Ch. 34: Alfea vs. Witch U.

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After Katara and I got back in the house I got a call from Kagay and Raven Zabini.

"Hey dude! What's up?" I asked answering the call from Kagay's phone. "Hey Al, Ra(ray) and I both got accepted into Witch U. in Holloween Town. We where wondering if you got your owl from them yet or not." He told me.

I walked to my room. "Ummm, I thought I told you that I was going to go back to Magix if I was going to go to school. I haven't even applied for anywhere yet. Anyways, I'm helping Heny and I have full custody of Killen and I have to stay here and; although Seth hasn't asked me to marry him, I have to start planning the wedding." I explained to my best friend.

"Aly Kat! Did you forget that our mother and Narcissa have had you and my brother betrothed since we were practically babies!? How are they going to let you marry a half blood?" My other best friend, Raven asked me.

"I don't know RaRa." I told her. "Al, who would you choose?" Kagay asked me. "Well Seth is already Chieftess so it's pretty much already chosen for me. But if I had the choice, I don't know. Seth is my imprint though. I guess Seth." I told him half sighing.

"Kat, if you were free to choose anyone in the world, no strings attached or anything like that. Who would you choose?" He asked me again. "Let's just change the subject Zabini! So, when do you start your actual classes?" I asked them. "November second, they like to do two months of orientation classes so everyone can get to school." Raven told me, she seemed as ready to switch topics as much as I was.

"Hey, Killen just came into my room. Yes Sissy?" I asked her. "Two questions. One, who are you talking to? And two, do you know were my broom is? I was going to fly Embry down to Grandpa Billy's house." She said, still looking like a little kid to me.

"One, Kagay and Raven are on the other line. Two, it's in the front closet with the other brooms. Make sure that you take your broom. We most certainly do NOT want a repeat of last week." I told her as she nodded her head.

"Sorry about that. For all I know, she only heard up to 'your broom is in the front closet'. I just hope she grabs the right one this time." I told myself more so. "What happened last week?" I heard Raven's voice say. "Sorry, last week Killen was going to fly around in the woods. I was totally okay with it. Until I went to get my broom to go practice Quidditch on the beach. Low and behold, my broom was gone and Killen's was still there in it's own slot."  I explained to my friends.

"So, Killen took your broom. Knowing that broom it bucked her off a few times didn't it?" Kagay laughed. "Yes, I ran outside to see my palm hit my forehead because my broom barely let's me have a second person on it. Let alone a different rider, Starcatcher is the same exact way." I told them as I heard something.

"Al! It's happening again!" Alister yelled up to my room. "Got to go! Love ya! Bye!" I hung up before they could say anything, dropped the phone on the bed and ran as fast as I could. Aly pointed outside as I ran past and he followed behind. "Embry Call! You were to make sure she grabbed HER broom!" I called to him.

I raised my hand towards them and said, "Firebolt return to my side!" It landed in front of me. "That's it young lady! You are not only grounded from your broom for a month, but every single broom in this house is going to be kept under lock and key. And this family has you to thank! Now go to your room!" I told her as she got off my broom, Embry handed me my broom to me.

"Are you okay Em?" I asked. "Yeah, it's just I don't think I will be flying any time soon though." He replied. When we got inside everyone was in the living room. "At least we are all here. Thanks to Killen Hope Jones, all of the brooms in this house are going to be in my room under lock and key. With that said, I need every flying broom brought to my room now." I told them all of the brooms (and the owners) left to my room. The gaang just sat there waiting. Aang even tried to give me his glider which I refused of course.

"Why can't Kill just listen like everyone else?" Henry asked a little upset with the youngest sibling of the bunch. "I don't know Heny I don't know." I told him sighing.

After I finished putting all of the brooms away I called Raven's phone. "Hello?" Asked a males voice. "Hi, I'm calling for Ravana Queen Zabini. Is she there?" I said asking for my friend. "Ra, it's for you." I could hardly hear him say. "Hey, what up?" She asked. "Was that Lewis Weasley as in my cousin?" I asked remembering the two of them being together. "Lewis, Al figured it out babe." Raven said over her shoulder. I heard my 'favorite' cousin laugh.

"So you and Alister are not going to any school this year?" Raven asked. "Ra, I have to get back to Alfea before I get into trouble. Oh Alsès, I'll call you tomorrow." Lewis said before I heard my god-cousin's door close. "He's cute!" I laughed. "He's amazing actually. For me, he's better than your other cousin from Narnia. Don't get me wrong I love everyone in your family but Rahul just wasn't the guy for me." Raven justified.

"Susan and Caspian X are great parents and everything, but Caspian XI just did not get the attention that he needed." I laughed at the fact of my cousins being totally opposite of each other. "And the fact that Caspian likes you and Rahul is always saving you from Caspian." She agreed laughing.

"Oh, to answer your question. Aly and I will not be going anywhere this year at least." I told Raven. "Well maybe next year, anyways dinner is going to start soon so I have to go. Talk to you later Al." Raven said before hanging up.

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