Ch. 28: The Walk

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(Zoey/Bloom's point of view)

After Al and I stopped jumping. I ran back to our friends and was about to jump into Sky's arms, but Stella (my best friend) stopped me and pointed to who beat me to Sky. "Why didn't you tell me that I was going to be able to finish my schooling all in one place!? And of course I'm glad that I don't have to leave any of my friends! Speaking of, were are Roxy and Mirta?" Alsès asked Sky. "They had to much summer school tutoring to come with us." Stella told us.

"Speaking of which, shouldn't you be there right now Stella?" Tina, Tecna's little sister asked her. "Yeah sis, aren't you supposed to tutoring with Farigonda?" Luna asked Stella. "Okay, okay, I get it! I skipped tutoring to see Al and Blo!" She told them as we laughed. "What's so funny?" My best friend asked us. "You are Princess!" Branden, her boyfriend and Sky's squire told her.

"Back to what Alsès was talking about, I wanted to tell all of you about the school in person. Bloom, would you like to accompany me on a walk along the shore line?" Sky asked me. "Of course Sky, your my best friend! Why wouldn't I want to take a walk with you?" I asked the most handsome and brave guy in the whole magic dimension!

After we got away from everyone I could tell that I had a spy listening in on our conversation. I could tell that Sky knew too because he just laughed! "I wonder what Miss Black is doing right now?" I said knowing my sister couldn't resist listening. "Who knows, probably training. Actually, she might just be reading a book. Well listening to a book." Sky said trying to give our sister some ideas of what to do instead of listening in on people's conversations.

"Zoey?" Sky asked me. "Yeah Sky, what's up?" I asked smiling. "Umm... Alsès and the boys had helped me but I still don't know how to say it." Sky basically trailed off.

(Sky's point of view)

'Alsès, are you able to talk for someone, like through there body?' I asked my adopted little sister. 'I can try. Wait a sec! I thought you didn't want me to listen in on the conversation!' Al scolded me for that one. 'I need your help! Your the only person who can actually talk to people like this. Please?' I begged my sister for help. 'Fine I'll try!' She is not happy with me right now.

(Alsès speaking through Sky/ my point of view)

"Zoeinta Bloominescent, will you be my girlfriend?" They asked. "Yes! Yes! Of course I will!" Zoey said jumping into Sky's arms. "Sky? I have something that I need to talk to you about too." She said half looking away from Sky. "What is it?" He (by himself) asked. "Has Al talked to you about wolf stuff?" She asked him.

"Explain please." Sky answered with a statement. "Imprinting and the most absolute law. Amongst other things like training and Alpha females/daughters of Alphas can imprint and stuff like that." Bloom explained to him.

"Zoey, did you forget that; one: Alsès was partly raised in my castle, two: I myself and my biological siblings are similar to your biological family in the terms of being vampire, and rabbit instead of Wolfblood. It pretty much works the same." Sky explained.

"I guess I did forget that, but I believe I imprinted on you. It was back when we first met in Gardenia." Bloom admitted. "I know I've seen you before Gardenia. I just don't know- Alsès' pictures!... Sorry, guess I just got stuck on the 'meeting in Gardenia, but I already knew you' thing." Sky blushed.

"Al has pictures of me?" Zoey asked. "Of all of us, except Princess. Those are of Astoria. Most of the pictures of the family are on the wall in our room back on Eraklyon." Sky answered. "The two of you share a room!?" She was shocked.

"Well technically we each have our own room but Alsès never sleeps by herself. The pictures are on a wall in HER room but- wait you imprinted on me!?" Sky was shocked!

"Sky, I have always had the same feelings for you as a wolf has for there imprint. At first I thought it was just because of my little sister always being around you, and that made me want to protect you so she would always have someone to take care of her. Now I know that it's because of the imprint, Jarred was the same way. He imprinted on Kristal Leah Susan Clearwater Alsès and Seth's daughter the twin sister of Seth Lee Harold Clearwater... I'm talking to much aren't I?" Zoey stopped talking after that.

"Bloom, I don't care if you imprinted on me or someone from Timbuktu. The reason for that is because I love you no matter what." Sky told her. "I love you too Sky." Bloom replied with a kiss.

(Alsès' point of view)

"Hi my little Snow Princess!" I said to my VERY blonde Native American daughter. "Mummy, I love you." Kristal told me. "I love you too Kris." I said back to her. "What are Auntie Blo and uncle Sky doing over there? Gross! They kissed!" Oh Kristal. "I heard what you were just thinking mummy!" She told me. "My sweet daughter, you will understand very soon." Very soon my dear, very soon. With that I let out a sigh.

(Jarred's point of view)

Kristal is growing up very fast, I know Jacob said that wolf hybrids grow faster than vampire hybrids but I didn't think he meant this fast.

"Hey dude! What's up?" Seth asked me as he walked to the tree I was leaning against. "When will she be fully grown?" I asked not even looking at my future father-in-law.

"Carisle, Sky, and Jake have all said; probably when the twins are 6 months old. Can you wait that long?... Give Alsès that much time, with them?" Seth asked me as to answer my question. "I'll do my best." I said with a sigh.

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