bella asked us. "Jarred has Kristal Leah Susan Clearwater, and Jake has Seth-Lee Harold Balefire Clearwater." Seth told her.

"Cool names! I wish my name was that cool." Little Regulus said. "Reg, your name is cool! Your name has a history behind it! I love that your name comes from our fathers' family! You should be proud to be a Black! We have the most nobel and pure wizarding name in the whole world!" I explained to my cousin.

Over the last week, the twins have grown a lot! Carisle said that it seems like they are skipping 'years'. I'm just glad that all of us are used to this. Jarred as done almost everything for them. Kristal has taken to him very well. Seth-Lee is always asking to play ball with him.

"Jarred, can you please play dolls with me?" Kristal asked him. "No Sissy, he's going to play ball with me!" Seth-Lee demanded. "Twins, be nice to Jarred!" I told them as I was reading a book as I sat upside down on the couch.

"How about I help you both with your tricks!?" Jarred asked happily. "YEAH!" My twins said in unison. With that the three of them went outside.

"So what are we reading?" Seth asked as he leaned over the back of the couch to look at me. "Fantastic Beasts. Did you know that there are several different divisions for Beasts in the English wizarding world!?" I asked him enthusiastically. "What are some of the divisions?" He asked. "There's the goust division, the beast division and there is another that I'm forgetting but I don't really care enough to look." I told him as I closed the book and swong my legs over to face the right way again.

"How long do you think we have with them before Seth imprints and Jarred takes Kris?" I asked Seth. "Your the one who can see the future, so you tell me." He replied. "From the looks of it two years, three tops." I told him honestly.

"Alsès, Serina is back!" Esme called from the front door. "Really!? Let me see!" I said as I ran to the door. "Here you go Pup!" She said handing me my owl and letter. After I finished reading it Seth asked me what it said. "It says, 'don't forget that on the 30th of July it is Professor Neville Longbottom's birthday and on the 31st of July it will be Professor Harry Potter's birthday as well please wish them both a very happy birthday and good luck on the next school year to come. Sincerely yours Professor McGonagall the headmistress Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.' I need to make cards for them!" I said after I read it out loud.

I ran up to my room and made my dad and 'uncle' birthday cards and had all of my siblings sign them. Oh, I had the rest of my family sign dad's card. "Serina! I have a job for you!" I told her calling her. "Whoo!" She said in reply. "This one is for dad." I said holding up a goldish envelope. "And this one is for uncle Neville." I said holding up a light maroon envelope.

She took them to the outside door of the room. I opened the door for her and she rubbed her head against mine. Then my beautiful snowy owl was off! She looks just like Headwick, makes sense because Headwick was her mother.

My twins, Seth and Jarred all came into the room. "Good thing I wasn't changing! Seth Lobo Clearwater it is always a good idea to practice knocking. Especially since you are a father now!" I told him. Wow! I really just noticed how big they are. That was fast!

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