Ch. 61: Esme's Family Comes to Visit

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(Alsès' point of view)

It's mid April now. I've come across this book series: Crave, that almost reminds me of what Stephenie Meyer and JK Rowling had both, individually written about my family. One thing in the series rung a bell, Isadora Vega. I did go and cross reference the name with my family tree and on Fandom wiki. And I have two great great uncles that are about grandma's age, maybe this Jaxon could be closer to my age but no one actually says how old the Vega siblings actually are. The boys are not quite 200 years old, and Isadora is 1,000 or so. Well, either way I have teacher interviews today, Chiron agreed to help me and Analeah is here too. Analeah can tell when someone is lying or has bad intentions, definitely gifted. "Alsès, how do you plan on keeping track of the different kinds of students? Are you going to do some sort of sorting ceremony like Hogwarts and Ilvermorny, or some sort of sign like the camps for Demigods?" Chiron asked catching my attention. "What? Oh, I don't know. I know that I can't just leave them to their factions like Demigods and vampires, wolves and witchs, fairies and mermaids, and everything else. I have no idea what to do." I slump in my chair.

"Mum? Are you okay?" Ana can tell that I'm not, yet she still asks. She is so sweet. "I'll be okay Love." My English accent slipping like it does sometimes. "Do you have an idea Dear?" I asked looking at my daughter. "Well, maybe you could have them show you what they can do and sort them that way." She offered. "Or would that be more on the factions, flyers and swimmers." I smiled at her. "Yes it would be something I'm trying to avoid." Then we hear a knock on my office door, it's not Alice so I use magic to change the room to look like what I would have done, but I did keep the tree. "Come in." I announce to the stranger. "Hello, is this Headmistress Black-Cullen's office?" A young lady asked. "We have an interview with her, and the acting Deputy Headmaster." The young man beside her explains. "Yes, I'm Loom Luna Alsès Kaitlyn Black-Cullen, the Headmistress of The Magical Boarding School and University for Demigods and Wesen. And this is Chiron, the acting Deputy Headmaster. And this is my eldest daughter Analeah. Please take a seat, and don't mind my appearance; I'll just put my 'human' ring back on." I tell them. I noticed the rings that each of them had. "Vampyrs?" I asked. "I am. My mate is not. That is just a promise ring I gave her a couple of years ago." The guy explained, he reminds me of Lucius. "I went to school at Hogwarts and I lived in England, so did Ana until two years ago. My mate and I have just adopted her recently, but she remembered me from school." I said, making sure to speak with my accent. "Your a witch? I understand that the Headmistress was a lot of different paranormal creatures all rolled into one?" The ghoul asked.

"I am. Now how about you introduce yourselves to us?" I asked. The ghoul spoke first. "I'm Grace Foster, I'm a Gargoyle and a Demigod. Not to mention I'm Queen of the Gargoyles." She said. "Hud-" I interrupted. "Hudson Vega, second to the Vampire throne. Isadora Vega is my great grandmother. It's an honor to meet you. Grace, just ask and I will have my brother Henry retrieve the Narnian Military and we will back you guys up." I tell them. "How do you know about us?" Hudson asked. I walked over to the tree on the wall. "Come. I would like for you to see this Mr. Vega" I gesture for Hudson to join me at the tree. "Do you mind if I look at the books you have on the desk?" Grace asked, I knew she was looking at me. "Of course, Love. You can look at whatever you wish." I told her, my accent slipping again. "Why did you call me 'Love'? I thought that only family would do that." Hudson looked at me when Grace had asked that. "Well, in England mate means friend usually, and Love and Dear are used to say You are my friend or family. As Mr. Vega is technically my uncle, you my dear are family as well." I explained leaving out that those same words can be used to insult a person as well. "Don't forget that they can also be used to insult a person." Hudson continued with what I had purposely left out.

"Izzy is your great grandmother?" Hudson asked looking at me. He hugged me. "I'm sorry that you have to be related to my sister." With that hug I received a vision. Or maybe a memory. "Get away." I whispered. He let go. "Mr. Vega, I think you should sit down. Alsès. Sit down. I'm sure Seth will be here in a minute. Anyways, what do you think makes you eligible to be a teacher here?" Chiron asked both of them. "Well, I received my doctorate in veterinarian science last week." (The author of this book could find no information on what Hudson Vega study.) Hudson explained to us. "I'm a marine biologist, like Hudson, I got official documentation last week." Grace chimed from my bookshelf. "This book, it seems familiar. Hudson, didn't someone by the name of Tracy Wolff interview us and Jaxon?" Grace asked holding Crave above her head. The four books that are currently out are on the same shelves as the our 'fictional' documentaries, along with Percy Jackson, Twilight, Harry Potter, and Narnia. "That is your story, as a Headmistress, and someone who also has parts of their life public, I believe I should know as much about our crazy worlds as possible. I hope you don't mind. And please if you do get a job here keep the inappropriate language to a minimum around the students." Grace and Hudson stare at me, for two completely different reasons.

Grace is staring at me because of the documentaries and how I can say that I'm part of even though I'm not mentioned once, and Hudson can not believe that I asked him to not curse around my students. "Hudson, it's my school so whatever I say goes." I explain to him. "All the books on those shelves, Mum was interviewed for them but no one ever included her or her siblings. That's why you know next to nothing about her." Analeah spoke for the first time since the young couple came in. "Well, I was hoping that we could be co teachers for your Magical Creatures 101 class. Unless that role has been filled?" Grace said as she sat back down. "We will have to think about it. What other classes could you possibly teach? We have flying 101, with brooms and wings. Magical History. And many others, you must have been sent a list." I became professional once again. "How about Tactical Training? I had seen that you will be teaching all sorts of defensive training." Hudson looked interested with that. "How about you two leave your resumes with us, and we will contact you as soon as we know." Chiron asked them. They leave their resumes and leave.

Another knock on the door. "Come in." I call. The door opens, and in walks who I can only think to be Jaxon Vega. "Hi, I called yesterday to schedule an interview with the Headmistress?" He asks. "I am she. This is my Deputy Headmaster and my daughter." I gesture to both of them. "I see my older brother and sister-in-law are also applying for jobs here too." I giggle just a bit. "Well yes, is my Great Grandmother applying as well? Isadora Vega I mean?" I asked with a smile that I hope says 'I have heard nothing about her application yet'. "No, she actually took Hudson's place on the Vampire throne after she graduated." Jaxon explained. "Well congratulations to your new Queen. My name is Loom Luna Alsès Kaitlyn Black-Cullen. My mate, Seth, should be here soon, Chiron had informed me no more than 10 minutes ago, when your brother was here." I can hear arguing and Analeah goes to stop it but the door opens. "Hey Ana, Kitten, Chiron." Seth walking in. Accent slipping again, "Love, I'm in the middle of an interview." I say while Jaxon turns around, smelling the wolf. "You are mated to a wolf?" He asked looking right at Seth. "Aren't you dating a dragon?" I asked moving Court to my desk and it opens to the exact spot where the idea is referenced that Jaxon is dating Flint Montgomery, a dragon.

"What are you!?" He almost laughs in amazement. "Among other things, a Crossbreed." Seth answered kissing my hair. "Omega, sit down would you!?" Of course he did as I said. "Of course your an Alpha. You definitely seem like one." His thoughts continue way past that. "My family, pack, and tribe all believe that I am a very good Alpha, I'm also Chief of my tribe. My whole life I have been in the center of whatever Hierarchy my countries countries have. Gaurdian, Crowned Princess, Queen, High Queen, Chief and Dragon Master, Chief and Alpha; the list goes on." I explained, accent fading in and out as I spoke to him. "Um, well, Mr. Vega, how about you just leave your resume and we will get back with you." Chiron says trying to be as professional as possible. Jaxon leaves a few different stapled packets on my desk, and exits the room. "This day has not gone as planned! At least I just have a few Demigods to interview now. And you, Seth will take a seat outside my office door. Consider it something like public detention. Now go!" I point to the door. "Ana Dear, please allow your father a seat from one of the nearby classrooms." She nodded and obeyed.

As the day went on we did have some duds but I knew exactly where to put everyone who made the cut. "Hello, this is Alsès the Headmistress of The Magical Boarding School and University for Demigods and Wesen, I would like to know if ******* ******** was around?... Okay... I would like to let you know that you will be the ********** ********* teacher this fall. A teacher's meeting will be held on May 28, 2021 at 12:00. The same location as your interview, but we will be in the Auditorium instead of my office... Good, see you then." This is the side of the call I made to everyone who made the cut, that you readers are allowed to know. I can't wait for you to know who our teachers are going to be!

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